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~The Peregrin Family ~ (Updated)

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The Peregrin Family




One of the oldest Halfling families, the Peregrins, were founded by Kenwise and Lobelia Peregrin in the realm of Anthos. The two halflings were completely devoted to properness, raising their only child, Andwise Peregrin, up to be religiously devoted to proper ideals.  The family lived together in happiness for some time before tragedy struck; Kenwise and Lobelia went missing as the people of the time raced from the land towards the safety of Athera, where Andwise spent time recovering from his losses. With the help of Fumble Willowbottom, Andwise became one of the land’s finest tinkers, wasting the time away in his laboratory working on all sorts of odds and ins.  He soon became mayor of the village of Willow Hollow and with his wife Berylla gave birth to a group of triplets.  However; after some time the Peregrins disappeared from the village and Halfling life at large, their absence continued for years with no sign of where the once prosperous family had gone.


Like all things though, this was not to last and in the last days of Arcas Iris Peregrin, the great granddaughter of Andwise, returned to the village and soon began to make her mark.  Adopting many of the orphans that the war had brought the family was soon a large part of everyday village life.  Their influence grew as Onelia Peregrin, another of Andwise’s granddaughters,  joined as well.  They found the Halflings in a sorry state, the war having run them from their homes and they were taking refuge in a biggun fort called Fort Hope.  There she soon took to work, building a new village within the confines of the walls with the help of Filibert Applefoot and helping to push the ideals of Halfling properness once again.


As time went on nearly every member of the family would eventually hold office for some period of time, Iris becoming Thain and her children after her.  Their influence growing once more.  However, with Iris’ death the family’s union shattered and they faded from the spotlight.  After nearly a century in the middle of Halfling culture the family simply existed, while still present the never really did much of note after this.  This is starting to change with the move to Aevos the family has started to reunite once more, making their way back into the comings and goings of everyday life.  They can now be found tinkering away in their burrow, helping the Halflings expand their understanding of the world around them.  Dolly, Iris' grandaughter, now holds many positions within the village such as High Pumplar of the Knoxist Church as well as the head druid of the Harvest Grove.







Cultures and Traditions



The Peregrins are avid believers in the importance of halfling tradition and proper teachings, being known to sometimes go too far in their pursuit for achieving it.  However, this is driven by love and care for the protection of  Halflings as a race and their belief that they hold a special place in the world. There is very little else they take seriously, unless you consider drinking and tinkering.  Many of the family members fall into what could only be described as chaotic good, being wild little creatures who love to party and make others happy, very rarely missing out on the opportunity to partake in shogging or pumpkin raids. Andwise had been a very gifted shogger himself, bringing many titles home to the Peregrin family. 


As well as their strong belief in the ideals of properness many Peregrins find themselves becoming druids or shamans, the family harboring a strong love of nature and trying to protect it at every step.  This love of nature combined with their inherent curiosity about the world around them have lead to many in the family focusing their pursuits on the study of the world around them, becoming fantastic biologists or zoologists.  They strive to keep the village and those within it in line with the natural balance of the world they live in.


Peregrins also have raised and used Housemartins as their bird of choice for generations.  The small size of them making them preferable for the small size of the wee-folk.  Though in recent generations apes have become of significant importance to the family, especially Gibbons and Gorillas.






The Peregrins are a very pious family, worshipping Knox as the one true god of the Halflings and rebuking anyone who may say otherwise.  They have been devoted to him since his discovery and try to spread his ideals wherever they go.


While every Peregrin, for the most part, has held Knox in the highest respect, this has not stopped many Peregrins from becoming druids or shamans.  Worship of the spirits and/or the Aspects is deeply ingrained within the family.





The Peregrins are small, even for Halfling standards, rarely reaching over 2’10.  The family also has an affinity for green and brown shades, those colors being the most prevalent in Peregrin wardrobes. While tinkering, however, many Peregrins can be found wearing shades of gray or black, as to avoid oil stains on neat white clothing. Many can also be found sporting a pair of the patent  Peregrin protective goggles (PPPG) used in their various experiments and inventions. They may also tend to be on the paler side, spending much time inside working on their various creations. This may not stand true for every Peregrin, depending on their tendency to wander the family gardens or partake in outdoor shogging tournaments.


A large number of Peregrins sport a head full of curly orange hair, much like Andwise, but some may be born with blonde or light brown locks due to Berylla’s bloodline. Dark hair colors are very uncommon within this family, but are not entirely unheard of, as the family has been known to take in lone halflings. As for eye color, due to being from a long unfettered line of halfling blood, the Peregrins are more prone to heterochromia than most. More often than not,  Peregrin children are born with one eye blue and one eye green. 



Family Recipes



The Peregrins are very famous for their recipe for a fine lamb dinner that is often adorned with gravy or pineapples, depending on the season.


They are also known for making their famous Peregrin Lemonade which is occasionally spiked with alcohol, but not always.


Finally they are known for baking a rare dish of mashed potatoes that is mixed with a top secret alchemical ingredient and then topped with a thin layer of bacon pieces.



Family Members



Dolly Peregrin - TakeMeT0TheFae

Griff Peregrin - MonkeNotic

Uncle Peregrin - Func_Soap




Kenwise Peregrin

Lobelia Peregrin

Andwise Peregrin

Berylla Peregrin

Rupert Peregrin

Milly Peregrin

Iris Peregrin

Mirabelle Peregrin

Onelia Peregrin

Sorrel R. Peregrin

Monkey Peregrin

Lily Peregrin


(To Join Message TakeMeToTheFae#3833 on Discord)

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