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[Druidism][Amendment/Addition]: Singing Trees

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 Druidism Amendment/Addition: Singing Trees 


Art by: Thanakorn Suwapinyopas (TAANA7)




Singing Tree[N/C][Requires Tier 5, Druidic Infusion, Powersharing]



Through the power of Druidic Infusion and Communion, the ancient art of storing memories, legends, and secrets amongst the trees long lost now has been rediscovered once more. These kulia crystal trees radiate in the sun and moonlight, whispering tales of history long past, words never spoken, and secrets that have been hidden through the endless walks of time. Those that wish to experience such a marvel will feel the presence of ones that left such memories behind, feeling as if they were there speaking through it with the wisdom and stories lost to history. 



 The process of creating a Singing Tree takes time and focus, with a minimum of six (6) uninterrupted  multi-line emotes being used in the creation process. A seed of any natural tree is placed on the ground with kulia crystals of the druid’s choice surrounding it in a circular pattern. The combination of the moonlight and the Druid’s energies pouring into the crystals and seeds creates a catalyst to where the tree is grown and infused together to form crystallized leaves of the kulia’s color. The tree itself will fully grow at a minimum of six meters high (6 blocks).  Once fully formed, these trees can only be fully navigated by using an index, or power sharing with someone who has access to an index.  


Singing Tree Index:


An Index is used to access a Singing Tree. Much like reading a book, a Druid can use this index to travel through the vast library of knowledge that may be stored within the tree itself to see the memories held within. In order to create the Index, the Druid takes an object they wish to use. It can be made of any natural material that allows Druidic Infusions. So long as the size is no larger than a hand sized crystal and no smaller than a pen. Crystals, armbands, necklaces, figurines, wooden orbs, bones, fangs, and so on are examples of such. With the object held, the Druid begins to infuse a part of themselves in it using their natural energies, mimicking their own presence and aura that is generally aesthetically felt by others when they commune. Taking around three to four emotes and an ST sign to complete the infusion. Once done and a Singing Tree is grown, the Druid with the Index flows their energies into it and passes it back and forth between the Index and the specific tree for two to three emotes, attuning it with each other in order to access its memories. For each new Singing Tree found, the attuning process must be done before obtaining access to its memories. With the attuning done, this allows the Druid to connect to the Index in one emote, and then to the tree in a second emote. To do this, the Druid may not be in combat or conflict of any kind as this requires their full attention. With another two emotes a Druid may add a memory of their own to the tree through the index itself. 


Forum Post Interaction:

To interact with a Singing Tree's memories, one must first find the tree that the forum post corresponds to. Upon interaction, an individual that has an index may freely browse the information that is within the tree. On the forum post it must be stated that you need an index to fully access the information. That you may not meta the information within the tree, or the creator of the tree through the post unless it's ICly shown otherwise. That you must also follow Singing Tree Red lines when interacting or using the tree. If you are adding or removing memories from the tree, you must contact ST to inform them of the memory added, or removed and provide screenshots and/or a memory description typed out to be added to the post. 


Memory Removal:

Much like a druid can add a memory, they may indeed also remove a memory. As stated above a druid who has an index may indeed find and remove specific memories within a Singing Tree. Upon doing so they must inform an ST of the memories removed, so that the Forum post may be updated accordingly. If a player does not have an index then random memories can be removed from the tree instead. This is done by doing a successful roll of 15 out of 20 to find a memory leaf within the vast of hundreds upon the tree to destroy.  If the whole tree is destroyed then the st must be notified and the forum post will be hidden.



It is possible for these trees to be moved by using the Communion ability Ungrowing, allowing the Druid to un-grow the tree and store it within a small crystalline seed, which contains the entirety of the memories and stories the tree possessed. During this time, these memories and stories may not be accessed, and the tree should be replanted within an elven week (1irl week) or the seed will crumble to dust. Keeping a steady flow of druidic energy into the seed will keep it alive until it can be replanted. This requires a Tier 3 or above Druid that knows powersharing to maintain the druidic energies passively into the seed.





-Much like any natural tree, they can be chopped down with mundane tools and burned with regular fire, though one might find it takes a little longer for the wood of the tree to catch fire. Six Emotes for mundane fire and using steel or above axes to chop. Azdrazi Flames, Necromantic Draining, and Voidal fire taking four continuous emotes, Thanic steel weaponry, auric oil, and azhl weaponry taking three emotes. 


-Environmental effects that would either taint, change, and/or destroy flora will take 3 OOC days of being in this radius before the Singing Tree is completely destroyed.  


-Index and Seed weaknesses are the same except if struck by any of the above with one emote, it will go dormant and unable to be used until the druid can get it reawakened by the use of blight healing. If struck three times, it’s destroyed. 


-Druids who are accessing the memories of the tree are unaware of their surroundings and are prone to getting attacked.


-Should someone reach up and attempt to pluck a memory leaf from the tree without an Index, they have to roll successfully of 15 out of 20 to find a memory leaf amongst the hundreds on the tree. Should it be successful, the leaf will instantly reduce to ash in their hands, the memory held within it destroyed forever. 




-Must be Tier 5 in Communion/Control and know Druidic Infusion and Powersharing to learn this ability.


-A Singing Tree and the Index can only be created and used by someone who has Singing Trees marked on their Communion MA.


-You must have an accepted TA in Communion/Control and it is marked on your MA to teach it to others.


-Can only have 1 Index and Singing Tree per Druid. Should it be destroyed, a new one can be made.


-Can use the Index of another Druid as long as OOC consent is given. 


-Colors of the Kulia crystal leaves must be the same color of the crystals used in its creation. Multiple colors can be used.


-The kulia leaves will only aesthetically look like the crystal and its color, carrying no traits of its raw and processed forms. 


-To place a memory into a Tree, you must either possess an index or Powershare with someone who has an index.


-Memories accessed are akin to words telling a story and images can be seen. However anything specifically detailed is hard to make out to where only the words and ambient sounds being the only thing fully understood. 


-Upon Communing with a singing tree without an index, one would find the sounds of many different voices talking at once, unable to pick out anything directly at a glance.


-A player may only add knowledge/gain access to a Singing Tree while not in combat.


-Players may not use a Singing Tree to store the names/identities of an individual or group in the process of killing them, or otherwise storing knowledge which will violate death/resurrection rules.


-All Druidic Infusion guidelines, and redlines must be followed.


-Ungrowing a Singing Tree requires that a player sign be left indicating that the tree has been moved, or no longer there.


-Removing a memory leaf causes instant destruction of a random memory. For one that doesn’t have an Index, a successful roll of 15 out of 20 is required to find a memory leaf to destroy amongst the hundreds upon the tree itself. 


-Can remove up to two memories every 1 OOC week. This is to prevent metagaming by knowing how many memories there are OOCly and continuing to pluck until it's all gone. Must also roll successfully each time.


-A Singing Tree can survive for one irl week after being turned into a seed. Except in cases of Map transfer. 


-Should the seed be given druidic energies passively, it can survive indefinitely. [Requires Tier 3 or above Druid with the knowledge of Powersharing]. Seed must be also within the Druid’s inventory and ST signed.


-A singing tree must be at least six meters tall (six blocks). 


-Any type of regular tree and lore tree can be used, however their unique traits and abilities are lost upon being turned into a Singing Tree, only keeping its species aesthetically and appearance. 


-An Index requires an ST Signed item that was created through Druidic Infusion.


-Indexes are compatible with any Singing Tree as long as the attuning process with the Index and Tree is done. 


-Requires the Druid to Commune and/or Powershare with the Index to use it on the Singing Tree.


-With an Index, you can seek out and find the location of a specific memory on the tree. 


-The object used for the Index cannot be any larger than a hand sized crystal and nothing smaller than a pen. 


-All Singing Trees require ST approved signs and screenshots of the roleplay creation.


-OOC Contact information of the Forum post containing the Memories must be on one of the signs.


-Cannot obtain any information regarding the memories of the tree without an ST signed Index. 


-Removing or destroying the Singing Tree requires screenshots of the roleplay and signs stating it is no longer there. 


-A Forum Post must be created that contains all the memories currently on the tree. Should the tree be destroyed, the forum post will be hidden and/or removed.


-Removing the leaves causes them to instantly turn to ash. Must get a successful roll of 15 or higher to find a leaf with a memory to then destroy.


-These Trees cannot be used to self teach any Druidic subtype, feat, or spells. 


-Cannot place memories that are not legitly obtained. Example being the creator placing a memory about the identity of a shapeshifter yet they themselves never ICly knew. 


-Soul Trees, Epiphytes, Elders Trees, or any ability to create constructs from trees can’t be used as a Singing Tree. (Can’t make an Ent or Treant for example).




The drive for this addition was mainly on how the original lore was being implemented, spread, and the current wishes of some in the community want to obtain it. While it originally was given to each group, it wasn’t effectively spread as it should have been. And because of the requirements of the Feat, it was left in a state where no one actively could pass it on. Along with this, many feel that this should be just an ability added to Communion instead of being a Feat of its own. This ability will be added under Communion/Control of Druidism Magic, being a Tier 5 ability. Those that have the feat will automatically have this marked on their Communion MA, gaining full access to the ability and how to craft anything as well as teach it if they have the required TA in Communion/Control. Depending on what ST Management decides, several will most likely get Grandfathered in as well.


Original Lore: Singing Trees 

Other Lore: Kulia Crystals , Druidism Magic

Writing: Nightcastor and some original lore used.

Consultation: Valannor, DragonofTaters, Damien, Junoix

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This is the greatest day in the history of Druidism.

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i cant believe you're taking away the fact im like the only person on the server with it thats been taught

like this

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11 minutes ago, RaiderBlue said:

i cant believe you're taking away the fact im like the only person on the server with it thats been taught

like this


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Allowing previously accepted elements of Magic to become accessible again by their community is Hozh. I support this.

Happy for the Druii!


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Amendments/Additions will be implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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