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A concerned citizen

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Not the best at writing especially because my attention span is tiny but i felt inspired

The following words I have written are the concerns and thoughts of an Aaunic commoner regarding the Canonist coalition and their behavior, especially that of the pontiff.


The excommunication


I believe I have not ever seen the Duke with another woman. I lived in his keep, guarded him at all times; not a letter, not a word, not a gaze. The Duke loves his wife, for not even death did them apart. He loves their children and he their people of Adria. The people have not been given the chance to even see these alleged letters, and were simply expected to blindly believe that the Duke had an affair with his cousin of all people.

When Her Grace, Renilde of the Petra was accused of adultery, the letters were published for all too see. I do not give this accusation any relevance, and will continue to believe it false till proper proof is given. 




The Duke has said to be guilty of this, which is terrible. He should repent and find forgiveness through proper means, which is not death. This point is not so much about the Duke, but more about the Pontiff. The Duke has been excommunicated for consorting with the same daemons the pontiff had meetings and exchanges of letters with. I believe if one is to be punished, then the other should too. If the Duke should be beheaded and shamed in public, why shouldn’t the pontiff? Why should one be put on trial while the other is guilty of the same crime? The hypocrisy on this point specifically is upsetting. No man should sit above others and judge for crimes he himself has committed. The Pontiff is hence guilty of consorting with the same daemons he so much denounces. The Church is corrupt - there is no denying this anymore. People from the whole continent witnessed this the moment the pontiff admitted to consorting with the daemons.


The trial

Guest rights

It was the Duke’s impression that when summoned to a trial, he was granted guest rights. However, this was quick to be ignored. As soon as the sentence was given, and the anathema declared guilty, every soldier in the room unsheathed their weapon. The Church, once more, proves to be not only corrupt but dishonorable too. I hope every man of religion may see this, and understand that reform is due. As long as misguided preachers sit upon thrones, there will never be fairness and God’s words will go unheard. 


The slaying

It is rumored that multiple people were slain in front of the Church after being captured, simply for standing with their Duke. While this is understandable - Where is their trial? Why were they simply executed? Were they allowed to give their case?


The assault on Adria

Battle priests

Multiple priests were spotted among the lines of the coalition, something unacceptable. The Patriarch of Haense, who sat as a judge in the Duke’s trial, was one of them. Priests being among the ranks of an assault is something I did not want to see, and only further proves that this coalition does not act on behalf of GOD, but on behalf of the Aaunites who, being defeated by Adria, decided to hide behind their FOUR kingdoms. Yet they still lost against a single Duchy. 


Church shelter

Having no chance of winning, despite greatly outnumbering the Duchy of Adria, the forces of the coalition hid in our own chapel. They dared violate holy grounds with their human bloodshed. This simply goes to show that the coalition does not act with GODAN’s grace in mind, but simply to conquer land for their own personal agendas.


In short, the Church is corrupt and should be cleansed. The Pontiff consorts with Azdrazi and admits such openly. I wonder what else he is hiding, perhaps he is a vampyre?



Hiro Huevos, Protector of the Heartlands and the Canondom, concerned Citizen of the Barony of Acre and concerned Canonist.

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"Acre has niet been around in years, ea thought, unless Hiro es a citizen of the Little Acre bakery. These Adrians should own their own words, since they are the only ones in Canondom who want the Pontiff dead so badly." Viktor var Ruthern scowled as he read the notice.

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".. Wasn't the Pontiff's only meeting with Azdrazi to see if they were worthy of mercy? And willing to drop their heretical ways.." A concerned Sir Ludolf inquired to himself as he skimmed through the missive. "I also don't see a problem with Holy men taking up arms against the anathema."


"It's Patriarch of Jorenus, for future reference."

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Caius Godwin Alstion shook his head, commenting on the Adrian propaganda.


"This individual clearly does not know what it means to be excommunicated. Being excommunicated and being an anathema no less, grants every Canonist individual, clergy or not, to overthrow the said ruler who is deemed as an anathema. That is my first point in this matter. This is regarding your point about battle priests, it is nothing new nor should you be surprised that a priest comes to slay your anathemized Duke.

Secondly, whilst being anathema within the Duchy as a whole - This does not permit religious rites to be performed nor does it allow mass to be held within the said Chapel. Therefore the Chapel as building is invalidated as a house of worship and thus it was no bloodshed - Only faithful Canonists who were within the old House of GOD that once guided the Duchy. This is regarding your claim of using the Church as shelter.

Thirdly, supporters of the anathema are equating themselves to such a stature; which means anyone who aligns themselves with the anathema himself is an equal enemy to that of the entirety of Canondom. There is no excuse for aligning themselves with the Duke for its either their own so-called "conscientiousness" or they are forced to fight alongside your Duke. This is a point regarding your claim of slaying in front of the church, rather hypocritical given that if you were true Canonists; you would not have harmed  and murdered Sigismond, his son and the innocent Sarkozic girl; so no lectures from you regarding the slaying of individuals who happen to be enemies of Canondom and not innocents.

Fourthly, guest-rights are not directly a permit for sanctuary; your Duke was still anathemized and no punishment was given by the Pontiff beforehand except that. It is up to the Tribunal of the Church to sentence your duke and so it happened to be that he was sentenced to death, this has nothing to do with a false promise. More the logical response of being guilty of crimes.


Fifthly, I find it rather ridiculous to use the domestic problem of the Archduchess of Petra as an example for the accusations of which Heinrik was found guilty of. The Petran people had suffered from a civil war because of it, whilst your Duke had been proven to be wh-remongering amongst his own kin, his cousin no less."

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