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Three things:

- I enjoy the RP aesthetics of a French-based language/culture, particularly as someone who mains an Auvergnian-descended persona and has studied medieval art/culture of France and its nearby regions;

- I do not speak a lick of French;

- I do not like using Google Translate and a few vague schoolbook memories to constitute my RP language.


If you speak French or using Google Translate has no impact on your immersive, premium RP experience, awesome! Maybe this isn't for you. But if you're open to adding some depth to current human RP cultures, then I've put together the following; a constructed language which draws its vocabulary predominantly and verbatim from Anglo-Norman (an archaic grandfather language of French), with some contemporary French already used by Auvergnian RP'ers, and influences from New Marian and some other in-game conlangs.


If you are familiar with the French language, you will notice a few major exclusions, mostly in conjugation and pronouns. This is because this is an RP resource - I chose the vocab with an eye for item-making and post-writing - and not an actual guide on how to speak French or Anglo-Norman.


I chose to present this as Northern Auvergnian both because I play a Northern Auvergnian, and so that no player feels pressured to cram this into their RP. It's fine and natural for different character groups to speak different variants of a language, and I'm not out here shoving a retcon into the years upon years of human RP history; just putting another tool in our toolbox as a collaborative storytelling community.


If folks are interested in this as an ongoing project, I can be found on Discord at critter#2059 or here on the forums.



A record of the Northern Auvergnian language; its roots tracing back to Flexio, the Auvergnat of Savoyards and Imperial vassals, and Nauvmariav and Raevir dialects; compiled in this document in both archaic and modern forms of use, and printed at the hand of Lord Fabian Otto d'Arkent-Kortrevich, Archivist to the House Kortrevich.





OUI - Yes.

NON - No.

MEY’OUI - Maybe yes

MEY’NON - Maybe no

BONJOUR - Good morning; BONSOIR - Good evening; SALUT - Greetings (informal).

AU REVOIR - Until we meet again; DRAVOI (drah-VWAH) - goodbye.  

BON VOYAGE - Good travels.


MON/MA/MUN - My (masculine, feminine, plural).

JEA - I.

TU - You.

IL/ELLE - He/she.

NOUS - We.

VOUS - You all. 

ILS/ELLES - They, for groups of men or women, respectively; EUX - for groups of mixed genders. 


LE/LES - The; L’ - for words beginning with a vowel. 

DE - Of; D’ - for words beginning with a vowel. 

ET/AG - And.

IV - In.

MAIS - But.

UNE/DES - A, an (single, plural).

OD - With. 

ASCUN - Some. 

AQUN - Any.

ATANT - Here; now. 

ÇA - Until.
TRES - Very; much.


SIR - Ser.

REGALIE - Your Majesty.

SEIGNOR - Lord; your lordship.

SEIGAMIE - Lady; your ladyship. 

MARCHISE - Foreign noble; visiting nobility; noble of unknown rank.

MONSIEUR - Mister, sir.

MADAME - Missus, ma’am.



BOSSIR/BOSSIRESSE - Baron, baroness.

VIKOMIT/VIKOMITESSE - Viscount, viscountess. 

KOMIT/KOMITESSE - Count, countess. 

HERZEN/HERZENESSE - Duke, duchess. 


CHAMBRE - Treasurer.

TRESPARLUR - Lord Speaker; representative.

TRESREVERENT - Reverend; your Holiness. 



S’VOUS PLAIT - Please.

MERCI - Thank you.



MERE - Mother.

PERE - Father.

SORELE - Full-blooded sister.

FRERE - Full-blooded brother.

TANTEJ - Aunt; AMITEIN - maternal aunt.

ONCLE - Uncle; PATRUEL - paternal uncle.

PARASTRE - Stepfather.

MARASTRE - Stepmother.

SOCRE - Father-in-law; mother-in-law.

GRANMERE; formally, AILISSE - Grandmother.

BESAELE - Great-grandmother.

TRESAELE - Great-great grandmother.

GRANPERE; formally, AEL - Grandfather.

BESAEL - Great-grandfather.

TRESAEL - Great-great-grandfather. 

NURISEUR - Foster-father; adoptive father; one who raises a child.

NURISEULE - Foster-mother; adoptive mother; one who raises a child.

LIGNAGE - Lineage; history of ancestors.

PARTELE - Family, House.



AMUNT - North

AQUILUN - Northern wind

BISE - North-east wind
GALERNE - North-west wind


AUSUD - South

AUSTRE - Southern wind

BIDEST - South-east wind

GESER - South-west wind


GERNE - West.

BISETE - East. 


DEÇA - Here.

ÇICE - There.

ESU - Up.

FICI - Down.

GAU - Left.

ROI - Right.
VERS - To, towards.

SARS - Away from. 

PROX - Nearby. 



AIDE - So help me; AIDE GODANI - So help me God.

ESPOIR - In one’s opinion; MUN ESPOIR; in my opinion

ORE - Onward!

OUVY - Go away; step back.
SEREMENT - By my oath; on my word.

SEUF - Gently (often for use with hunting-dogs). 



BOUBET - Dense; a fool.

MERDE - exclamation of displeasure; shit, damn.

PECCHABLE - Wretched sinner; wretched fool.

PROSTII - Nonsense; tomfoolery.

TRAYE - Treason; traitor.



ABAULIVERER - To mutilate someone’s mouth; to scar the lips.

ABATRE - To attack; to beat to death; to conquer violently.

ABETER - To scheme; to conspire; to encourage one to do immoral acts.

ABESCHER - To feed. 

ABESSER - To lower one’s self as a sign of respect; to bow; for the sun to set.

ABLOIR - To be angry, upset.

ABOSMRE - To abhor; to hate deeply.

ABSCONDRE - To hide, to retreat.

ABUTER - To find compromise; to be worth significant effort.

ACHIVEIR - To complete, to see a task to successful end.

ACOUCHER - To rest; to recover from illness.

ACOVENIR - To come to agreement on.

ASSACIR - To calcify; to expose something to heat (of alchemy/science.)

AVESPRER - Nightfall; to draw to a close; to end.

ATIR - To challenge; to torment.


BERSRE - To hunt with a bow.

BRANDER - To shine fiercely; for the sun to shine.

BRANDIR - To be restless; to be on the move.


CARGER - To load; to prepare a weapon.

CAROLER - To go dancing.

CHAPIR - To bow one’s head in shame; to recognize one’s own shame.

CHANEUR - To go gray in hair.

CHARRIR - To load and transport; to escort wares.

CHEIOIR - To die at a swordblade. 

CLARIR - To make visually clear, to polish. 

COCTIER - To cook.

COER - To perform; to sing or dance.


DANTURE - To break in a horse.

DECRESTE - To wane; of the moon.

DEGLAVIER - To execute by sword. 

DENNER - To offer. 

DERERE - To think. 

DERNE - To move forward.

DESACORDRE - To clash; to not match in fashion.
DESTENDIR - To release an arrow or bolt by bow.

DOLEIR - To grieve; to miss.

DOLUSER - To lament; to mourn.

DUBBURE - To display something deceptively; a dishonest show.


EISER - To comfort, to entertain.

EFFRER - To frighten.

EFFREUR - To be afraid.

EMBAUDIR - To encourage, to embolden.

EMBELIR - To embellish; to beautify.

EMBONIR - To soften; to accept; to ease woes.

ENBEVERER - To give drink to.

ENCASTONER - To set a gem; to safely secure a treasure.

ENRUVIR - To blush, to become red.

ENVEIR - To envy; to desire.

ERRE - To make. 

ESPIR - To breathe.

ESMANAIR - To pity one another; to love one another through of mutual pity; to sympathize.

ESMARIR - To be put out; to disappoint.

ESMERVEILLIR - To amaze; to marvel at.

ESMOVIR - To be upset; to be disturbed; to be moved (through emotion).

ESPEIR - To hope; to hope for.

ESTALER - To come to a stalemate.

ESTRAIR - To fail to take care of.


FAILLIR - To fail, specifically of a harvest.

FAUSEMERE - To sleep badly.

FREINDRE - To break an oath; to break one’s silence.


GAINER - To take a piece (in chess).

GARDER - To fast; to keep faith.

GARIR - To recover from injury; to recover from childbirth.

GREVEMERE - To sleep well; to sleep deeply.

GUSTIR - To taste.


HAPER - To take or capture.

HOUMER - To eat or drink. 


ISER - To exit; to escape.

ISSIR - To depart; to step out.


JOIR - To enjoy a meal.

JUER - To play chess.

JUVENTRE - To die young.


LANCER - To spring; to begin to grow.

LOUR - To seek work; to hire oneself out. 

LUIRE - To shine brightly (of stars). 


MAECER - To blossom; to bloom; to be in the height of blooming. 

MATER - To defeat; to claim a victory of wit.

MAURIR - To ripen; to become ready.

MEMOIRE - To recover one’s sanity; to recover one’s mental acuity.
MENER - To pursue (in chess or strategy). 

MESFAIRE - To lose absolutely everything.

MESTRE - To instruct; to teach.

MOVER - To move, to change position.

MUNDER - To refine or to purify (particularly of alchemical processes). 


NEER - To drown or to be drowned.

NESTRE - To be born; to bud.

NOER - To swim.

NOMER - To appoint.


OSCURIR - To eclipse; to overshadow. 

OVRER - To create, to build anew.

OVRIR - To toil land; to prepare for growth.

OVRE - To do hard labor. 


PARDUNER - To beg pardon; to ask forgiveness.

PARFUNIR - To play by the rules.

PERIR - To drown; to be overwhelmed.

PERDIR - To lose.
PERDRE - To make a sacrifice (in chess or strategy). 

PLAISIR - To please, to placate, to politely assist.

PLUVOIR - To rain. 

PRIVIR - To train an animal.

PRIVESER - To pledge, to oath. 

PRARTIR - To go; to move away from. 

PRENDRE - To catch fish.


RAVEIR - To recover possession of. 

REGEHIR - To confess.

REGER - To guide; to direct. 

REGNER - To rule (of a celestial body); to guide (of a star or celestial body).
REPERDIR - To lose again.

RESUNDIR - To set, to hide (of a celestial body).
RESCURE - To rescue or recover by force.

RETRAIRE - To retreat; to move back.


SAILLIR - To leap (in dance).

SECHER - To dry.

SEGER - To attack or threaten (of chess or strategy).

SANGNIR - To lose blood. 

SEMER - To sow crops.

SENSRE - To lose one’s senses or sanity.

SIUR - To reap crops.

SOMPNIER - To sleep.

STABLIR - To establish.

SUCUR - To receive protection.

SUPPRENDRE - To be in danger of a checkmate; to be in danger of a loss.

VALER - To face a verdict; to win or to lose.

VENIMIR - To poison.

VERNE - To move backward.

VIGURIR - To recover one’s strength.


TREPER - To dance with grace.
TRESNOER - To swim across.




J’ÊS - I am

TU SOTÊ - You are

IL/ELLE SOTÊ - He/she/it is


VOUS SOTÊSSE - You all are



JEA ERÊS - I will be

TU SEROTÊ - You will be

IL/ELLE SEROTÊ - He/she/it will be

NOUS SERÊSSE - We will be

VOUS SÊSSE - You all will be



J’AIS - I was

T’ETÊ - You were

IL/ELLE’OTÊ - He/she/it was

NOUS ÊSSE - We were

VOUS RÊSSE - You all were





T’AIREV - You do

IL/ELLE VAIREV - He/she does


VOUS VAIZEV - You all do



J’AREV, -AREV- I will

T’IREV, -IREV - You will

IL/ELLE’IREV, -IREV - He/she will

NOUS IMEV, -IMEV - We will

VOUS IZEV, -IZEV - You will



JE VAREV - I did

TU VIREV - You did

IL/ELLE VIREV - He/she did


VOUS VIZEV - You all did





AACHEPIN - Northern pine tree.

AAN - Year; a single year.

ABBAIE - An abbey; a holy place.

ABET - Bad advice.

ABISME - The Abyss; the Void. 

ABREVEMENT - A summary; a brief account of events.

ABRI - Shelter; a place to recover.

ABOURNE - Flowering shrub.

ACACI - Acacia wood or sap.

ACERE - Steel sword.

ACHE - Wild-growing herbs. 

ACCEPTACION - Willing surrender; acceptance of a decree or verdict.

ACCEPTOUR - An overly critical person.

ACOLLOUR - Delegate; an official representative.

ADAMANT - Diamond.

ALKEMIE - Alchemy.

ARGENTUM - Silver. 

ASSACIUN - Calcification (an alchemical process). 

AUCUYN - Anyone; anything. 

AUFFRE - Plowanimals; any beast used in farm labor.

AREARC - Crossbow.

ARELAZ - Dagger.

ARCIL - Longbow; a recurve bow.
ASTRONOMIE - Astronomy; the study of celestial bodies.

ATIS - Charm, guile. 

AURUM - Gold.

AVES - The end. 


BALEE - A dance; a performance of dance.

BASCHET - Bowl; cup; mortar.

BASTON - Staff; stick; straight line. 

BATAILLE - Game or match (of chess.)

BATESTAL - Anxiety; trouble. 

BEAUBLET - Bauble; a trinket.

BESTE - Wild animal, untamed beast.

BERBIZ - Sheep.

BICORN - Pitchfork; two-pointed farm implement. 

BIDENT - A two-year-old sheep.

BISSEL - Breadcrust.

BLETE - Beet. 

BOCHETE - Mouth.

BOELE - Sausage.

BOEF - Beef, cowmeat.

BOKETELE - Little bucket; pail.

BORDURE - Edge; border.

BRACÉ - Liquor; alcoholic beverage.

BRACEOUR - Brewer.

BRACERIE - Brewery.

BRAGOTE - Spiced ale or alcholic beverage. 

BRAIDIF - A spirited horse.

BRAIS - Malt for brewing.

BRANCHE - Antlers.

BRAUN - Muscle; musculature. 

BROUDERIE - Embroidery.

BUCAILE - A small vessel; an implement for liquids or potions.

BURE - Butter.


CANELE - Powdered cinnamon-sugar; a powdered mix of imported spices for pastry.

CANNA - Cannon.


CELATURE - Carving, engraving.

CENE - Dinner.

CERISER - Cherry tree.

CERF - Depiction of a stag.

CEREBIN - Brain; contents of the skull.

CERFOIL - Chervil herb.

CERVEL - Crown of the head.
CERVELERE - Skull; the bones of the head.

CHACE - Move or play (of chess or strategy).

CHARBON - Grilled or roast meat.

CHEN - Dog.

CHENLET - Puppy; little dog.

CHEVAL - Horse.

CHEVALER - Knight; knight piece (of chess).

CHESNE - Oak tree.

CHESNOI - Oakwood.

CICLE - A cycle; if of alchemy, a process. 

CLAVIR - Clover. 

CLERC - Scribe, record-keeper. 

CLOU - Cloves (herb). 

COIGN - Unripe pear.

COIFE - Cap or hat.

COITAR - Seafish.

COL - Throat; an opening at the neck.

COLERETTE - Collar; choker-like necklace; neckpiece.

COMETE - Comet; shooting star.

COMPAS - Circular shape.

CONCORDANCE - Conjunction; overlap (of astrology). 

CONJURER - Mage; illusionist. 

COPELE - Woman’s cape or short cloak.

COQUILLE - Mother-of-pearl.

CORNU - Crescent moon.

CORONIKE - Kokoshnik; headdress.

CORTIL - Vegetable and/or fruit garden.

COSTE - Rib; the side, or flank.

COUCHER - Hunting-dog.

COUPELE - Circlet; ribbon-crown.

CRESSANT - Waxing moon.

CUIR - Leather, cured animal skin.

CUVRE - Copper. 

CURLIU - Pawn (of chess).

DECRESSANT - Waning moon.

DELITANCE - Joy; happiness.

DENT - Teeth.

DEVERIE - The setting or waning of the stars.

DISCRECION - Interval; space (of celestial bodies or stars). 

DOSSE - Garlic.

DRAGAOUN - Dragon, drake. 

DUSIL - Spigot or tap.

DUTE - Fear, terror.

DWED - Dwarf.


EGRE - Vinegar.
EIRIE - Air. 

EFFICE - Effect or influence (particularly of alchemical processes).

ELIXIR - Concoction, potion, or result of an alchemical experiment. 

EMELES - Almond-cake; almond pastries.

ENBEVNE - Tavernkeep, barkeep.

ENTAILLE - Sculpture, carving.

EQUINOCCE - Equinox.

EREE - Course; movement.

ESCABLE - The shoulder.

ESCHALE - Fishscale; shell.

ESCHEC - Check-mate.

ESCLICE - Wooden sword, training sword.

ESCLOT - Hoof.

ESCUCHON - Coat of arms, heraldry.


ESTIVE - The leg.

ESTRIE - Wind; breeze; moving air.

ESTURIAL - North star; polestar. 

ESUIL - The sky. 


FAÇUN - Face.

FARDEL - Carrying bag; purse.

FAMILIEDE - Seaweed.

FARINE - Flour.

FAUCON - Depiction of a falcon.

FAUCONER - Falconer. 

FEIN - Oats.

FELPARIE - Old clothes; unfashionable clothes.

FENEISON - Hay-harvest; time to harvest hay.

FENNOILER - Fennel herb; fennel-leaf.

FERMAILLE - Brooch; jewelry pin.

FERMESON - End of hunting-season.

FERUM - Iron. 

FESANT - Depiction of a fowl bird or pheasant.

FESTE - Feast or festival.

FETIE - Warmth, heat.

FEUN - Young of an animal.

FEURNE - Fern.

FEURGE - Foliage.

FEYLE - File; tool.

FIL - Baby, child.
FIXE - Non-volatile component (of alchemy).
FISTULA - Sugarcane.

FLAUN - A rich cake or custard-pie.

FLEUR - Flower.

FUILLE - Depiction of a leaf; leaf-shaped decoration.

FLUR - Decorative flourish; floral decoration.

FLURON - Depiction of a flower.

FLURRISONS - Flowering time; the time when blossoms emerge.

FOLEFOT - Medicinal herbs; leaves used in herbal medicines. 

FOLLARGE - Prodigal son.

FORMAGE - Cheese.

FRESNE - Ash-tree.

FRAXNE - Wood of the ash tree.
FREIN - Silence, quiet.

FUNT - Fountain, spring of water.


GANTELE - A thick slice of bread; a breadroll.

GARDIN - Sage herb.

GAUDINE - Wild ivy.

GAZERE - Wild parsnips; wild vegetables. 

GERUN - Orbit.GELIE - Jelly, jam or preserves.

GENEVRE - Juniper plant, juniper berries.

GENICE - Young cow.

GANT - Glove.

GENT - Set of chess pieces.

GERUN - Apron; bunad.

GLACE - Ice.

GRANT - Broad daylight.

GREILDE - Light.

GRESSE - Prime hunting season; the best time to hunt quarry.
GRIFFUN - Depiction of a griffin.

GUIGNE - Tweezers, pincers.


HACHE - An axe, a hatchet. 

HANSART - Hunting sword or blade; any blade for solely hunting purposes. 

HALT - A celebratory dinner.

HASPE - Clasp; fastener.

HASTILIT - Roasted slice of meat.

HEREGE - Heretic.

HOISTE - A sacrifice; sacrificial animal.

HOLI - Holly, holly leaves.

HOLIOC - Marsh-mallow plant.

HOMLOK - Hemlock; poisonous herbs.

HOPPE - Hops; beer-making plant.

HOUILE - Shovel; hoe.



IDRE - Water-jug.

IDRIMANCIE - Arcane manipulation of water.

ILLIRICA - Iris flower.

ILTRUM - Filter.

IRACUNDE - Wrath, rage.

IREOS - Representation of the iris or of early spring flowers.

ISOPE - Hyssop herb.

IVERNAGE - Seeds for the winter crop, to be sown in autumn.

IWE - Yew tree.


JAWET - Hyacinth. 

JUELER - Jeweler.

JUGAAR - Judge, magistrate, jovenaar. 

JUPE - Skirt; low over-dress.

JUR - Daytime.

JUSELLE - A broth; a rich broth.

JUSTE - A serving of ale or beer.


KERVER - Woodcarver, woodcutter. 

KNOPPE - Grape; vine-growing fruit.


LACE - Ribbon; fastenings.

LAINE - Cotton, cotton bolls. 

LANCETTE - Sapling.

LARDERIE - Icebox; meat-stores.

LAVEROLE - Flowering chamomile plant. 

LAZRE - Beggar.

LEIT - Cow’s milk.

LEITRE - Sap, syrup.

LEGENDE - Book of legends; book of historical accounts.

LERC - Loudness; sound.

LETUSE - Lettuce; cabbage.

LEVERE - Depiction of a hare.

LICORIS - Anise; licorice-plant.

LILIE - Lily.

LIMOUN - Lemon, orange, lime; any citrus fruit. 

LIROT - Lyre-player.

LITRESCE - Teacher; governess.

LIVRE - Book; written collection. 

LORER - Laurel; bay leaves.

LUANT - Apprentice; trainee. 

LUNE - Moon.

LUNAL - Lunar cycle. 

LURLE - Wolf.

LYMOISE - Lichen.


MACECEF - Butcher; executioner. 

MAGNIEN - Tinkerer. 

MALDIERE - Cursed person. 

MALI - Elf.

MANDEGLEURE - Mandrake; root-herbs.

MANDEMENT - Order; chain of command.

MARESCHAL - Tender of horses.

MAIRAURE - Marigold flower.
MANC - Person with a limp; crippled person.

MAUTI - Morning. 

MATINON - Morning meal; breakfast.

MATUTIN - Morning star.

MAZERTRE - Maple tree.

MAZELIN - Maplewood.

MEDE - Mead; honeywine. 

MELAUNDRE - Healing herbs, healing tinctures; restorative teas.

MENDUR - Mender; healer; folk-healer. 

MENTE - Mint; any type of fragrant, sweet-herb or cleansing herb. 

MERCENER - Hired assistance; hired guard. 


MEIL - Honey.

MERCURE - Mercury; quicksilver.

METE - Point or position (of stars). 

MEULE - The marrow of animal-bones.

MICHE - Soft bread; soft serving of bread.

MIEU - Forget-me-not flower.

MILIUM - Grain for milling.

MILLERE - Miller.

MINISTRE - Helping hands; well-liked servant.

MIRSAU - Sea-salt.

MIRUR - Guidebook; instructional book.

MISERATION - Mercy, compassion.

MISTERE - Mystery; unknown truth. 

MONILE - Necklace; chain (jewelry). 

MORELE - Deadly nightshade; poisonous flowers.

MOSSE - Moss; lichen.

MUGET - Nutmeg; spice-nut.

MURE - Mulberry; wildberries.

MURIER - Wild berry-fruit.


NAPERIE - Head of the household servantry; head of household staff.

NATAL - Birthday.

NEFELE - Turnip; roasted root vegetables.

NEPTE - Catmint.

NERÇUN - Darkness; the dark.

NOBLEI - Poise; grace.

NOCES - Wedding-feast; post-ceremonial celebrations.

NOVELTE - A new season; start of a new season.

NUIT - Night.

NUITANT - Evening; nightfall.


OEF - Egg.

OEILLE - Ewe, female sheep; a loyal flock.

OISE - Bird.

OISELET - Depiction of a young bird.

OIGNON - Onion.

OLIFANT - Depiction of an elephant.

OTREI - Approval; sanction.

OURPAS - Life.

OVRABLE - A working-day; day for labor.

OVRAIGNE - Harvest; return on crops.

OZIMUM - Basil herb.


PACIENCE - Patience; endurance.

PANETERIE - Keeper of the pantry; head of the kitchens. 

PAMPE - Decorative vines; decorated with vines.

PAON - Rooster, male chicken.

PAPAVER - Poppy flower.

PAPILOUN - Depiction of a butterfly; decorated with butterflies.

PASNEPE - Parsnip and/or potato.

PASTELER - Pastry chef, desserts baker. 

PASTEL - Pastry; baked dessert.

PASTUREL - Shepherd, herdsman. 

PEINTUR - Painter; visual artist. 

PEIS - Vegetable or pea soup.

PERASILIE - Parsley herb.

PERISIR - Pear tree.

PERE - Pearfruit.

PERSICA - Peach tree.

PERSONAGE - Depiction of a person.

PESARDE - A spirit which interrupts sleep by crushing the chest.

PESTLE - A tool for grinding materials in a mortar.

PESCHE - Peachfruit. 

PESSUN - Depiction of a fish.

PESSUNON - A meal of fish.

PIROGAN - Fire, flame.

PIROMANCIE - Arcane manipulation of flame; divination by flame.

PLOUSETEN - Plum tree.

PLUME - Feather.

PORC - A pig, swine.

PORCLET - A piglet, baby pig.

POULINNE - Newly-hatched chick.

PRUMETTE - Plumfruit.

PUCELE - Depiction of a woman or feminine figure.

PUDRE - Powder; powder or dust as a result of a craft or alchemical process.

PULIOL - Mint plants; spearmint.

PULLE - Hen, chicken.

PUME - Apple tree.

PUTEI - A vessel for dissolving substances in alchemical processes. 


QUART - Ring finger.
QUIETE - Serenity; peace.

QUITANCE - A pardon; a restoration. 

REAL - Second branch of a stag’s antlers.

REGET - Regent.

REIUN - Region, area, or section of land.

REMORS - Regret.

RESTE - Fishbone.

ROELE - Width or disc of a celestial body.

ROIFE - Rough leather or fur (as clothing).
RORE - Rosemary herb.

ROSETTE - A little rose or a rose used in heraldry.

ROSER - Depiction of a rose or rosebush.

RUGINE - Surgical implement; tool for setting bones.

RUSSINE - Early evening or late afternoon meal; supper; late lunch.


SAPIN - Fir tree; evergreen.

SARACIN - Pagan; person unintroduced to God or the Church.

SAUSET - Willow tree.

SCROPPHA - A female pig; a sow.

SEIN - Fresh water.

SENTE - Path or orbit (of a celestial body). 

SERVISE - Service; tasks done by a servant. 

SHEPSTERE - Seamstress; tailor. 

SIUR - Reaper of a crop.

SOLEIL - The sun.

SOREE - Fish cooked in red-wine.

SPECER - Apothecary; herb-merchant. 

STATERE - Balance; scales.

STARERIE - Balance (as a concept); natural order.

STEINOUR - Dyer; one who dyes or patterns fabric. 

SUBIT - Instantaneous or a quick death.

SUCHE - Honeysuckle flower.

SUER - Shoemaker, cobbler.
SULFRE - Sulfur.

SURCREIS - Crop, produce.

SURGEIN - Surgeon; experienced doctor.
SWANNE - Depiction of a swan.


TARTE - tart; a fruit pastry.

TERR - Earth; soil.

TISUR - Weaver. 

TONUTOUR - Tax-collector. 

TOR - Bull, bull-cow.

TORCEL - Birch tree.

TORET - Young bull.

TRESCHE - A round of dancing.

TRESCHERESSE - A dancer (feminine).

TRESCHEREUR - A dancer (masculine).
TRESPAS - Death; transition from death to life.

TRETEUR - Composer, writer, playwright. 

TRITEVELTE - Terrier; small hunting-dog. 

TURETTE - A ring worn on a necklace; a protective or sentimental amulet.

TUREIN - Watchman, tower-guard.


URE - A day; a Saint’s Hour. 

URET - An edge or border, particularly of celestial areas. 

URETTE - A brief moment.

URS - Depiction of a bear.

URUK - Orc.

USDIVE - A time of rest.

USDIVESCE - Idleness; wasting of time. 


VACHE - Cow.

VAISELLE - Vessel; urn; jug.

VENIM - Poison; toxin.

VETELES - Trifles; trinkets; a passing fancy.

VERAI - The truth; honesty.

VIELUR - Player of the fiddle or violin.

VIN - Wine.

VOU - Promise; vow; oath.

VOURE - An act; a deed.

VOUTIRE - Infidelity. 


YDRES - Wyrm; serpent. 

YSTRE - Exit; an escape.

YVERALA - Winter; time of frozen earth.

YVERY - Bone; ivory.



WELKE - Clam; oyster.

WERDOUN - Reward; prize of war.

WERRE - War.


ZEARN - Yarn; thread; connection. 

ZETTE - A sign of the Zodiac; a constellation. 

ZODIUN - A division or section of the sky; a portion of the Zodiac. 



ABROKAGE - Plotting, scheming.

ACUSATIF - Accusative; to be lodging a false complaint.

ADAMPNÉ - Damned; sinful. 

AFRUNT - Shamelessly; without humility.

AMBRE - Deep orange-yellow; amber in color.

ALCHINIMIE - Alchemical; of alchemy.

AURRIN - Made of gold.


BIS - Gray; dark gray.

BISSET - Dark-coloured.

BLANC - White; pale.

BLAS - Downcast; downtrodden; disappointed.

BLEU - blue-gray; desaturated blue.

BLEUI - Bluish, tinted blue.

BRESGE - Brown.

BOISTUS - Crippled; weakened. 

BURET - Dark brown.


CHAITIF - Weak; feeble (of the body.)
CHASTEIN - Reddish-brown.

CITRIN - Bright yellow; yellow-green.

CLER - Clearly, loudly.

COCTE - Red.

COURE - Quickly; swiftly.

CRAMOISÉ - Deep red; crimson.


DEVINEMENT - Dark; obscure.

DIVERS - Mottled; multi-colored.

DOINUS - Dull, gray-brown.
DUTUS - Fearful; to be in fear of.


EFFRE - Fearful, frightened.

EISE - Easy; comfortable.

EMBAU - Bold; brave.

EMBROIDÉ - Embroidered.

ENAMELLÉ - Enameled.

ENCRE - Green; bright green.

ENDORRER - Glazed.

ENGEMMÉ - Studded with gems; embedded with jewels.

ENVIE - Envious; jealous; longing for.

ENORRÉ - Gilded; overlaid with precious metal.

ESPECE - Spiced.

ESTERC - Stiff; rigid.

EWUS - Sea-green; soft blue-green.


FEBLE - Light, weak; of a drink. 

FERRIN - Made of steel.

FERRUGIN - Rust-colored.

FRARIN - Uncomplicated; simple. 

FREID - Unspiced; mild.

FRESCH - Unsalted; fresh.

FRITURE - Fried.

FUIN - Fiery; flame-coloured.

FURFURÉ - Purple.



GAUNASTRE - Yellow-ish.

GAUNE - Blonde; dull or pale yellow.

GELEE - Very, very white; snow-white.

GENTIL - Excellent; fine quality (of food).

GERNET - Dull, dark red; garnet-red.

GLACIE - Icy; frozen.

GRAELÉ - Speckled.

GRAS - Fatty, rich (of food).

GRESLE - Finely sliced (of food).


HAINOUS - Hateful, angrily.

HALEGRE - Happily, joyously.

HAWEN - Clear or light blue.

HIDUS - Awful, ugly.

HIEMER - To hibernate; to endure winter.


IGNEL - Rapid; fast-moving.

INDE - Deep blue; indigo.

INOPOS - Wine-red.


LEGER - Light; pale in color.


MALEURE - Poisonous; toxic. 

MAUR - Ripe; ready to pick. 

MELEKIN - Honey-colored.

MIXT - Mixed; stirred; combined (of drink). 

MOISINE - Made of fruit (of drink). 

MOL - Lethargic; tired; lacking energy.

MURÉ - A dark, berry red-purple.


NEIR - Black.

NEIRET - Black-ish.

NEIRUN - Dark, shadowy.

NUNCOVENABLE - Incompetent. 


ORCHEL - Orchid purple; mauve.

ORIN - Gold-colored.

ORRÉ - Gold-like.

OSTERIN - A deep, regal purple. 


PEINDRE - Painted or dyed; altered to be more colorful or decorative.

PEINTERIE - Painted.

PETIT/PETITE - small (masculine and feminine). 

PERS - Dark blue-purple color; deep blue-violet.

PLEI - Full or complete (of the moon or celestial body). 

PLUNKET - Light blue-grey.


RECREANT - Lacking faith or loyalty.

RESOURDE - Dissolved; combined with a liquid (of alchemical processes).

REULE - Directly; straight.

REVERIR - Green, verdant; specifically of plants.

ROSINET - Pale red; pink.

RUF - Dark red-orange.

RUGE - Red complexion; ginger.


SABLE - Dark, dark brown; warm black.

SAFFRIN - Warm yellow-orange.

SANGLANT - Blood-red.

SAPHIR - Sapphire blue.

SCARLETÉ - Scarlet; bright red.

SCUMENGEMENT - Excommunicated; unholy (of a person). 

SIGNIFICCION - To be in the sign of; to be underneath (of the zodiac). 

SOR - Deep orange; deep, warm gold color.

SUEFET - Savory (of food).

SUZPALE - Colorless; translucent. 

TERRIEN - Ashy; the color of earth.


URLER - Trimmed or edged; in fashion or relation to clothing.

VERDER - Green.
VERMEIL - A bright, pure red.

VIOLE - Red-violet.


WIRFAIN - Cruel; fierce.






JEA - I; -ai

TU - You; -as


ILS/ELLAES - -ont  

NOUS - -ons

VOUS - -ez



JEA - I; -er

TU - You; -evre 

IL/ELLAE - He/she; -ver

ILS/ELLAES - Theirs; -enev  

NOUS - We; -onv



JEA - I; -s

TU - You; -s

IL/ELLE - He/she; -t

ILS/ELLES/EUX - They; -ent  

NOUS - We; -ons

VOUS - You all; -ez



JEA - I; -id

TU - You; -id

IL/ELLE - He/she; -it

ILS/ELLES/EUX - They; -irent

NOUS - We; -îmes

VOUS - You all; -îtes



JE - I; -ai

TU - You; -as 

IL/ELLE - He/she; -a

ILS/ELLES/EUX - They; -âmes 

NOUS - We; -âtes

VOUS - You all; -èrent



In Northern Auvergnian communities, most of these names are derived from the Northern Auvergnat dialect or the conglomerates of Gauntr, Early Hansetian, other Jorenic languages, and Flexio. Heartland Auvergnians or ‘True Auvergnians’ of a purer Imperial descent may not share the same common names; or if they do, hold different interpretations. 



Albéric (c. Albert) - m - honored guest.
Alexandre (c. Alexander, nm. Aleksandr) - m - from Flexio ‘Alexia,’ meaning diligence, or man’s defender.
Alexie (c. Alexandra, nm. Aleksandra) - f - feminine form of Alexandre. 
Alatharia (c. Walter, nm. Walther) - n - hunter of evil. 
Antoine, Anton (c. Anthony) - from Flexio ‘Ante’, meaning before, and ‘Tonitrus’, meaning thunder. Stormbringer; fated child. 
Amalias (nm. Analiesa) - f - cold river, calming river.
Amalric (nm. Aldrik) - m - ruler of all; son of the crown.  
Amias (c. Amaya) - n - in honor of the Saint Amyas.
Amelie (c. Amelia, nm. Emma, Emelya) - f - from Flexio ‘Amia’ meaning love. 
Armand (c. Herman) - m - army-man. 
Aude - f - feminine form of Otto.
Auguste (c. Augustus) - m - glorious, champion.
Azélie - f - azalea flower. 



Basilé (c. Basil) - m - the herb, basil, which in Koravian-Auvergne traditions is kept in the kitchen to bring wealth and protection. 
Bastien - m - rigid; of good posture. 
Bersien - m - archer.
Bertille - f - bear-huntress; huntswoman.
Bradien - m - he who shines.
Bradiere - f - feminine form of Bradien. 



Casimir (nm. Kazimar, Kazimir) - m - from Early Jrentic ‘Cassamaer’ meaning strong or willful son.
Casimere (c. Casimira, nm. Kazimira) - f - feminine form of Casimir. 
Catherine (nm. Ekaterina) - f - grace, purity.
Charles (nm. Karl) - m - follower of god.
Cleire (c. Clara, nm. Klara) - f - clarity.
Cleres - m - he who writes; scribe, clerk.
Colette (c. Nicole, nm. Nikolita) - f - feminine and diminutive form of Nicolas.
Cosette (c. Nicole, nm. Nikolita)  - f - feminine and diminutive form of Nicolas.
Courette - f - dancing girl; inspiring girl. 



Edouard (c. Edward, nm. Edwin) - m - golden-haired; golden-handed, fortunate.
Élie (c. Eli, nm. Ilya) - m - one of the sun.
Eftien (nm. Stefan) - m - humility; meekly crowned
Estielle (c. Stella) - f - star.
Estien (c. Stephen) - m - crowned; crown-bearer. 



Fabien (c. Fabian) - m - from Woldszki ‘faba,’ meaning beans and therefore bean-grower; or from Flexio ‘fabi’, noble. 
Feurnette - f - of the ferns.
Francois (c. Francis) - m - from Flexio ‘filius liberatus,’ or son of freedom; not often interpreted as Franz derived from Gauntr ‘Branz,’ or bronze, due to the cursed associations the name bears in Haeseni culture. 
Francoise, Francine (c. Francesca, nm. Franziska) - f - feminine form of Francois.
Frederic (c. Frederick) - m - brave lord; peaceful lord. 
Frederique - f - feminine form of Frederic.
Frein - m - quiet son.
Freilne - f - quiet daughter.
Fulbert - m - guest of the people.



Gabriel - m - God’s strength.
Gabrielle - f - feminine form of Gabriel.
Garien - m - quick to heal.
Geoffroy (c. Godfrey, nm. Godferik) - God-fearing; man of God. 
Georges (c. George, nm. Georg) - m - man of the soil; farmer.
Genevrette, Genevieve (c. Gwen) - f - of the juniper-bush. 
Gentoire - f - graceful daughter; excellent daughter. 
Gertrude - f - woman of the spear.
Gisèle - f - youthful. 
Guiscard - m - wise; hardy; enduring wisdom. 
Gussavie (c. Gustave, nm. Gustaf) - m - worker of the fields; farmer.



Jean (c. John, nm. Jan) - m - savior; redeemer; messiah. 
Joan (nm. Johanna) - f - feminine form of Jean.
Jolie - f - pretty; lovely.
Josse - m - lord; lordling. 
Joseline - f - lady; feminine form of Josse.
Joséph (nm. Josef) - m - acolyte; believer; god will provide.
Joséphine (nm. Josefina) - f - feminine form of Joséph.
Julie, Juliette, Julietta (c. Julia, nm. Juliya) - from Flexio ‘Ulia’ meaning compassion or motherly love.



Hansard - m - Haeseni man; son of Haense.
Hapiore - f - capturing daughter, capturer of hearts. 
Henri (c. Henry, nm. Henrik) - m - cherished son; hearth-son. 
Héloïse - f - healthy; healthful daughter. 
Hermine - f - feminine form of Armand. 
Herve - m - battle-worthy. 
Hilde (c. Helga) - f - soldier; daughter of war.
Hoisoire - f - sacrificial daughter; eldest daughter, though never given to an heiress.
Holilette - f - of the holly-bushes.
Hugueh (c. Hugo) - m - glimmering, shining star.



Illirica (c. Iris) - f - the iris flower; she who longs for battle.
Inigrisies (nm. Ingrid) - f - velvet; soft. 
Iréne (c. Irene, nm. Irena) - f - peaceful heart. 
Iverette - f - autumn-born daughter.
Ives (c. Yves) - m - from ‘privesk’, New Marian for ‘to oath,’ or ‘iwe,’ Northern Auvergnian ‘yew’, a somewhat sacred tree regardless. 

Ivonne - f - feminine form of Ives.



Laurens (c. Laurence, nm. Lerald) - m - warrior, fighter. 
Lorraine - f - the Cross of the Church of Canon.
Louis (nm. Ludvik) - m - from the Auvergnat ‘Luire’, meaning to shine; bright warrior; legendary warrior.
Louise (c. Louisa, nm. Ludvika) - f - luminous, bright; feminine form of Louis.



Marcil - m - crippled son.
Marie (c. Mary, nm. Mariya) - feminine form of the Haeseni name Marus or Marius; to do good deeds, to be good.
Marguerite (c. Margret, nm. Margot) - virtue of the bear; bravery of the bear. 
Matteweis (c. Matthias, nm. Matyas) - m - wise man; wise one.
Matutin - n - morning star.
Muriel - m - wild-born; wild son; child of the forests.
Murielle - f - feminine form of Muriel.



Natan - m - of the Auvergnat ‘natal’ and New Marian ‘auwn’; firstborn son.
Nicolas (c. Nicholas, nm. Nikolay) - ‘one of the sun’ in the Raev interpretation; victory of the people, if derived from some corruptions of the Flexio Victus.   
Nicolette - f - feminine and diminutive form of Nicolas.



Olivie (c. Olive) - olive tree; peaceful child.
Olivier (c. Oliver) - m - masculine form of Olivie.
Orchelle - f - of the orchids.
Orroire - f - golden daughter.
Otto - m - warrior; fighter; honoring the Saint, Kings, or forefather. 
Osterein - m - royal son; regal son.
Ovrard - m - hard-working.
Ozimum - m - basil; see Basilé.



Paviette (nm. Poppiya) - f - of the poppies; poppy-flower.
Paul (nm. Pavel) - m - from Pal; friend, comrade.
Paulette - f - feminine and diminutive form of Paul.
Pauline - f - feminine form of paul. 
Pierre (c. Pius, nm. Piya) - n - from Flexio ‘Pitia’ meaning piety, peace; Pierette, more common feminine form.
Piroil - m - fiery son. 
Piroire - f - fiery daughter.



Terren - m - son of the earth; farmer.
Thérèse (c. Theresa) - f - of summer; late summer; or, per the Flexio definition, chaste.
Tisinée - f - weaving woman; weaver-girl.
Tomas (c. Thomas) - m - wisdom, wise advisor.
Traynil - m - son of a traitor’s blood. 
Turein - m - watchman; watcher; guard. 



Renée - f - diminutive or alternate form of Iréne.
Renilde (nm. Reinhild) - f - advisor of battle; wise warrior.
Richard - m - steadfast; certain in step. 
Richilde (c. Richarda, nm. Rickarda) - f - feminine form of Richard. 
Roselle - f - of the wild roses.
Rosette - f - little rose.



Sabele (c. Isabel) - f - luscious bounties; bountiful fruit.
Sabine (c. Sabrina) - f - from the riverwater; woman of a crusading people. 
Samile (c. Camile) - f - to smile; to grin.
Seinard - m - masculine form of Sabine; son of the river.
Serge (c. Sergius, nm. Sergey) - m - from Flexio ‘Segies’ meaning bold, rash.
Stephanie (nm. Stefaniya) - f - feminine form of both Eftien and Estien. 
Susette - f - of the willow.



Verette - f - daughter of winter; trueborn daughter.
Victor - m - from the Flexio ‘Victus’, victory.
Victoire - f - feminine form of Victor.
Viole (nm. Viorel) - m - masculine form of Violette. 
Violette (c. Violet, nm. Viorica) - f - of the violet fields.
Vursilas - m - son of the bear. 



Werourd - m - winner of battle; reaper of rewards.
Wille (c. William, Willa; nm. Wilhelm, Wilhelmina) - n - learner; student.
Wirfain - m - cruel; ruthless; son of a tyrant.
Wilke (c. Ferdinand, nm. Fiske) - m - fisherman; finder of pearls.
Wirfaine - f - feminine form of Wirfain. 

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you're insane & this is sick


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The Queen of Haense is incredibly proud of her Grand Lord, for he has Northernized the Auvergnats.

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