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Lapê's travelling logs - On the recent Norland events...


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~Lapê's Travelling logs~

[A restranscription]


On recent Norland events



I have been a Norland inhabitant for several years now. I come from a secluded place, I escaped it to finally feel free and never settle again. But when I set a foot on this land, I knew I wanted to put my bags there and build my little home. It was a surprise to me and I have to shut down the little voices in my head telling me it was a bad idea, that it would be the same all over again. But it was not, and I got a home and a shop.

I made friends, I even joined a clan! I didn’t think I had the confidence in me to ever join a clan. But I did, and I haven’t met that much interesting people in years. I felt happy and secured. Until the recent events.


After the crowning of the king Balon, a conflict witht the dwarves started to form. A clash between such strong nations evidently couldn’t be calmed by mere words and we started getting attacked. I thank whoever rules this earth for making me absent each time it happened but so much of my friends had to endure them: a raid inside our own walls, and a raid during a feast in Talan’or. It left everyone scarred and 2 of our citizens have died.

From where I come there were rarely conflicts, and they settled on duels that happened away from looks. The one who could come home had won. Secluded as we were, I never had access to the outside world’s news. I am not familiar with wars, and always avoided situations that could result in one.

This situation makes me scared. I am afraid of losing my friends, my belongings, or even my life to a battle that isn’t mine, and that shouldn’t have even started in my opinion. I don’t want to have to live under restraints because someone doesn’t like someone else. This is making me wonder, when I walk the roads and look at the sky, why did I settle? Was becoming a citizen a good idea? Should had I listen to the voice in my head? I know that now, defending the country is my duty, but will it be worth it? There is so much to see in this world…


Those are the fears I have today. I am not coming to a particular conclusion but expressing those things in my head my help getting them in order.




Edited by Wooshj
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