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A traveller's logs-Day 1


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~Lapê Salavi's travel logs~

[a retranscription]








After a week of lonely travelling trough the forest I was glad to finally see civilization again. I had left my village and parents without hesitation and I felt liberated, but the repetitive task of walking, drinking and eating at regular intervals, and being surrounded by the sounds of birds and wind through the leaves had stopped being fun after the first few days. A lot of thoughts were swarming my mind and I needed a distraction.


It all changed when I got out of the forest to be met with a lovely town on a coast. The most shocking detail was how small were the houses and doors. It all came to light when I met Mimoda Applefoot , a kind halfling. She was the temporary mayor of the Shiredom of Dùnwen It was my first time seeing one, and I was offered to stay and rest at the inn. I decided against and continued my visit. The crops where huge and I heard they were fine alcohol makers, are they an agricultural nation? I would love to taste their products once they're available. The garden was lovely as well and everything felt cozy and welcoming, quiet but warm. I had seen a mouse hole, a slow turtle and a hedgehog that managed to say “hark” at me. I didnt have enough time to map the while city but I wrote this log today to remember to go back, during an event perhaps?


After munching on a piece of bread, I decided to follow the signs pointing towards Haense and the Haenseti-Ruka dual principality. It was my initial goal, it being the only big city I had heard of outside of my secluded community.




I left Haense at dawn. I didn't spend a long time there, but i noticed the stalls and housings were true to a city this big, and after taking a bit of ressources in the local mines, I went on my road again. The reason for my early departure and slight disappointment was the crowd. Too many people at the same place, all the talking became a constant buzzing and it started to be overwhelming. I will visit more thoroughly on a later date, but will avoid the festivities.

However, for a first day of visiting and socializing, I feel so free and alive! No one asked about my masks and accepted me like I was a regular citizen, and this anonymity pleases my soul.




OOC: How I took notes as I played


See ya in an other issue!



Edited by Wooshj
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