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The Rest of a Falcon

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The Rest of a Falcon


10th of Tov Ag Yermey,



Since the days of my youth and subsequent marriage to the late Baron of Thurant - Arthur Konrad - I have led House Stafyr faithfully by his side following the revival of the Almannic lineage and the return of a lost family to the Kingdom of Haense. For many years, the men of House Stafyr have led the household to great heights with the assistance of their family members; conquering beasts, fostering governments, and honoring their roots. However, thanks to my own beloved husband and children, I have been given the opportunity to lead these people at my husband’s side; for thirty-six years with him, and for one without him. However, it has come to my realization that I am unable to rightfully serve my kingdom to the fullest capacity with the added weight of the loss of my dearest husband. Thus, I must pass on the torch to the youth to allow Stafyr to continue and flourish under new guidance. 


Therefore; I, Baroness Elia Eryka Colborn-Stafyr of Thurant hereby abdicate from my place as Matriarch of House Stafyr and its Baroness by passing on all titles to my eldest son: Lord Edmund Hannes Stafyr. Additionally, I leave my shop, the Almannir Tradehouse, in the ownership of my beloved son, Lord Thondorus Thiges Stafyr. 


Licent, Honorem, Pietas.


Lady Elia Eryka Colborn-Stafyr, Baroness of Thurant, Curator of Crown Jewels



Firstly, thanks for CopOwl for being my editor for this post... Secondly, keeping it sweet and simple... thank you so much for this opportunity to lead such an amazing household. It has been an honor. I'd love to give a special thanks to; Allien_, Jonificus, Wet_Bones_, and ___siren___ , and sawona for helping keep shit afloat. Y'all are awesome. 



Edited by House Stafyr
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*chuckles nervously as he read his mothers missive* "Ah guess ich am an entrepreneur now!" 

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Little Ivonne Emerentia, who was not even a twinkle in her parents' eyes, cannot wait to meet her hauchmamej.

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