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Persona Card Guide


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Persona Card Guide



A comprehensive guide on Persona Cards!

This guide will walk you through the many commands of our persona plugin and how to use them to create the best possible persona card you can! We will be exploring the persona menu, how to create and delete a persona, and further commands that can be used to fully detail your character to other players.


Persona Menu

Persona Slots

To access the persona menu, you will need to run the command /menu which will bring up an inventory interface. On the bottom row of this interface, we can see several minecraft heads which each represent a persona slot. Steve heads are slots that are in-use, skeletons heads are unused but available, and wither skeleton heads are locked slots.


Every player begins with one slot, but a second slot will become available after they lose their new player tag (40 hours of playtime). However, even more can be unlocked through purchasing VIP ranks (Gold for the third slot, and Ender for the fourth), and nitro boosting the main LotC Discord.

If you wish to further explore the VIP ranks, please refer to our Store Page, or run the /vipperks command in game. To receive the nitro boost persona slot, you will first need to sync your minecraft account to our Discord server. To do this, run the /freja command in game and follow the prompts.


New Persona Creation

To access the persona menu, you will need to run the command /menu which will bring up an inventory interface. 


If you have an unused slot available (a skeleton head), all you need to do is click on the head and then follow the prompts in the chat to finish the creation process.

If you do not have a slot available (all heads are steve / locked), you will need to first shift + right click to delete an existing persona, and then wait until the cooldown period ends to then create your new character.


If you need further help with the creation process, please open the spoiler below.


We will begin by entering a name for our character. I am only creating an example character, so I will set my name as Test.



After this, we will need to confirm our character’s name. If you accidentally misspelled it, simply type or click ‘No’, and repeat the above step. Otherwise, type or click ‘Yes’.



Now, we will need to select the gender of our character. My test character will remain genderless. You are free to select whatever is most accurate for your character, or ‘Other’, if you do not wish for your character’s gender to be known.



Next, we will need to select their race. If the race you want is not listed, or you do not wish to set a race, simply type or click more to view the full list. To leave your race unset, select ‘Unset’.




If you did select a race, you will need to select a subrace as well. For example, if you selected ‘Human’, you will be given a list of human subraces to select from. You can either choose to simply make them a generalised human by selecting ‘Human’ once again, or you can select a specific subrace out of the available options.



Now, our persona is created! We have spawned in the Cloud Temple, a neutral zone where conflict is not permitted, and we are free to walk forward and explore the realm!



Designing your Persona Card

To view the available commands for your persona card creation, you will need to run the command /persona. This will fill your chat with a variety of commands that can be used to decorate your persona with all sorts of information. Please keep in mind that anything you read on a persona card, other than physical descriptions, cannot be used in Roleplay (RP), until your character learns about it.



If you need further help with the persona card creation process, please open the spoiler below.


To see your own card, or the card of other players, the commands /view and /card can both be used, however you can also walk up and shift + right click on a player. I will begin by running this command on myself, to look at the character I created earlier:


There isn’t a lot of information available for this character right now, so let's see what we can add from the /persona command list!

/persona name {input} can be used to change your character’s name. This can only be done once every three hours, however the cooldown lowers to ten seconds for Diamond VIPs.

/persona prefix {input} will add a prefix in square brackets to the start of your character’s name. This is often used for important physical descriptions such as injuries or character ages.


/persona clearprefix will remove this prefix.

/persona profession is no longer available, so it is safe to ignore it!

/persona age {input} will set your character’s age. Setting an age will also activate autoaging, which increases your character’s age by one every week on Wednesday, after the server restart. You can also change the age of your character at any time, by using this command once again.


/persona clearage will remove your character’s age.

/persona addinfo {input} and /persona addbio {input} will both add information to your persona card. This can be used to write a brief summary of their physical appearance for other players to read. Your total character limit will also increase through purchasing VIP ranks.


/persona clearinfo and /persona clearbio will both clear this information from your card.

/persona time will show you how long you spent playing on this persona. 

/persona time will show you how long you’ve been playing on this persona. It will provide you with the hours spent on this specific map (Aevos), alongside the hours spent in total across all maps.


/persona created will show you how long ago you created your persona.


/persona list will show you a full list of all of your personas.



Other Player’s Cards

There are also a variety of commands you can run to find information on other players and their characters. This information may not be metagamed in any form, aside from physical descriptors for their character.


To see the full list of commands available, please open the spoiler below.


/persona view {username} and /persona card {username} will show you the persona card of another player.

/realname {character name} will provide you with all Player Usernames that have a character with the name you have searched for. For example, I will run the command /realname allessandra:


/seen {username} will show you how long ago a Player was last online.


/persona list {username} will show you how many persona slots a Player has used.



Additional Persona Card Commands

There are also additional commands to spice your persona card up even further. You can add links to biographies created using either google docs / spreadsheets / carrd.co, links to art of your character to better represent them on your card, or even a forum link to your accepted CA application.

Here, we can see the Persona Card of Player Amayonnaise. I have clicked ‘more' to expand their card and find the Bio and Art links they have added:



/personamore and /cardex are the commands we can run to retrieve the full list of available persona card additions. Some of these commands are only available to Gold VIP+ Players, such as

  • /personamore color
  • /personamore culture
  • /personamore customtag




Switching Personas

When switching personas, you will be placed on a 30 minute cooldown. This means you will not be able to switch back to another character for that duration. However, Diamond VIP+ have their cooldown reduced to 30 seconds instead.

To switch personas, simply run the command /menu and then click on the steve head of the character you wish to switch to.




Still need help?

Feel free to contact a staff member via the forums, Discord, or you can use the command /creq in-game and a staff member can help you out there!  

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