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Ve Eryka Jewlz: The Loyal Exchange II


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The Exchange of Loyalty

6th of

Gronna Ag Droba,





During the final months of our beloved monarchs, Karl III and Amadea of Susa, we had sat down to discuss how to reward a few of the most impactful subjects of their reign. And, as a result, we came up with a tradition we had hoped to continue through the years following the rule of Georg I, as well as his son and so forth-on. And it is now that our beloved monarchs have ended their tenure as our beloved Koeng and Koenas, that we continue a tradition of loyal exchange, offering a small regalia of thanks to those who stood out in their loyalty and merit. Thus, resulting in regalia of three different classes; Ve Barbanov Estrejna, Ve Szlar Kareunar, and Ve Karosir Edlervik. The first reserved for only the most prestigious five who the monarchs felt stuck with them greatly at some point throughout their reign, the latter for the humble peers who stuck by or rose during their reign, and lastly those who are worth honorable mention for their deeds. May they rest in the seven skies, Krusae zwy Kongzem. 



Ve Barbanov Ezstrejna: A regalia of great renown in means both materialism and symbolism, brought to life during the end of Karl III and Amadea of Susa's reign. This pendant holds onto a center pearl cradling a cluster of five pearls surrounding it, stretched outwards into delicate aureate prongs with the same ivory spheres in their grasp. To the flank of each stretched out six pointed tips each having four pearls on their facade, ranging in size the narrower it went. Granted to only the most prestigious subjects who served their monarchs loyally in their tenure. 


Ve Szlar Kareunar: A disc-shaped brooch forged from ferrum-alloy that was no bigger than 2-inches in its circumference. The facade found itself displaying that mighty insignia of House Barbanov with the side views of Georg I and Sofia of Hyspia facing it. Additionally, dangling from the piece was a smaller disc bound by silver chainlets cradling the sigil of the destined noble house it was bestowed unto. A piece to represent the loyalty during the royal tenure. 


Ve Karosir Edlervik: A simple band of silver sized accordingly for its specific owner, wrought into a sheer surface with slight divots in the contour of the Kingdom of Haense insignia. On the inside face of the ring was the etched name of who it was bestowed upon, while just on the outer-side was the simple phrase, “Krusae zwy Kongzem.” Gifted to those for their loyal service to Georg I and Sofia of Hyspia.


Ve Barbanov Ezstrejna: 

Georg I:

Ser Vladimir var Ruthern: You have always been a brother to me, Vlad. You have stood steadfast by my side for the entirety of my reign, you have been a part of my family, and helped me raise Stefan into a wonderful young man who I've no doubt will soon join you as a Knight. If there is anyone, above all, that I would wish to honour, it is you. 


Otto Gant: You are one of the brightest minds of our generation, Otto. You have served with utmost diligence, and made your way from cupbearer to Lord Palatine in less than a lifetime, and I am sure there is still much work for you to do. The work we have done together has shown that the Realm can only prosper further.


Sixtus V: You are one of the people who have surprised me the most, Iosif (if I may still call you that). From a young man obsessed with playing spoons, rising through not only the ranks of the Church, but also the rank of the government. You mastered both worlds with elegance, and the work that you have done for me, and for the people, is beyond imagining.


Lady Viorica Kortrevich: It has been a while since I have seen you, Viorica, but I still wished to honour you. When the Morrivi courts needed an outstanding presence of kindness, innovation and progress, you took up that mantle, and almost single-handedly continued to maintain a bustling and lively court for the Palace until your resignation. Thank you, endlessly.


Lord Carolus Colborn: You have been a jack of all trades throughout my reign, Carolus. First a historian, then a military general, who led us to victory in multiple battles against the Mori'quessir through a cunning mind, to progress then to serve as a diligent Lord Speaker, and a man who reunited pacts of old with me.


Sofia of Hyspia:

Lord Fabian Kortrevich: You have been a constant and steady presence during my reign, someone who has proven himself above and beyond my expectations. Your work, your presence, you're everything that you have shown has allowed me to achieve the vision I had for my courts upon my ascension to Queen.


Lady Josefina Barclay: Your quick and efficient work, even at the most inopportune and sudden times has been seen and respected highly by me and I'm sure many others. I'd seen it before my ascension to Queen, and much the same afterwards. You have become an example to strive to be.


Princess Veronica Weiss: You may be my sister, but you have been my most loyal and stout person in all of this. Without your shoulder to lean on, it is difficult to see where I would be today. The work you've put in, as my advisor, within the courts, and even dropping absolutely everything to speak to me and advice on a moment's notice is worth more than even the world.


Lord Haus Weiss-Vuiller: Haus has been a long-time friend and loyal companion alike. An unlikely friendship that began with the exchanging of advice, that has led to seeing each other's families grow in time. The endless work, thought, and meaning you pour into everything you can do can never be thanked enough. Always with a logical word, and a keen mind, you are someone I can and will always trust on matters of importance.


Senora Fable Ambrosia: You are what amounts to an older woman who somehow completely and utterly crashed into my life at the strangest of times, and I welcome it fervently. The advice, the comfort, the moments that had me questioning if you were even real has all led to me truly enjoying your presence and what you have brought to my life as a whole.


Ve Szlar Kareunar: 

House Barclay, Duchy of Reinmar

House Baruch, Duchy of Valwyck

House Ruthern, Duchy of Vidaus

House Ludovar, County of Otistadt

House Kortrevich, County of Jerovitz

House Colborn, County of Malkovya

House Weiss, Viscounty of Novkursain

House Godunov, Barony of Verskaya
House Stafyr, Barony of Thurant

House Amador, Barony of Mondstadt

House Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia


Ve Karosir Edlervik: 

Lord Wilheim Barclay

Barones Alyona Godunov

Duchess Roslin Baruch

Baron Arthur Stafyr

Baroness Elia Colborn-Stafyr

Lady Ailsa Baruch

Lord Andrik var Ruthern

Princess Franziska Elaine

Prince Franz Leopold

Duke Manfred Barclay

Mister Lukas Radovanic

Mister Emeric Radovanic

Ser Sterling Amador
Ser Audo Weiss
Vicereine-Madre Laurelie de Pelear
Lady Allessandra de Vend
Princess Hera Munnel
Sir Wyn Larian
Lady Liridona Amador 





HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, GEORG I, by the Grace of Godan King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.


HER ROYAL MAJESTY, SOFIA CAMILA OF HYSPIA, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera.

Lady Elia Eryka Colborn-Stafyr, Baroness of Thurant, The Curator of the Crown Jewels and Haucharkietat.


Gus, you've always been awesome at rp and creating rp dynamics that are unique and fun to engage with. While I've shared my opinions of your reign, it was never expressed how proud I am that you stepped up to a table knowing damned well in the past what comes with you. You care about the Haense community, that much is obvious. You've done good with what you had, and for that I thank you.
Tada, you stepped up to the table knowing the drastic time limit you had. Rather than sit on your hind and play Queen without impact- you stepped up and did something. You took your time as Koenas and did as much as you could, and for that in the future I hope someone gives you chance to play Queen again- properly with full tenure and guidance. Thank you


Edited by DahStalker
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Ser Audo Weiss folded the missive after a read. He simmered in some silence for a moment. He smiled faintly for another moment, although it proved hard to keep - for such awards were for another end, another change. Another loss of an influential figure and yet cemented some deep-seated, ones that recurred and haunted him and proved their reality each day.

And for Haus to have attained something during this reign after the sheer anguish that man had caused him? To - even - in many regards, surpass him here. He laughed lightly, quietly, bitterly. At least he could celebrate for his wife.

And yet with that came the crushing realisation that his work amounted to little, still. For he yet remained in the eyes of many in the shadow of his father and each year he strived to pass it, each year he was denied. And, now, at the turning of an era, his sat in the shadow of the man who had nearly driven him to the brink with the public statement that his loyalty was valued, yet valued less than such a man. 

He peered to the maps he diligently continued to work on upon his basement wall before resting back in his chair, laying his hands over his scarred visage to be enraptured in comforting darkness. And, after a moment to collect himself, he gathered up his utensils for another trek out - to simply quietly continue his duties. 

For the work he had done, and had always done, was for his family.

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Laurelie de Pelear smiled having not even expected anything, it would be something nice however to leave to her grandchild once she was gone from this world.

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