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On the Raevir Diaspora


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An essay on the past and current fate of the Raevir people as of year 132 of the Second Age








The history of the Raevir does not stem, as the Auvergnians, or Oyashima, in the foreign states - but emerges from the roots themselves of not only descendant history, but religious canon, as direct descendants from XXXXX Joren. Raevir are the children of Anthos, born, bred, and made staple on that territory of old and long dead days. 


The history of the raevir is long, tumultuous - steeped in warfare as much as a raging desire for self determination. For ours is the might of Krajia; the wisdom of Sigismund; the might of Arpad. When one thinks of raevir, he may think of straw huts and squealing pigs; but if he speaks those things, then the raev remind him starkly, quickly, and bloodily, of Jaromir the Dancer, and other heroes and deeds of old. To any who might ever wonder what it was that the raevir had accomplished; let I remind those new kings enjoying their rule that it was a raevir who cut off the head of an emperor before it became fashionable to do so. 


Krajia and Kralta stand as sweet memories to the young raevir today, who remember the charm, tenacious difficulty, and the exploits of the old raevir. Life was still not kind to our people; but in that suffering it found a meaning. It was hardship that made our people, but it also destroyed it. Today, scholars understand a number of splits within the modern raevir, and they can be physically observed, from the raev of Haensi-Ruska, or “Siegradic” raev, and those of the Adrian lands, or “Adrian” raev. These splits can be understood from the dispersal of the Hetmanates, wars amidst the canonists, the crash of empires, and the unsuccesful attempts at the settling of the steppes in bygone days. Moreover, and indicating that dispersal and “mixing”, is the commonly accepted fact that many of the aristocratic and noble families of the various nations of Man descend with some regard from raevir ancestors. Moreover, a variety of the cultures of man trace their evolution to earlier raevir history as well as raeviri influence on the development of their cultural traits and aspects. Let us not also forget the orders that were manned by large numbers of the raevir, among them the Carnatian league, and the Order of the Black Sepulcher of the North. However the mixed nature of such orders, as well as those other cultures drawing from raevir stock point to the fact that the raevir, from Kralta onwards, were not mythically unified, but existed within other focal points outside of some purely “raevir” society, though the presence of ethnically and culturally unified hetmanates across history is not to be disregarded either. From this, we can surmise that the idea of some larger diaspora has existed for approximately 600-700 years, mayhaps even more, apart from rare, brief times in history such as with the formation of Krajia and the unification movement pursued by St Arpad Ivanovich as ruler of the raevir, and posthumously crowned as the king of Ruska by the raevir people. 


As per the current political, ethnic, and culturally divided state of the raevir, it has become far more advantageous for the raevir to exist under some larger authority which not only ensures their protection, but increases the odds that they exist under a flourishing community and society. Moreover, it should also be contemplated that the past living standards of the raevir were low; existing on either serf-like subsistence farming, or through excessive raiding, our raevir ancestors lived brutish, if in some sense “noble” life. However, such a traditional lifestyle is limiting in its scope, being largely unwelcoming to foreigners and difficult to sustain a long-term and large population. 


Therein, in the presently modern times, as this is written in the early second age year 132 of our Lord, we are left with two camps; the one is a people living under a large ethnic community, under the title held by the Kingdom of Haense of Ruska, so beheld so proudly. The other, ruled by a line cherished for stemming predominantly from a Carrion line (albeit both groups claim it), but under threat of a multi-front war, and the disgrace of its ruler. And then, we can also observe those others; split amidst nations, and without enclave, these are the wayward and the lonely who exist in smaller clusters, largelly in family units removed from any “central” raevir society. There exists also the conception of some Vaskan ‘county’, an ethnic and cultural raevir society under the Auunic state, possessing its own Duma and leadership under the descendants of House Ivanovich, but otherwise adopting the legal strappings of a common traditional ‘county’. 


Many of these raevir exist with some semblance of contentment - however their nature varies from camp to camp. While the lonesome raev may exhibit a variety of ethnic and cultural differences, to the point where they may no longer even outwardly consider themselves “raevir”, the Haensetic-Ruskan raevir does not “truly” exist. Such a raevir exists solely under a legal term, which amounts to a theory, which amounts to nothing. The population of Haenseti-Ruska may exhibit a few rare specimens of raevir, but lacks a recognizable, large permanent, sovereign, ethnic and cultural raevir population. Instead, the most recognizable aspects of the raevir image of Haense lays in the history of the honourable house of Ruthern, Barbanov - and so on, despite the fact that many members of such houses no longer recognize themselves as wholly raevir, whether from the fact of cultural development and evolution, to the negative perception of the modern raevir, in contrast to the nigh mythical status that comes from the now far diluted Carrion lineage. 


On the other hand, we also have such a thing as the “Adrian” - a new subsect of the raevir, touched by the behaviour of the hearthlander within an increasingly metropolized and centralized environment. We may observe of course, a number of families, as well as local individuals identifying as raevir, while others trace their heritage to that of the Ivanovich. In such a sense - the presence of a permanent raevir population is more apparent. These exist as a contemporary raevir, somewhat detached from its roots and traditions, but surviving. Instead of pursuing a Ruskan kingdom, we observe a free state pursuing an “Adrian” crown, under which these contemporary raevir might exist, recasting a new image, albeit, under a troubled leadership, a duma consisting of Horeners, and the shadow of war. Adria stands as a melting pot of cultures - for one, much like Haense, it recalls its roots to the old Carrion line proudly, but it moreover fails to create a truly raevir nation-state. 


But this begs the question; what is a Raevir? 


The raevir is an ethnic and cultural identity that emerged from the Jorenite tribe, who formed in the lost land of Anthos. The raevir possess a number of distinguishing features; from their dress, speech, traditions, mannerisms, architecture to their conceptualization of space, faith, and society. Typically either adorned in the dress of a kazakh, to the gowns and robes of a northern merchant or rider, the raevir exists at a crossroads; at once they are proud, humble, headstrong, on the other they are mighty, vindictive, and sharply spoken. They exist between the point of warfare and the one of society, at once susbisting from the spoils of conquests and raids to the produce of their fields. The raevir tolerates both the harsh mountains, the thundra, the northern winters - to the warmth of southern steppes. The raevir does not so much exist within the world as he tolerates its existence - from which he will thank the heavens, his ancestors, his saints, and toil the field or shake a merchant upside down until it is that he has made out of the world what he desires. At once the raevir is a good dancer, and on the other he curses - he speaks raevir, and enjoys drink. None can better produce Carrion Black, than an authentic raevir institution. The town of a raevir, a hetmanate, or sich, is led either by the Hetman, Ataman, lord, or some groupings of elders. Respecting rank, station, and age – the raevir listens with open ears. And to them is owed this one saying; that if one should draw their sword, it ought only to return in the scabbard wet with blood. Being natural workers, warriors, hunters, and farmers, the raevir is nigh almost destined for some form of rural existence, where the peoples of his community are well known by all. They exist within the foundations of forts, or within the straw and wooden roofs of hovels and dubious townhouses. The raevir is faithful; both to his elders and ataman, and to his God and ancestors. He pays omage to the wise-women, to the sage, he finds wisdom out of omens, the folk-magic, and the relics of the past. Amidst all things however, the raevir is ; strong, wise, and sovereign. Strong for his existence depends on it, wise so that he might learn from the past and use his strength for the good of all peoples, and sovereign over his soul, heart, space, and body. The raevir, in short - embodies the very image of the strelt.


In conclusion, the present state of the raevir is a split affair. Only in the Vaskan county do we really see a solely largelly raevir society that is ruled by raevir, for raevir. However, such a society exists under the threat of foreign occupation, population loss, and alienation. It must, as such, guide itself towards a state of political and social strength, as well as opportunities for self-determination within an age of dead empires and free states. While it is undeniable that the raevir exist not as a centralized people, encompassing a vast array of kingdoms, lands, and nations, the raevir people of Aevos must enterprise to obtain political and cultural recognition, as well as the opportunity for greater unity under a web of interdependent raevir sichs and enclaves.  


Your most humble servant, 

Janislav Odnookyy-Voron

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Ser Viktor Ratispora skimmed over the pamphlet in the Andregrad tavern as the folk rejoiced over the promotion to Duchy! "Dobry job Comrade.. Ney only z vy a dobry story-teller, but a dobry-author to da!"

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"You are Jorenites. Exalted Sigismund was a descendant of Joren, not a descendant of Harren. Read the bloody scriptures." Writes Morgan of Angren angrily beneath one of these publications.

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"What the -....," a flabbergasted Cardinal nearly choked on tobacco smoke as he read the missive in the gardens outside the Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius and coughed up spittle. In a long groan of internal pain, he looks up to the blue skies and asked DIOs aloud but in a hushed voice 'How do I reach these keeeeds?"

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To the honorable author of this essay, Janislav Odnookyy-Voron

Thou are clearly a learned scholar, and on the subject of the Raevir, I will not admonish thee, for of that matter I myself know little and less, save this I know. You are as much a Harrenite as I am a Dwarf. Wherefrom you could have gleamed this notion I cannot say, for it holds no basis in reality. You are a Jorenite, and your people have always been Jorenites, and on the matter which pertains to my own folk, I will say this. Harren the Conqueror wedded the Lady Sarai, a daughter of Malin, and from their union came the House Elendil, and many others, all of whom bore Elvish blood. Harren's own warriors were likewise commanded to take the widows of Sarai's Folk to wife, to both join their two kindreds, and to set right the quarreling between them. Nowhere is there room to claim that the Jorenites, who were conquered after the happening of these things, were of the Harrenite kindred.


And while I do not doubt, that during the period of time in which my folk ruled yours, there was the mixing of kindreds, this was almost certainly long before the Raevir came to be, Idunia fell, by the latest possible estimates, sometime between the fourth and sixth centuries, and Harren, as it is known by my reckoning, took no woman to wife besides Sarai, nor claimed any concubines, for tyrant and conqueror that he was, he was not quite so debased as an Uruk in that fashion. The struggles and diaspora of your peoples, and that of mine are two very different stories, if equally tragic, and it suits no purpose to try and join the two. No race of the Middlemen, be that Highlander, Heartlander, or Farfolk, can be a Harrenite, for to be a Harrenite, the blood of the Grey Elves must run through one's veins as much as that of the Conqueror and his folk. I wish only the best in your recollection of your people's cultures and histories, but do not allow falsehood to confuse the later generations. 

By the Grace of GOD

Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of House Arthalionath, Founder and King of Númendil, King and Protector of the Adunians, Lord of the Númenaranyë, Númenost, and the Barrowlands, High-Chieftain of the Númenedain and the Harren’hil, Conqueror of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm.NumenatarSignature.thumb.png.f710590aec315034fd69b6a6cfb168a3.png

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8 minutes ago, MalchediaelVult said:

To the honorable author of this essay, Janislav Odnookyy-Voron

Thou are clearly a learned scholar, and on the subject of the Raevir, I will not admonish thee, for of that matter I myself know little and less, save this I know. You are as much a Harrenite as I am a Dwarf. Wherefrom you could have gleamed this notion I cannot say, for it holds no basis in reality. You are a Jorenite, and your people have always been Jorenites, and on the matter which pertains to my own folk, I will say this. Harren the Conqueror wedded the Lady Sarai, a daughter of Malin, and from their union came the House Elendil, and many others, all of whom bore Elvish blood. Harren's own warriors were likewise commanded to take the widows of Sarai's Folk to wife, to both join their two kindreds, and to set right the quarreling between them. Nowhere is there room to claim that the Jorenites, who were conquered after the happening of these things, were of the Harrenite kindred.


And while I do not doubt, that during the period of time in which my folk ruled yours, there was the mixing of kindreds, this was almost certainly long before the Raevir came to be, Idunia fell, by the latest possible estimates, sometime between the fourth and sixth centuries, and Harren, as it is known by my reckoning, took no woman to wife besides Sarai, nor claimed any concubines, for tyrant and conqueror that he was, he was not quite so debased as an Uruk in that fashion. The struggles and diaspora of your peoples, and that of mine are two very different stories, if equally tragic, and it suits no purpose to try and join the two. No race of the Middlemen, be that Highlander, Heartlander, or Farfolk, can be a Harrenite, for to be a Harrenite, the blood of the Grey Elves must run through one's veins as much as that of the Conqueror and his folk. I wish only the best in your recollection of your people's cultures and histories, but do not allow falsehood to confuse the later generations. 

By the Grace of GOD

Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of House Arthalionath, Founder and King of Númendil, King and Protector of the Adunians, Lord of the Númenaranyë, Númenost, and the Barrowlands, High-Chieftain of the Númenedain and the Harren’hil, Conqueror of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm.NumenatarSignature.thumb.png.f710590aec315034fd69b6a6cfb168a3.png

You must be a good and bold king that you should write to me, Mace-Catcher. I wish you a blessing on the edge of your sword and in the thrum of your laugh. May the tomatoes of your steward grow juicy and the songs of your halls be fit and fair. 


The error is mine that I should not have verified my sources. Though I knew Joren as the father of Highlanders, my manual instructed otherwise. Please see this torn excerpt from my textbook, as its mistaken history serves no more purpose to me. It is odious that it should be the most widely available, and I should well like to know its author that I might beat them with my cane. 




It is shameful to me that I should make such a mistake on the very roots of my people. To call say that a raevir owns the blood of an elf, even less, God forgive me for uttering this word - an Ad*nian, is the worst of crimes against my people. God willing, I shall issue an amendment to my statement post haste before seeking to be cleansed by our local deacon. May my ancestors, my father, and the Good Lord forgive me for this transgression against both the arts and the soul. 


As of those who would more cruelly blindly admonish me (for I can hear those old men screaming in their nursing homes), and to the author of this foul source which led me astray; may the earth swallow them whole, or I shall do so myself. 


No servant but to Ruska, 


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11 minutes ago, Jentos said:

You must be a good and bold king that you should write to me, Mace-Catcher. I wish you a blessing on the edge of your sword and in the thrum of your laugh. May the tomatoes of your steward grow juicy and the songs of your halls be fit and fair. 


The error is mine that I should not have verified my sources. Though I knew Joren as the father of Highlanders, my manual instructed otherwise. Please see this torn excerpt from my textbook, as its mistaken history serves no more purpose to me. It is odious that it should be the most widely available, and I should well like to know its author that I might beat them with my cane. 




It is shameful to me that I should make such a mistake on the very roots of my people. To call say that a raevir owns the blood of an elf, even less, God forgive me for uttering this word - an Ad*nian, is the worst of crimes against my people. God willing, I shall issue an amendment to my statement post haste before seeking to be cleansed by our local deacon. May my ancestors, my father, and the Good Lord forgive me for this transgression against both the arts and the soul. 


As of those who would more cruelly blindly admonish me (for I can hear those old men screaming in their nursing homes), and to the author of this foul source which led me astray; may the earth swallow them whole, or I shall do so myself. 


No servant but to Ruska, 


To the honorable author of this essay, Janislav Odnookyy-Voron

Do better research next time you utter pillock.

By the Grace of GOD

Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of House Arthalionath, Founder and King of Númendil, King and Protector of the Adunians, Lord of the Númenaranyë, Númenost, and the Barrowlands, High-Chieftain of the Númenedain and the Harren’hil, Conqueror of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm.NumenatarSignature.thumb.png.f710590aec315034fd69b6a6cfb168a3.png

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