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On The Government of the Iron Horde


For too long has our Horde weakened,  our Clans divided. The Iron Horde is not a Rexdom like the Wagh Nation of ages past, and from now on our ancestors in Stargush will watch their descendants speak freely for the sake of their Clans instead of a single ruler. While the voice and fist of Krug still has a place, no longer will the Rex have the only place. 


Ruling of the Iron Horde by the Goth Council will proceed as follows:





The Clan Moot shall consist of the Apex and High Goth positions from previous ages of the Iron Horde, with the singular exception of Znagagoth.

No Goth can hold more than one position at once on the Council. If absolutely necessary to carry multiple positions, only one may be used for the purposes of participation in a Klamor. Klamors are times when the Goths assemble to decide on important decisions.

While a single position may be shared amongst multiple Goths, the type of position will only count one time per Clan for contributing Ashtkaar. The Kukaals of Clan Akaal are one example of this. Ashtkaar are the material proof of the power of the Goths, they will use it to cast their vote during a Klamor.

Ashtkaar may only be made by the Skriptgoth, to be labeled with the Current Rex, Position held, Date, and Identity of Holder at the time of creation. They are to be large plates of bones engraved and embedded with aurum at the Spirit Forge. Falsifying Ashtkaar is deception and deceit of the highest form and grounds for whitewashing, as it disrespects the Ancestors and the honor of those who truthfully hold those titles.


Klamors of the Clan Moot must be publicly announced at least one Cactus Day in advance. During this, Claims can be proposed by any present citizen of the Iron Horde. Arbitrary or wasteful claims are dishonorable. Claims may be discarded by the Rex if they are unsupported, meaning if they do not have the initial backing of at least one Wargoth.

Those Recognized Clan Wargoths participating in the Klamor, along with the Rex, will be able to use their counts of Ashtkaar to support the proposed Claim or alternative options presented in the process. The counts of Ashtkaar held by those in that meeting add up to the present counts, while the entire number of counts within the Moot is the total.

Goth positions that are not Wargoth or Rex automatically contribute their counts of Ashtkaar to their Wargoth. If Goths have an issue with how counts of Ashtkaar are used by their respective Wargoth, such matters should be dealt with by the Clan in question. If the Bozz does not belong to a Recognized Clan, their Ashtkaar cannot be used, as the weight of their ancestors' strength is in question.

If any Wargoth or Rex does not have their Ashtkaar on their person, they cannot use their Clan or personal counts. If any Goth does not have their Ashtkaar, they cannot act in an official capacity representing the Iron Horde to Nub-Uruks.



Clans of the Iron Horde


Once divided, the clans are to return to the Iron Horde once more. The clans are no longer a separate entity living in the honorbound lands, they are now united under the banner of the Horde. United under one voice, once blood, one Horde. 

A Clan must have at minimum Gahk (III) Honorable members currently living in the honorbound lands of the Iron Horde and receive a majority of total counts in a Claim to become Recognized.

If a Recognized Clan loses the numbers necessary to support themselves, or neglects to display their strength and voice through absence from multiple consecutive Klamorz, a Claim can be made to remove them from the Clan Moot. This will require over half of the total counts in the Moot to succeed.

The Benefits to being a Recognized Clan are as follows:
- Space for a Clan Hall is granted
- The Ability to Claim public areas of the capital for your Clan, granting higher authority, collection of profits, and placement of Clan colors in those spaces.
- The ability to Claim for a Challenge against other Clans over their control of public spaces or a Clan Hall




The Rex


The Rex, aside from being the figurehead of the Iron Horde, is also the voice, will and fist of Krug for all brothers and sisters. The default authority, orders given by the Rex must be obeyed, unless the decision is challenged through Hur’Mauk. The Rex is only as powerful as the clans backing him. A Rex without the approval of Wargoths is a weak Rex, which leads to a weak Horde.


In essence, the Rex is representative of all orcs and is trusted to unify the often opposing clans for the Horde’s betterment, the highest of honors possible. To prevent bias and act as tiebreaker, they are the only figure whose counts of Ashtkaar are not attributed to a clan. 


The Rex has Gakh (III) (3) counts of Ashtkarr during a Claim. The Rex is allowed to discard any claims that he’d consider dishonorable or useless for the Iron Horde.


The title of Rex only passes down through their permanent death, or an official challenge of Hur’Mauk or Mat’Mauk for the position. Any potential opponent must be a descendant of Krug through birth or rebirth under the spirits with honorable standing, and must receive at least half of the Total counts of Ashtkaar in a Claim from the Clan Moot before their challenge is Recognized.


The Dominus


A Dominus acts as the right hand of the Rex, acting in their stead when the Rex is unavailable to help keep the fine details of the Iron Horde running smoothly. In addition, the Dominus acts as diplomat for the Clans, negotiating (as much as orks do) with foreign powers and vassals so that the Clan’s big ideas can progress uninterrupted. The dominus is expected to be well versed in history and conduct, especially in maintaining a balance of acknowledgement and authority when communicating with the lesser races. In times of emergency the Dominus may act as Rex when the holder is absent or position unfilled.

The Dominus holds Dub (II) (2) counts of Ashtkaar.


Due to the position’s authority, need for tempered will, and required experience, a Dominus is usually hand-picked by their respective Rex with the approval of at least half the present counts of Ashtkaar by the Clan Moot. One can challenge through Hur’Mauk with half of the Total counts of Ashtkaar in a Claim before it is Recognized.



The Targoth


The Iron Horde’s Targoth commands the military might of the nation, also known as the Uruk-hai… Which really means they can rally the vast majority of Orcs in existence. This honor is given to a distinguished veteran of many Waghs, one with a body honed for battle as well as a mind for tactics. Commanding the strength of Krug in this way is an esteemed privilege for any uruk, as they answer only to the Rex themself on matters of managing the Krug-Hai, so that the Clans do not attempt to force the Horde’s military might inwards against fellow Urukim.


The Targoth holds Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar on matters regarding war and training of the Krughais.


To Challenge a Targoth, one must first become a Mautor or Pizbûr (depending on the occasion), having proved themselves at length already. Then they must earn the blessings of the rest of the Warboss Council and the Rex, at last proposing a Honor Klomp/Duel to their Targoth, taking their place should they win or the Targoth recognize their successor.


Such challenges are to be accepted in times wherein a newer member of the Warboss Council shows promise in being a better leader than the current Targoth.


The Wargoths


Wargoths are the various clan leaders of the Iron Horde, and act as the voice of each bloodline in decision making for the entire nation. These leaders are responsible for keeping the traditions and culture of the Horde alive from day to day, providing to the entire nation their unique outlook on what being an Orc truly means. Leadership is usually determined within each clan through their own means, and different traditions and practices can exist. What is certain is that :

A Wargoth contributes a standard of Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar for their Clan.
Multiple Wargoths in a single Clan collectively share this Azh count.

The counts held by a Clan can only be used in a Claim where at least one of their Wargoths are present.



The Motsham


The spiritual leaders of the Iron Horde, the motsham has reigning authority over the shamanistic traditions and teachings of ork culture. From the teaching of the spirits to leading rituals and spirit walks, they coordinate the vast majority of religious practices and keep both the faith and shamanistic arts native to Krug’s people alive. This individual is also relied upon to interact with the Shamanic Council or any other body of spiritualists as a representative of the Horde’s government.

The Motsham holds Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar to any matter regarding spiritualism and shamanism.

The appointment of a Motsham is usually decided amongst the shamans themselves, where their most experienced zhomo will take the place of spiritual leader. It is exceedingly rare for such a decision to be made through simple exchange of fists, and any disagreements on the holder of the title shall be dealt with through spiritual means.


The Huntsgoth


A Huntsgoth, unlike the Grubgoth, leads expeditions and events outside of the city itself. Whether it be tracking down a mighty foe, searching for an ancient treasure, or seeking ancient knowledge, they are renowned for their abilities and confidence in the wild places of the world.

Alongside simple hunting skills they have knowledge of the spirits, how to bridge the gap between mundane hunt and honored ritual. 


The Huntsgoth holds Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar on Claims related to Hunts or beasts outside of the Goi.



The position of Huntsgoth is typically decided through a Hur’Mauk, like most leadership positions. The challenger must obtain half of the present counts of Ashtkaar in a Claim from the Clan Moot to be Recognized. Alternatively, a challenge hunt can be agreed to by both sides in which they will simultaneously assemble a warband, track and slay progressively more powerful prey, and then return. Their haul and performance shall be judged through counting Ashtkaar by the Clans.


The Rukagoth


Leaders of Orc craftsmanship, the Rukagoth is in charge of Krugmar’s supply chain and artisans. Whether preparing for a large project, maintaining the Spirit Forge, or simply setting up fields and farms, they are the one who keeps an eye on Krugmar’s storage to make sure the Clans can both sustain themselves and properly appease the spirits with the nature of creations and inventions. A Rukagoth is also azh to interact with foreign craftsmanship guilds such as the Crucible in an official capacity.


The position of Rukagoth holds Azh (1) count of Ashtkaar on matters regarding crafting and ressources gathering.

The position of Rukagoth is typically challenged by a crafting competition, with the two challengers presenting their best craft to the Goth Council, for them to vote which to elect as Rukagoth.


The Grubgoth


Grubgoth, the merry-maker and feast holder for Iron Horde, acts as head chef and party-thrower of the nation. Their authority reigns supreme in the kitchen, and they are usually the organizer for events and celebrations within the city itself. A grubgoth is exceedingly familiar with the culture and traditions of the War Nation, having learned recipes passed down from generation to generation that even the most stubborn Olog will enjoy.


The Grubgoth holds Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar in matters regarding food, alcohol and drugs.


Due to their unique qualities, a challenge for Grubgoth is generally held with a pan and cooking fire instead of fists. For Gahk days the competitors will forage, assemble ingredients, and prepare the best meal they can from scratch to present to the Clan Moot. Whoever creates the best dish, as decided by counts of Ashtkaar, wins the title.


The Scripgoth


Due to a need for impartiality concerning Truthfulness and Honorable words on the actions of the Horde and specific clans, the Skriptgoth has the important duty of recordkeeping and reporting our history. Along with managing the Kaktuz Weekli, they are required to publically announce any Recognized Claims or official actions taken by the Clan Moot. They are also in charge of supplying the markers of Ashtkaar to those within the Moot.

The position of Skriptgoth cannot be challenged by Hur’Mauk or Mat’Mauk as it is a position of trust and accountability instead of strength. A Recognized Claim of challenge will result in the period of a Kaktuz Week for each orc to investigate, research, and expose some hidden truth of the World. Whoever receives more counts of Ashtkaar by then after providing a verifiable and public report will take up the position of Skriptgoth.


The Yazgurtan


Yazgurtans resemble the high stewards of other nations, working to make sure Krugmar thrives as a confederacy in its own right. A keeper of the nation’s vaults and locks, the duties of Yazgurtan require a lot of thinking and note-taking. From orchestrating grand construction projects to managing the nation’s currency, doors, and housing, they help make the Iron Horde’s day to day happenings run more smoothly.


A Yazgurtan holds Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar on matters regarding construction and resource gathering.

Yazgurtans are typically appointed by the Clans instead of participating in Hur’Mauk, due to the unique responsibilities of their role.


The Goth Council


Rex : Ar-Borok Akaal - Gahk (III) counts of Ashtkaar

Recognised Clans

Clan Akaal - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar
Wargoth - The Kukaals - I

Clan Duhr - Azh (I) counts of Ashtkaar
Wargoth : Mjoruk’Duhr - I

Clan Lur - Azh (I) counts of Ashtkaar
Wargoth : Madoc’Lur - I

Clan Ugluk - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar
Wargoth : Skorkon’Ugluk - I


Clan Ungri - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Drekur’Ungri - I


Clan Lak - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Murdok’Lak - I

Unsupported Bozzes:
Grubgoth: Toad’Yar - I
Motsham: Nub
Skriptgoth: Kor’garr - I

Rukagoth : Bjarg’Duhr - I

Targoth: Kuvirr - I
Yazgurtan: Kretz’Ox - I
Dominus :  Madoc’Lur - II

Huntsgoth : Ofric’Lur - I






Clans of the Iron Horde



Clan Akaal was formed through the unification of three enlightened clans: Ram, Izig, and Mog. Dedicating themselves to shepherding their urukim brethren to the Stargush'Stroh, the Akaal emphasize blood and spiritualism. Seeing the threat of the darkness, the Akaal seek to be the light that vanquishes those dark forces that threaten the world. For these reasons, shamans, alchemists, and haruspex are common within the Akaal, working together to pioneer a new age of blood and flame for their people.



Clan Dregort was founded upon the basis of expanding the orcish race onwards into the sea that surrounds not only the orcish lands but many of the different nations and kingdoms upon Almaris. Descending from the son of Krug Dregort, this clan takes many sea-like aspects into its culture such as sailing, ship building, pillaging, and trading. The task given to this clan not only of the Iron Horde but of their ancestral lineage is to protect the harbors and docks of the Iron Horde alongside expanding the might of Krug throughout the seas.



Unlike uruks or ologs, goblins tend to lack the pure physical strength that others of their kin have. They are simply just not made to be these giant fighting machines that crush their enemy with their bare fists. Instead their strength lies elsewhere; in their mind. Goblins are cunning and creative creatures with the ability to come up and even create the most amazing machines. So, instead of crushing their enemy with their fists, they create something to accomplish that for them. Maybe a rock falling off at the right time, or maybe a very spiky roller being spun by the movement of the wagon pushed by some animals towards the enemy line.


This is what goblins are for. They think, plan, and create machines of any purpose for their kin. Clan Ox intends to bring as many of these goblins together, to work together for even better inventions and creations. After all, where one may get stuck when inventing, another may find a way forward.



Clan Ungri is a clan of ologs created by the one known as Drekür. They are ferocious in battle and serve many purposes within the Rexdom. Whilst their knowledge does not span great lengths, they are capable of worshiping three spirits in which they devote themselves to fully; Enrohk, Leyd, and Gazigazh. The primary entity of the Ungri’s worship is the Great Maw.



The Lur clan has made their mark upon the Orcish people through their prowess in hunting, animalism, and husbandry. Lur himself was renowned for not only slaying large and insurmountable beasts, but for taming them as well. Lur-Goi, one of the first orcish cities, sat atop the back of the most fearsome opponent; a Scaddernak. Paying respect to the honor of his lineage, the trials have been changed to better reflect this.



The Lak clan is a clan known for their devotion to the Spirit of the swamp, Laklul. The members of Clan Lak are very identifiable due to their blue skin, a trait which is very rare to be seen outside of the clan. The Laks typically favour their clan hall to be located in the swamps and marshes around the Iron Horde.



Clan Dezokh-Nur specializes in diplomacy, storytelling, history keeping, and the material arts such as alchemy. While the clan isn’t specifically a clan of honoraries, it has a concentration of them larger than any other. As a result, those of Dezokh-Nur are Proto, Dark, or High Elves by blood mainly, with few rare Orcish bloodlines.



The Ugluk Clan are a semi-nomadic culture which subsists off of the bounties of their impressive livestock and from frequent raids upon their enemies. To be an Ugluk is to be a warrior, first and foremost, with all other aspects of life coming second. This is not to say that Ugluks are incapable of the arts or craftsmanship. To the contrary, Ugluks are renowned for their love of all things which bring passion to one’s life; whether it be through song or paint. Lastly, Ugluk culture is dominated by the ‘Two-Hornz’ philosophy. This doctrine holds that by competing with one another and creating conflict, all uruks will grow and prosper as one unit. The ‘Two-Hornz’ are headed by the patron spirits of Ugluk; Karazept and Qarkah.



Formed by the most fierce warrior of his time, Malgunus, Raguk is a clan dedicated to the defense of the Iron Horde in its entirety. Using a particularly important metal known as bloodsteel and traditionally riding huge beasts known as Myrzym. The Orcs of the Raguk clan typically possessed red skin and worship the Trio Pantheon of Leyd, Gazigash and Genthrauz. 


Simply put Raguk is dedicated to three things above all else, defense of the Iron Horde, strength, and the pouring of blood.



Ever since the unification of the Orcish people, few names have stayed as constant as the name Gorkil. Renowned for their honor and ferocity in battle, they have been called by some the ‘Prime Orc’ - strong and honorable, but in return incredibly prone to their own bloodlust. Fueled by pride and a passion for combat, the clan has stood as a pillar of not just Orcish society, but the world. Empires have been founded and crumbled, the dead risen and fallen, but Gorkil still stands, steadfast, eternal.



Yar is a long-running clan of wisemen and those who dedicate themselves to reverence and worship of the spirits, founded by the great shaman Malog in Anthos. All Yars are given ruthless trials before adopting the name to properly instill in them the pillars and pitfalls of honor. Every Yar is expected to think for themselves and to have an acute awareness of the Spirits - for their eyes and Krug's are always upon us. 


There exists not the distinction among the Clan for 'good' and 'evil', as these are subjective terms even to the Spirits- what is not up for subjectivity, is honor and discipline. Though not every Yar will be famed as a 'great thinker', all can bring honor to him whose name they share through their thoughts and actions.


Among the Yars, bones are sacred as a symbol of structure, integrity and uprightness - several of the Pillars of Honor taught to every aspiring member. The removal of bones as a Clan punishment, an excruciating and fatal process known as Deboning, is a means by which the Yars declare a lack of these traits in the offender. Due to their symbolic nature, it is a practice among the Yars to adorn themselves with the bones of fallen enemies or of beasts slain in hunts, be it by simply hanging them from their person or by fashioning piercings thereof.


“Wisdom is born of a strong mind. It is more practical than philosophy, agh goes beyond mere knowledge. It is the ability for right living, common sense, wit, resolution of life’s problems, agh success beyond material gain. Gruk for latself, but heed the blahings of those more experienced with the respect agh consideration due them. Learn from life, agh apply latz learning in a way that means something.”


-The Contemplations of Malog, V1






Rex Ar-Borok'Akaal

Destroyer of Elysium, Champion of Ogrol, Chosen of the Ilzgûlz,

The Brown, The Burned, The Mad.


Kor'garr the clanless

Scripgoth of the Iron Horde.


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Kor'garr the Clanless looks over the newly released announcement with a wide grin, mustache curling as he reads further. Humming in thought over the occasional change or unexpected detail,  by the end of the declaration the Skriptgoth nods in approval.

"Yub, Kor'garr zupportz diz. Hozher dehn dah originul dravt. Rulg, Rex."

Picking up a large jabbernak feather quill and dipping its nib into vivid jungle inks, grey hands scrawl a large signature of approval...



Kor'garr the Clanless
Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde



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"YAAAAAHHHHHHGGG!" Yahg the Olog yells, unable to read the missive..

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Lakeidas'Raguk sat by a shrine in the Raguk clan hall after he red the missive "Forgive mi ancenztorz, doezn't zeem da Ragukz hav a vote....for now..."

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Brakaz'Lak would smile proudly at the missive and would say "Finali, Klan Lak haz been noticed in ouah komming bak. LUP LAKLUL!!!."

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[!] The following record is kept within the Library of Theruz in San'Velku with copies available anywhere needed for public access. [!]
The Goth Council, Updated CXXV S.A. By Kor'garr



Rex : Ar-Borok Akaal - Gahk (III) counts of Ashtkaar

Recognised Clans

Clan Akaal - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar
Wargoth - The Kukaals - I

Clan Lur - Azh (I) counts of Ashtkaar
Wargoth : Madoc’Lur - I

Dominus: Madoc'Lur - II, unusable

Clan Ugluk - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar
Wargoth : Skorkon’Ugluk - I


Clan Ungri - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Drekur’Ungri - I


Clan Lak - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Murdok’Lak - I

Clan Raguk - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar
Wargoth: Lakeidas'Raguk - I

Clan Yar - Dub (II) counts of Ashtkaar
Wargoth: Toad'Yar - I

Grubgoth: Toad'Yar - I, unusable
Skriptgoth: Kor'garr - I

Unsupported Bozzes:
Motsham - Ready to claim

Rukagoth - Ready to Claim

Targoth: Xiu'Ixtzul - I
Yazgurtan: Kretz’Ox - I

Huntsgoth - Ready to Claim



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[!] The following record is kept within the Library of Theruz in San'Velku with copies available anywhere needed for public access. [!]


The Goth Council, Updated CXXVI S.A. By Kor'garr





Rex : Ar-Borok Akaal - Gahk (III) counts of Ashtkaar



Recognised Clans


Clan Akaal - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth - The Kukaals - I



Clan Lur - Dub (II) counts of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Madoc’Lur - I

Huntsgoth : Grimruk'Lur - I

Dominus: Madoc'Lur - II, unusable


Clan Ixtzul - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Xiuh'Ixtzul - I

Targoth : Xiuh'Ixtzul - I, unusable



Clan Ugluk - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Skorkon’Ugluk - I



Clan Ungri - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Drekur’Ungri - I




Clan Lak - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth : Murdok’Lak - I


Clan Raguk - Azh (I) count of Ashtkaar

Wargoth: Lakeidas'Raguk - I


Clan Yar - Gakh (III) counts of Ashtkaar

Wargoth: Clanfather Malog'Yar - I

Grubgoth: Toad'Yar - I

Skriptgoth: Kor'garr - I



Unsupported Bozzes:

Motsham - Ready to claim

Rukagoth - Ready to Claim

Yazgurtan: Kretz’Ox - I




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