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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [Slorbin, oilysnake, ShadeShadowblade] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):


Slorbin, oilysnake, ShadeShadowblade






Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason




What circumstances led to this ban?


I was banned for griefing a large portion of the server. I griefed half the signs on the server by abusing a bug in the sign plugin, that allowed me to edit signs in places I was strictly not allowed to edit signs. These signs could not be rolled back, resulted in their content being lost forever. This resulted in many noticeboards being ruined, many informative signs from CT and such being lost, and many empty signs that were used to decorate buildings having ugly spam text on them. This was a massive amount of grief and I am sorry for it. This can be avoided in the future by not editing any block data in places I am strictly not allowed to change the blocks- because this is considered griefing. Overall, this can be avoided by not griefing. A few months after my ban had expired I made an appeal and in my annoyance that I was denied I stupidly asked chatGPT write a new ban appeal for me to put in the 'attach other relevant information' section. Doing so decreases the trust the server has in appeals and negatively influences the forums drastically. This will not happen again, I vow to never use chatgpt in the forums, to display my honesty.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I disagree with no aspects of my ban.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I want to return to LOTC to play with my friends, the Ashkeepers, and move all of my materials over to the new map and explore it. I have also served my ban length for almost twice of what it previously was- My ban expired on January 26th after being 3 months long and it is now April 21st, 2023, meaning I have served 3 extra months of ban time- half a year. I am ready to return to the server.


Attach other relevant information.


I am very, very sorry for all of the trouble I caused on the server, including making one of the best plugins on the server in a while have to be removed from the server due to a decreased trust in the playerbase, caused solely by me. I have been banned for an extra 3 months on top of my normal ban time and I would really like to return before the new map starts so I can finish up all of my roleplays and see the end of this character. I'm sorry for all the trouble I gave the mod team. I've participated in a few RP projects since this and haven't griefed on any of them and have been working on my behavior.

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