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TO THE OFFICE OF THE ALCHEMIST | On the Integration of Mankind

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(an open letter)





CONSIDER the rain, O Alchemist, which, after coming from the sky and traveling diverse ways

is wont ever to return to the sky whence it came. Do not the waters of the voidal mages return also

to their source in the realm of non-being? So it is the way of all things to return eternally to their

ultimate source.


At one time non-being was by Being made, and Being poured itself over its first creation, which

was as a land barren, and by its emanations were riven two great streams, the abstract and the

material.  There came a point in the courses of these two where they come near to touching, such

that the waters  intermingle in the nonbeing between them. This intermingling is all the world

that we can know, and where the waters  are most intermingled, from thence come the sons of Man.


And the Source of all Being, having spread abroad all things, draws toward itself all things again,

 that its great primordial act of charity may be made complete, perfectly reflected in all it has made.

Thus do we hybrid creatures find ourselves ill at home either in the right-hand realm of the material

nor the left-hand realm of the abstract, but rather are pulled ever upward toward the divine.


How easily we come to believe that this luring, whose origin we cannot know directly, comes

rather from the material  or abstract realms by which we are connected to the true source of our

attraction. Then, believing that our natural fulfillment will be found in one stream or another, do

we vainly place one over and against the other, bending the material to serve the abstract, or the

abstract to serve the material. The components of our being thereby become unbalanced,

and our persons disintegrated.


It is thus that we become blinded to beauty, enslaved to ingratitude, shrunken of spirit and

embittered of soul. For following one stream only will carry us away from the wellspring

and further out into nonbeing, and darkness. But, by orienting ourselves toward the divine

and ordering properly within ourselves both the material and the abstract, we become awakened

to beauty, liberated by gratitude, great-spirited and loving souled.


Therefore let the material and the abstract be fully integrated within us, embracing both, in their

right places, as good things, drawing us toward the one good thing, becoming ourselves wholly

integrated persons.


Consider, O Alchemist, if by your many pursuits you resemble more or less that great

end of all things which lies at their center, whose light shines on the righteous and

the wicked, who gives freely to the wise and the profligate, who offers all the abiding

peace that comes to all who know, love and do good. 


Sincerely Yours,

James Vursur

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"It is," The Alchemist mused, "The pursuit of transcendence that drives our growth. I did write an entire paper on it. Though-" She set down the letter, and slipped out of her humble apartment. "I really ought to get him to write for me. Two minds are always better than one, especially such a bright one." She strode down the street, and then underground, to the home of the letter's author. 


"Friend, dear-" The Alchemist called from outside his door. @Wholesome_Thomas "I do understand that the written word is a superior medium to the spoken one, but I'm a very short walk away. Perhaps come for tea some time, and we'll chat?"

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