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Report to the Royal Duma - Surgeon General


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Hospital of St. Amyas

Report to the Royal Duma





IN RESPONSE to Alderwoman Erika Barclay’s ‘Letter to the Royal Duma on Aulic Councilors’ the Hospital of St. Amyas finds it fit to respond as per the wishes detailed in the letter. We also appreciate the inclusion and agree that the Hospital’s policies should be transparent to outsiders, in the interests of good health, even if it does not occupy an Aulic office. 



The Office of the Surgeon General, 




The Surgeon General serves as the Head Medic of Hanseti-Ruska, and is charged with running the Hospital of Saint Amyas. This involves leading the training and lesson sessions of the Hospital’s apprentices, treating a large variety of patients with utmost care and measure, oathing trained and tested apprentices with the Oath of Good Faith, maintaining connections with foreign medics and the AMC, issuing payment to Hospital staff, and managing the Hospital’s paperwork along with all of its projects. 




During my tenure, I have continued the good work of now-Koenas Emma Karenina by continuing to practice her curriculum and teaching it to apprentices. I have instituted in my Revisions For the Hospital of St. Amyas the new specialisations which physicians may take up including: Herbalist, Alchemist, Combat Medic, Midwife, Family Nurse, Therapist. One of my earliest reforms was the addition of biyearly pay issued to working Hospital Staff courtesy of the Ludovar Foundation. I have also, with the assistance of Lady Erika Barclay, rewritten the outdated Hospital of St. Amyas Code of Conduct. I have begun the process of attempting to pass bills through the Royal Duma advocating for the rights of Haeseni Medics and the conditions under which they must work. And recently, I have connected with and been one of the founding members of the Almaris Medical Community, an institution devised to regulate practicing medics and prevent medical malpractice throughout the continent; led by the Head Medics from each respective nation. 



The Hospital intends to recruit more apprentices in the coming years, and I am beginning to train my replacement so that I may soon retire. I still wish to pass legislature through the Royal Duma regulating medics in Haense and decreeing specifically what their rights entail to ensure no unfortunate legal consequences for unknowing medics at later dates. I also still wish to issue official AMC licenses to all current Physicians, and apprentices. This should aid the AMC in its work and I wish to continue furthering my relationship with foreign medics, possibly to send hospital staff on expeditions abroad where they can gather a larger breadth of teaching, practical experience treating more patients, and assist in areas of the continent where medics may be lacking. 





Her Ladyship, Adrianna Irene Darkwood née Barclay, Surgeon General of Hanseti-Ruska

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