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[Clan Ixtzûl] Culture


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Ixtzûl Culture



The Ixtzûl are the Surviving Remnants of a Once Great Civilization with a Rich Culture, upholding its culture and keeping alive its legacy both in homage to the fallen and in hopes of having it perhaps one day rise again. Their struggle rises, now being faced with the Doom of Almaris, traveling to new lands, leaving behind their own, and having to rejoin their Orcish Brethren and the rest of Descendent-kind as a whole, having much to learn and adapt to, while still bearing much Mistrust for the Qui̱xtiöno (Mahuizahtotl: “Outsiders”, referring to the Descendents that came to Almaris after them, or those that aren’t part of their Clan/People).


In their Clan Hierarchy, they are led by the Tlatoani (Mahuizahtotl: “one who speaks; leader”), chosen and seen by the majority of the Clan as the best individual to lead them, and often revealed by Farseer Shamans and Ilzhonal, who gaze the truth in visions beyond and in the stars. Beneath the Tlatoani are the Shamans, Ilzhonal & Honorable Elders; who, while not bearing true power, are greatly respected socially.


The Tlatoani Ascension Ceremony revolves around the Chosen Clan-Leader being Covered in Gold-Dust, bathing in a Great-Lake beneath the Sun & Stars, washing off the gold in offering to Aztran; golden trinkets, jewels, and other non-organic material offerings would also be thrown into the lake for the same purpose.


The Clan is mostly composed of Uruks; for, during their voyage to Almaris, about almost every Olog starved and/or entered a state of bloodrage overseas due to the lack of food, requiring the remaining Orcs to put them down. Likewise, many goblins perished during the Ixtzûl Ancestors’ time in the deserts of Aegis, or in the boats. For these reasons those that made it to New-Continent were chiefly Uruks (albeit of course not entirely).


Physically most Ixtzûl stand Taller than most other Orcs, with Muscular albeit leaner builds, instead of being bulky. Due to a diet consisting of many vegetables and fruits, instead of just meat, their tusks slowly dwindled over the centuries, being generally smaller and even curved, albeit still sharp. Their hairs are straight, being common even for the males to grow them longer, adorning them with feathers, trinkets and braids. Despite this, beards and bodily hair is exceedingly rare among the Ixtzûl.


Their Skin Colors are darker and more vibrant overall, thanks to excess of melanin due to often basking under the Sun, and come in Various Colors overall, some bearing Social Meaning:




- Out of all the Various Skin-Colors, Shades of Turquoise/Jade are more common;

- Black/Coal (with it being believed Orcs of those colors were Scorched by Aztran, for potential Dark Ancestry and Past, often seem with some skepticism, them being expected to work the hardest to redeem their lineages’ past and prove themselves, youth requiring further guidance than other colored Ixtzûl);

- Orange & Gold, with or without shades of Red (Rare Births, indicating these Orcs’ Lineage were Kissed by Aztran, seen as good prospects for Shamanism and often associated with the Higher Shamanic & ‘Noble’ Castes of the Old Kingdom of Tonatiuh);

- Pale/White Ixtzûl don’t exist naturally, but are rather changed magically, been whitewashed, or bear a condition such as Albinism - they are considered Orcs Forsaken by Aztran.

Clan White-Washes are literally white-washed with chalk, to represent Aztran abandoning them.



Those Beliefs don’t always state the Truth, being Cultural Superstition in the End, whereas the Castes System of the Kingdom of Tonatiuh have been long forsaken alongside it, being but memoirs of the past, but may still play out culturally.


The Ixtzûl boast Remarkable Hygiene, especially for Orcs, taking baths regularly and employing a wide variety of herbs, fruits and plants to produce creams for the hair and the body, even serving as perfumes. This is further bolstered by their idea of Seeing their Body as a “Temple” (somewhat literally), thus taking good care of it overall, and instead refining them in the image of the Spirits they take after (more in the ‘Children of the Spirits’ section).


For their Clothing the typical Tribal-Wear fit for the Jungles (such as Loincloths) is highly common, though mantles, robes, furs, pelts, cloaks and capes of various colors are also highly present. Tattoos, Paints, Markings, Piercings, Earrings, Necklaces, Trinkets/Ornaments & Jewelry are also all present. All of it in homage to the Spirits.




Due to their history, especially the eventual decentralization into jungle tribes following the fall of their Kingdom, the Ixtzûl (or the Tonatiuh Orcs) are a mostly Reserved and Isolationist Honorable-Folk, preferring to keep things to themselves rather than speak with outsiders, employing their own language rather than common in some cases. 


This though, has led them to see each other as Close Family, seeking out the best for other Ixtzûl, looking after one another and working towards the betterment of their Clan, with each member pursuing a role to serve the collective, without pursuing an exchange from them (be it of favors, services, goods, or else), in hopes of Perfecting their Skills. Through and through acting as a Communal Society (internally).


Self-Discovery is a great social theme and aspect of their culture, for they believe each member has their purpose in the Mortal Realm, ere expiring to go to Kor; likewise, they have the tradition to pursue a Chosen Spirit to essentially ‘embody’ among the mortals, something that shall be better explained in the ‘Children of the Spirits’ section. 


In general, it’s common for the Ixtzûl to Develop Various Hobbies & Pursue Knowledge/New-Experiences (which might be harder, when interaction with ‘Outsiders’ is required). In fact, the Ixtzûl have been Learning from Outsiders for a while, watching from a distance, even taking some to their villages to be interrogated about their Cultures, Secrets & Craft.


It was through this method the Ixtzûl Learned Common, having stopped using it and the ‘Blah’ Dialect long ago, seeing it as a butchering of the Spirits’ Tongue (Old Blah) by Mortalkin, only using it sparingly and with due respect. 


Instead the Tonatiuh Orcs developed Their Own Language: Mahuizahtotl (meaning “To Speak with Honor”). It was greatly influenced by the speech of the tribal black-dotted kharajyr they encountered in the Jungles, with whom the Tonatiuh Orcs exchanged knowledge, eventually incorporating the felines into their Kingdom as Honoraries.  


Unlike Orcs of the Horde/Krugmar, they are mostly a Tranquil Folk on a day to day basis, enjoying Activities such as:



- Hunting (not only to feed the tribe, but to subdue bloodrage, obtain great sacrifices and trophies, or to outright capture and tame wild animals such as serpents);

- Farming (often choosing areas with fertile volcanic purple dirt);

- Cooking (with a diet of various fruits & vegetables, corn, beans, potatoes, pepper, cassava, tortillas, fish, insects/bugs, exotic jungle-meats like crocodile and even throoqal-flesh, and even chocolate “xocolatl” derived from Cocoa - considered a Gift of Zagbal, Spirit of Jungles) & Eating (generally with prayers recited beforehand, using miniature weapons such as daggers and darts as cutlery);

- Dancing (often mixed with kicks and acrobatics and even weapons, similarly seen in ‘Brazilian Capoeira’ or ‘Georgian Sword-Dances’, to express their prowess in maneuvering the body and blade alike, without harming each other)

- Canoe-rowing, Fishing & Swimming;

- Playing Instruments (mainly flutes, whistles, rattles, bells and drums);

- Various Games which could even be played by prisoners to decide who would be sacrificed (first) [like Dart-Throwing or their Ball-Game (consisting of using the body, except the hands, to pass a ball through a small arc attached onto a wall)];

- Meditation & Drug-Usage [shrooms of various sorts (believed to be grown from the essence of Betharuz falling on the land) over cactus-green, halogenics (to “better connect with the mortal realm and feel its life”, employed in various rituals including Spirit Walks obviously), dead venomous critters such as toads and snakes (using the toxic hides and glands to get high), alongside a variety of flowers and medicinal herbs - such as white-lilies -  for inducing trances, dulling senses and painkilling].

- Feasts are only held in homage of the Spirits, Victories and the Fallen, with consumption of Alcohol reserved for such occasions 


This demeanor of theirs stands in stark contradiction to the Bloody Rites of the Clan, for in truth they conduct those without lusting for the bloodshed itself, but rather with great fealty to the Spirits, viewing those actions as both natural and sacred. 




Those include various forms of Sacrifices (among other forms of offerings, such as Blood-Letting on a day to day basis, a nonchalant practice in their eyes) which vary depending on the Spirit. The Orc who acquired the Sacrifices chooses to which Spirit it will go, in case of a Party of Orcs, their Leader, or the one most responsible for their success, chooses for the group; a small Prayer to Aztran is almost always present as part of these rituals though. Generally the Sacrifices follow methods associated to the Spirits they are being offered to, some examples being as below:




- Sacrifices to the Earth, Nature, Land or even the Dead may involve burying  the individual’s deathly remains deep into the earth after crushing them into tiny bits, if not powder (to prevent reanimation by dark forces);

- Sacrifices to Spirits related to Combat and Honor may revolve around the ones being sacrificed dueling to their deaths 

- Sacrifices to Spirits of Playful Nature may involve games and competitions (ex: making the sacrificed pass out from drinking and smoking, in a sacrifice to Betharuz, Spirit of Festivities, Alcohol and Drugs)

- Darskspawn & Voidal Creatures/Mages are an exception though:

- Undead are sacrificed to Kor, their Souls sent to him with aid of Lutaumancy;

- The Rest are Sacrificed to Aztran;



Same can be said about the Clan’s Anthropophagic Practices, that being the consumption of descendent flesh (even that of other dead clan members), believing by devouring the dead, the dead’s attributes and qualities would be imparted upon them, alongside intending to once again prevent dark powers from getting a hold of the corpses. A few staples of Ixtzûl Cannibalism are:



- Clan Members would only be cannibalized once dead should they have lived a honorable life, otherwise the body is simply destroyed;

- Enemy Warriors of Note, would be cannibalized, their flesh taken and their bones grinded upon it;

- Individuals of Remarkable Intelligence would have their brains used for stew;

- Dead Prophets (such as Farseers and Ilzhonal) of various types would have their eyes consumed by Living ones, to gain their vision and insight;

- Among other practices and culinary methods for different kinds of bodies and occasions.

- Darkspawn, Voidal or/and Deific Creatures/Individuals are never consumed, only burnt in the name of the Spirits.

- Whitewashes are burnt to ashes after undergoing the Bloody Eagle Rite.


The Tonatiuh Orcs didn’t just stand idle as the Qui̱xtiöno (“outsiders”, the other descendents) took over their land, having in fact taken down many who tried venturing too deep into their territory, possibly endangering their Tribal Remnants. The Clan employs Guerrilla Tactics, Working Together in Coordinated Fashion, while also displaying Individual Prowess


To defend themselves from the threats of the jungle and the outside world, the Ixtzûl Train Daily from a Young Age (around 6 years old), mentored by Clan Adults in a multitude of weapons and fighting styles to be most competent at every one of them, but also to choose with which one they are to excel at. At age 12 they would begin accompanying the Adults into battle mainly as shield-bearers, employing ranged weapons to not be in as much risk. Their Martial-Mastery goes Beyond just Battle: but also incorporated into Dances (with combat maneuvers and weapons), Performances, Odes to Spirits, Eating, Games and so on and so forth.



"Civilize the Mind, Make Savage the Body"


The Ixtzûl used to employ Obsidian Shards for Weaponry, lining them along the edges and tips of wooden weapon heads and ‘blades’; though, with the Discovery of Metal-Work (thanks to the other Descendents), they were replaced with Black-Ferrum - due to them being a Pragmatic-Folk - though still following their old tribal Designs. Some of their Warrior Equipment includes:




- The Macuahuitl: a sturdy wooden club of various sizes with blades and spikes embedded onto its edges, capable of delivering remarkable blunt trauma alongside cutting and piercing. 

- Generally the top of the weapon would be broader, with a spiked/flanged design (akin to that of maces), allowing one to bludgeon or pierce harder with the tip of the weapon; the rest of the edge would have the shards/blades employed for cutting/slicing; whereas above at the top, would be a spike.

- Some versions of it replaced wood entirely with black ferrum, though were shorter due to the extra-weight.

- Some were designed for two-handed usage, but most for one-hand, alongside a round, hide-capped, metal-shield.

- Obsidian Shards were still employed in Ritualistic Macuahuitl, chiefly to chop off limbs and heads of humanoids and beasts alike, being sharper albeit brittle and prone to shattering.

- The Chīmalli Shield: shields of different shapes, oftenly round, originally only wooden, recently exchanged for shields of wood with metal layer on the outside. 

- They are often decorated with feathers, animal fur and hide, alongside paints and other things.

- Most of these Shields (when round) are designed with metallic outdents (or teeth) protruding outwards in all directions, resembling the symbol of the Sun.

- In practice, they are used to catch weapons between them, in the indents of the shield’s rim. 

- The Chimalli Shield of course, likewise with other Ixtzûl Weapons & Armor, are decorated to pay homage to the Spirits.

- Death Whistles: capable of producing a sound akin to that of descendents howling in agony, these whistles were used to intimidate and disorientate enemies, breaking morale before battle even started, or to dissuade them away from it. These small whistles are often used inside the helms, to further confuse enemies in regards to its source.

- Obsidian Daggers: used not only as a finisher in combat, when grappling the opponent onto the ground or finding a grapple, but serving as the primary tool in sacrifices among other rituals, allowing the wielder to much more easily carve the body of the target for different reasons.

- Urukîm War-Darts & the Atlatl (Dart-Thrower): The Urukîm War-Darts are but a feathered version of the traditional Pilum (the weighted javelin capable of piercing into targets and bending inside), whereas the Atlatl is a mere wooden device used to throw the Darts with additional force thanks to greater leverage, with great piercing and bludgeoning power. 

- Those, alongside with Orc-Strength, forming a most devastating combo, even against the likes of plate.

- Ixtzûl Armor, despite following the design of other descendents’ plates, still most visibly follows their traditions, and most times pays homage to their Spirits.

- They are often highly decorated with various paints (to mix in better with environments, among other reasons), beast remains/trophies (if not outrightly designed to appear like those creatures), covered in clothes, trinkets and ornaments (skulls, teeth, nails, ears, etc). 

- Through and through though, they often rather wear deathly remains of creatures and enemies as armor, so long as they can find some equal to, or superior to, steel (such as Crackadonk Leather).

- Their Helmets & Visors often resemble the Heads & Faces of Fiendish Beings or Dangerous Beasts, to scare away not only enemies but Ward the Influence of Evil-Spirits, also building House-Protection Icons (or “Carrancas”) for the same purpose.



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