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To Oppose Stagnation


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To Oppose Stagnation






[!] The message is topped with the icon of the Scaddernak- The Symbol of the Rex. It has been freely distributed across the land of Aevos



The Blood Faith which governs my own Clan demands constant action, allowing us to always rise to the challenge when present. While the Goi I control does not all follow my creed, this message is hozh indeed. We cannot stand to have absent and weak Goths who would do nothing for our people. Action must be constant and their presence must be felt. Or else, the Goi might simply be better without them, perhaps. Regardless, I have seen fit to remove Xiuhcihuapilli'Ixtzûl, or by her better known as Kuvirr, Kub-ob Rex Ar-Borok, the  Wargoth of Clan Ixtzul from her position of Targoth of the Iron Horde. She has served well, but stagnation cannot be tolerated, especially in our times. Likewise, her Krughai reforms have been commendable. However, since our colonization of the continent of Aevos, she has been dreadfully absent from our prosperous city. 


It is the right of the Klamor, and for Xiuhcihuapilli'Ixtzûl herself to challenge my judgement via our ways of tradition, stretching to the lands-ob old, when Krug still led my people as the Rex-ob all Urukhim. That being, the fist. Though, even if successful, renewed action to keep the Krughai alive and well must be taken for the position of Targoth to be kept. Though, in the spirit of Klamor law, the former Targoth must give up the position or her role as Wargoth, to not stack the Ashtkaar in one individual’s favour, much like how I allowed my Kukaaldom to be taken by another Akaal. In the mean, I will assume the role of Targoth of the Iron Horde directly, as I carry out my own will, in reforming the Keshig soon enough. Too long has the Rexdom been without their Keshig. Again, in our traditions, any Uruk who wishes to claim the role may come forth to me, proclaim their worth, and face me in the pits to show their tenacity.  I have spoken, and this is my will, let it remain unchallenged.




Uruk ir-taar

C9HPI4RMryyH-BzHKaP0DRsNE7yfhlsunPADv0BPK-LB0FwX0kBqcCpWNMGV_5XQmfqT3Nc6j8D1HFxyCl699o5a-0FSTjk6HLGcWwLuWwyPEKpejO3UUnZ9pn7-_pWLrHx0lRrEDFPt4Ah2BLIeTx4 Kybal’Akaal, “The Ram”, Azh-ob Zgur’thruk-al, Piz-ob Leyd, Groth-Uruk, zaabr-ob karn rar-ob Urin, A-Horde.


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A redskin looked over the missive, soon releasing a grunt of approval from the square of San'Brìu.


"Kuvirr, lûb of Ar-Borok has served well. Let us see who may replace her now. Âsh grîsh, âsh Horde."

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Vuron brings the missive to his home in the orcish capital, sitting at his desk as he reads it, a grin forming on the orc's visage. He throws the missive away after reading it and begins writing one of his own!

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