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[Admendment] - Mini Anorum Patch 1.0


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Red Lines (Refined)


Due to the unique properties of Anorum, being akin to both metal and crystals, Warforging may be used on Anorum Crystals.


Due to the unique properties of it, Anorum may be used in cojunction with Almari Effervescent Spring Water to make metal cloth out of Anorum, being largely translucent with an iridescent finish.


Due to the process of Metal cloth making, it would render the Anorum impractical for armor and weapons. 


Expanding further, it could not be used to replace armor, as the metal cloth would struggle to be shaped into the complex shapes. 


Anorum metal-cloth's iridescent finish would be obvious and easily seen. No invisible cloaks, one can easily notice them. 


Anorum metal-cloth cannot be enchanted. And exists only for an aesthetic. 




Proposed Reason: Personally, my hot take is that Gemforging should be merged into Warforging w/o the need to learn another alchemy recipe, it just bloats alchemy more, but that's not what we're here to debate! Likewise, I am unsure how much it is spread, given that its original writer had quit LOTC. In my original draft/brainstorm for Anorum I had intended it to work with Warforging. And Anorum shares much of the same properties of a metal, so it wouldn't be a massive leap to say warforging works on it. As for the second redline, this was a common question asked to me a few times, and then requested to add.


That's all, I hope whoever is reading this is having a nice day


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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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