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*Notices are posted in the lands of the orcs*


I noticed a stop to our training of the Krughai, and to that, I, Lakeidas’Raguk, Wargoth of my clan challenge you, AR-GARROK for the position of Targoth to a HUR’MAUK, a standard duel but should you just give me the title, no duel will be needed. Should the duel happen though, it will be so at a time that suits both of us.

All orcs are warriors and defenders of their home and the nation's honor, if I am to be Targoth, I swear by my honor to do my best in leading the Krughai so that we remain strong in the eyes of the spirits and in the eyes of whoever dares to wrong the Iron Horde, be it darkspawn or mortal.



Signed, Lakeidas’Raguk, Wargoth of the Raguks


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Kor'garr the Clanless looks over the declaration with interest, although he has a slight frown. Bulky grey digits rub against an underbite as the Skriptgoth ponders.

"Targovv agh Wargovv uv Clan Raguk dubth? Kor'garr wuld meyk zyur Lakeyduz iz nub overwerk'd ohr inaktyve en eedur role bivor dey kuld ley kleym tu mani tytulz aht dah zeym tik." Nevertheless, the Grey orc recovers from his recent onset of illness in his tower.



"General and Leader of Clan Raguk both? I would make sure Lakeidas'Raguk is not overworked or inactive in either role pefore they could lay claim to multiple titles at the same time."


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