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Location: The Citadel, Haelun'or

Date: 29/7/23

Time: 21:00 BST / 4PM EST






Issued 23rd Sun's Smile 138 SA



To the Blessed Citizens of Haelun’or,


Rejoice, for the sun rises upon the radiant shores of our beloved Silver State. We, the Mali’thill of Haelun'or, shall celebrate the rejuvenation of our nation in a manner befitting her glory.


In commemoration of our unwavering spirit and unyielding will, I, Kolvar Uradir, Sohaer, declare a grand military parade - a testament to the indomitable strength of the Sillumir, our valiant warriors and guardians. Witness as they march in perfect harmony, embodying the determination and resolve that defines the heart of Haelun'or.


As the echoes of triumph resound through our streets, we shall come together as one in a momentous public assembly. At this gathering, our council of visionaries, the Okariran, shall stand before you, the proud citizens of Haelun'or, to illuminate our path to a boundless future. With clarity, they shall speak of our collective objectives and goals for the State’s prosperity and growth.


The Haelunorian desire burns within us, forging an unbreakable bond of unity and conviction. Our energy and drive know no bounds, propelling us forward on the path of greatness. Together, we stand strong, a symphony of ambition and purpose, the heartbeat of a nation destined for eminence.


At the assembly, the Okariran shall answer your questions, for you are the foundation of our might. Your concerns and dreams have helped to guide us through great adversity. As Sohaer, I seek to ensure our aspirations find their place in Haelun'or's future.


The sun has risen upon a new era, and we, the children of the Golden Pools, shall bask in its glorious radiance. With fire in our hearts and dreams in our eyes, we shall march forward and shape our destiny as one.



Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or

Kolvar Uradir



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A pale-eyed elfess snorted as a stray missive came into her possession, turning to offer it to her companion,


"How ironic, they speak of growth and unity despite the immense divide between Sohaer and Council. Growth - yet they provide no room for progression for their most dedicated and loyal citizenry? The Uradir reign will only spiral the citadel into the ground. Tarnished Silver."


Her words would echo a missive she had laid eyes upon in the midst of her vacation beyond the silver state.



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Eledar Haler'thilln, mature and adult as he was, tended to his duties, looking forward to participating in the grand military parade! Haelun'or was growing stronger by the day, he thought, setting off to prepare the new Sillumiran recruits for the occasion.

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Arasdir Miravaris rejoiced amongst his ilk at the great accomplishes of the new regime, his eyes gleaming with pride at the tidings of an assembly. "Only a keen Uradir eye could have mustered a Heial'thilln so endowed with diligence. No fortitude was left unrewarded." 

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