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Notice of Resignation

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The United Provinces of Dùnrath

Roinnean Aonaichte Dhùnrath

Förenade Provinserna Ratteborg


Notice of Resignation

Sanas mu dhreuchd a leigeil dheth

Besked om uppsägning


Greetings, Citizens and Residents of the United Provinces, and beyond,


Due to the deterioration of my health, I, Dùghlas MacDhaibhidh Sutharlainn, Jarl of Rathonia, Norraberget and the Borders, Baronet of Sutherland hereby announce my resignation as the Grand Governor of Dùnrath. Hereby declaring the followings:


- I shall continue conducting my usual work until the end of year 84 of the Second Age (Year 42 After Establishment).

- I shall retain my position of General Advisor in the Rathonian People's Council until further notices.

- I shall remain my titles of Jarl of Rathonia, Norraberget and the Borders for ceremonial purposes only.


Henceforth, I am hereby declaring that the current Baronette of Dunbar, Heir apparent to the United Clans of Barr and Suther, Ailis NicDhùghlas Sutharlainn be taking over my position as the Grand Governess of Dùnrath from Year 85 of the Second Age (Year 43 After Establishment).


Long Live Dùnrath! Dùnrath gu bràth! Länge Leve Ratteborg!


Baronet of Sutherland, Clan Chief of the United Clans of Barr and Suther,

Dùghlas MacDhaibhidh Sutharlainn



It has been a great pleasure to be leading the Dùnrath Project since the start of it and it has taught me a lot of things that I couldn't have imagine. I have been ruling this city for 42 weeks (thats almost a year, geez) and somewhat successfully created a strong bonding roleplay group. I am proud of you all and I am really glad that I have every single one of you being a part of the family and without you all things would have been way different. But Sadly, things do get changed and leadership does change hands after several years. So, I will be handing my power out to some other people who will be more active and surely bring Dùnrath onto a place that we could never imagine.

Peace out gamers, it has been an exceptional run! :)


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"It was a decent run. But torches are meant to be passed along" Scatha said as read the last line of the poster. She would linger a moment then carry on with her duties.

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