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Bogatyr Trial of Konstanz Barclay

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The Bogatyr Test


Konstanz Barclay







Issued By

The Knight Paramount

On this 3rd of Wzuvar and Byvca of 488 E.S.


Konstanz Barclay has proven himself time and time again. Squiring under Ser Arthur is no easy task, yet Konstanz has prevailed in every trial he has endured. He has shed blood for the kingdom, as is expected of every squire and knight. We are proud to see the steps he has taken alongside his brethren.


However Konstanz is unlike the others. He is often seen performing songs for his fellow Haeseni. There is something about his music which inspires us with courage and joy, a unique skill for a squire. Most would say he is suited to being a bard, but Konstanz has proved he is worthy to be in the Order of the Crow. One trial remains for him, the most arduous one yet.


We permit Konstanz to take his Bogatyr Trial, may GOD watch over him.


sorry coolcod lol was busy haha


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