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Danuglas - The Lone Hamlet of the Green Valley

Ibn Khaldun

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Sprækjom for "The Lone Hamlet of the Green Valley" or commonly known as Danuglas



A hamlet ringed with an earthenwork wall sits upon a lone hill overlooking the large lake stretching from the western shores of old Cartref Mor of the old Adunians to the eastern stretch spanning in view from the castle walls of Dunrath and the nearby Cloud Temple. The Cingedoz have migrated from the old home of Brigwindosdur above the Dwarven undercity of Khron'Hundmar when the old rix ('chief') Brennus hal'Cingedoz gave up his mantle of leadership to the current chieftess Lurana hal'Cingedoz. Lurana led the tribe to a more central location in the continent and positioned the village intently between the great woods of the Elvellyn, of Celia'nor and Nor'asath, and the vast plains east of the Arentanian Alps where other settlements of the more feudal societies of Adria, Minitz, and Petra have been founded.


The Arentanian Alps serve as a natural fortification restricting westward expansion into the relatively unsettled and unspoiled lands around Danuglas. Cingedoz men and women often ride on horseback to hunt and range on the western slopes of the Alps or cross over to ferry goods to merchant quarters founded in Minitz and Petra. The village is surveilled from a great tower in its northeastern corner referred to as the Luguskelik ('Light Tower') where a great firepit is kept fed and burning. The entrance into the settlement is gated by great doors made of reinforced timbers and decorated with woodworked engravings and fastened trinkets whose name is the Dayruteutava ('Gate of Dignity'). Battlements have recently been added after the Cingedoz learned of eldritch barrows hewn into a chain of hills south of Danuglas.


Honored guests have been led to this new village, off the beaten path and abandoned roads that once interconnected western Orenian forts and villages, and granted rest and recuperation. Whether it is brave souls who want to investigate the nearby barrows further or attaches dispatched from nearby settlements to build relations with this small yet noble tribe, the village is a pleasant sight and an even more pleasant stay for all who get along with the Cingedoz.






Feel free to ping me on Discord at gaiusmarius8#0788 to learn more about the Cingedoz, the village, or to get coordinates if you happen to know any of our characters/have been and just need help revisiting! Cheers!





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The Cingedoz are an honorable tribe, a glorious part of the Scydria Confederacy!


May Danuglas thrive under excellent guidance and against unknown threats

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A truly free horse archers peers on to that mound on the edge of the open steppe. He drinks milk of his favored mare and flicks it out for the open sky. "Abagai! Blessed be they, fellow True Men below the open sky! Great for Scydria, are these Cingedoz!" The Azukazi Khuzai plans another sacrifice shared with them and the Skyfather 

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