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To Tinker or not to Tinker, that is the question.


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So Tinkerers? Are they worth a lore piece or not? I have heard both sides. Some say it is just another version of the Alchemist and is not needed. It would be an overpowered smith or something like that. I can definitely see this side of the argument.


On the other hand I have heard some argue that it would be helpful for those who don't want to get involved with magic or brewing. A Tinkerer would be good for those who want to build contraptions that are mechanical without having to get into Animati.


I'm on the fence. I have played around with some tinkerer mechanics and believe i have come up with a fun and balanced lore but I don't have anything that clearly distinguishes this  roll from the Alchemist. Is there a need or want for this new lore? If so what could they do that would set them apart from the Alchemist or the Mage?


A rough idea of how the Tinkerer would work in my lore is they would create things and roll. The roll would determine if there was success or not. As you improve your equipment and knowledge it gives you bonuses toward your roll, thus improving your success rate. If you roll really well you not only complete your device/item but you also make a blueprint of the item. This is reusable and gives you bonuses whenever you build that particular item. The higher your skill the better the blueprint and the greater your bonus. These blueprints could be sold or traded among the tinkerers. They could be hidden in libraries or caves to be discovered.


Again, I have this mostly flushed out but as cool of an idea as I may think it is if it just repeats what is already there then it is not needed and will never be approved.

So I need your honest opinions and ideas.


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