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Ontillas [PK]


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How long had it been?

He could not tell. At first, he had taken to scraping lines on the wall for every time someone came to speak to him; coming to test his faith, to attempt to break his resolve. They always failed - but eventually, the wall ran out of space, and Ontillas decided to move to sit next to the stairs, so that he would not get lost in the maze.


The Black Cells were terrifying to him, despite his zealous faith. They were long, dry, twisting - and most importantly of all, utterly black. No light came from inside the cells, reducing him to having to navigate through crawling with his hands and feet. It was humiliating, but it kept him alive. There were traps, he knew, pits of mud and filth and gore that were utterly inescapable. He could not risk falling into those. He did not want to die before the Inquisitors came to rescue him.




"Fear not, Inquisitor.. it's an abandoned ruin. No-one lives there anymore. When I went there with my friend, there was nothing but dust and rock. You'll be fine."






A harsh, reptilian voice rang out - in a jibing manner. It was not the first time, Ontillas knew, and it was not going to be the last. Or so he thought.


"I do not want to suffer a raid from the Canonists. I will send my child in there to kill you."


Ontillas instantly began to scurry away - and as the door opened, a blasting, roaring wave of dragonsflame shot down where he had been previously standing. His body was quick enough - but his arm was not, and the resulting burns drew a howl of agony from the Initiate. Behind him, he heard the Azdrazi cackling, the shutting of the door.. 

And an unfamiliar being, quietly entering the cells. A Nephilim, sent to kill him while he was weak.


Ontillas fled deep into the maze.




The burning corpse of the Priest lay in an ashen heap on the floor. The Draconic Prophet sighed, and turned to Ontillas; eyes alight with glorious heat, gazing down upon the despairing Initiate.


"Do you understand, Son-Of-Man? Do you understand why they will never understand?




No matter where he ran, he could hear the Nephilim behind him.


Ontillas had spent as much time as anyone in the cells. He knew the various paths, the secrets, the locations of the traps - but so too did the Nephilim. And the Nephilim was stronger, faster, quicker, and didn't have an incapacitated arm. If he was caught, Ontillas knew, he would die.


Then - the Nephilim took a different turn, and vanished into the maze.


Ontillas backed into a wall. The only sound in the air was his own panting, and the dripping of blood onto the black concrete. He didn't know where the Nephilim had gone, nor where he should go. He collapsed onto the floor, utterly alone. The Inquisition could not save him. They could not rescue him from this maze, from these Demons, from this wretched fate..


The Nephilim rounded upon him, and slammed him into the wall. Its axe met his hand, removing what working fingers he had left. Ontillas desperately fought back - kicking, spitting, using his hand to try to move the axe away from his neck - but the weapon only cut further into his arm, and the Azdrazi threw him upon the ground. His legs were removed, too.


"Bring him out here. I would see the Inquisitor myself."




"You have no more need of this."

The Herald grasped his Lorraine, removing it from his belt - but Ontillas grabbed his hand, eyes bright with indignation. "You will not take the Lorraine from me."

The Herald pulled back his fist, and struck Ontillas in the face - breaking his nose. But still the Initiate would not yield. 

So, he grasped the offending arm, and broke it. The Herald took the Lorraine, and threw it into the flames.




Barely conscious, Ontillas was dragged through the cells back into the light. There were condemnations, offerings, lies, and the Azdrazi eventually tired of the sport. 

The Herald spat upon the fallen Inquisitor. "Where is your GOD now?" He grasped the face of the Initiate, and in his cultic rage, he ignited his hand with dragonsflame - burning into his face, drawing tortured shrieks from Ontillas. He threw him upon the ground, placed a boot upon his head, and withdrew his sword - holding it over his neck.

"Tell me why I should not do this."

Ontillas had no answer. He would not bow to Azdromoth, so the Herald killed him.




A few days after his death, a letter would arrive for him - though of course, he would not read it.


We know where you are being held. I know you must've lost hope already but I must implore you to not let them break your soul, you are only human, remember. We will come for you. You will not be left alone.

I swear upon it.





Ontillas was fun for the short time I played him. It was enjoyable; a brutal end, but ultimately a proper one. Thank you to the Inquisition for having me (even though he quickly got captured) and thank you to the Azdrazi for the enjoyable prisoner RP, even if it did end in an execution.


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"We will come back for you; I swore upon it." A one-eyed Inquisitor declared as he traversed through the unforgiving climate of ash and snow, his festering wounds from previous encounters mattered little to him, for his heart was full of ire at the thought that they let such a young and inexperienced man suffer.

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A gentle breeze drew dead ash over the dead corpse of the man. The An-Gho stared down at Ontillas' lifeless body in silence, brooding. 


"They will come." he spoke to the ghosts of the dark chamber. 


"And we will be all the more grateful to honour them." The three-eye'd prince breathed an ominous hum to dead Ontillas. His body broken, his faith cracked like potter's shards.


The truth, if it could even be called that, was that the murderers had given the man an unseen gift; by killing Ontillas in such a way, they made a martyr of both him and his faith. Which meant, naturally, that he would see Heaven. 

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Sigrun 'Dragonslayer' Ireheart grumbled with a harrowed gaze as he held a distorted Nephilim skull in his hands, that of a Templar's trophy.

"Mist-roidah, yeh fool."

The skull cracked between the pressure of his gauntlets.

"Oi'll pay et back, tenfold."

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"May mans rest in peace." sev Arsen let out as he heard of the death of the inquisitor, mumbling a prayer for his deceased bruv in faith

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Hail, all. Just as a disclaimer - this death is not publicly known yet. The fact that Ontillas was imprisoned by the Azdrazi is, but his death is not. no metagaming pls


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[!] The venerable Knight sat idle at his desk within the bustling capital of Balian, staring blankly at sacred iconography of Exalted Owyn the Baneslayer. All manner of thoughts raced through the former Grand Inquisitor's head as he contemplated the unknown fate of the fledgling Inquisitor Ontillas. The Inquisition, he thought, was meant to be GOD's vanguard against the exploits of Iblees, and yet it has proven unable to even protect its own ranks from danger. The old knight stood to his feet, his gaze never leaving the blessed Icon of Owyn for a moment. Tears began to slowly well up in his eyes.


"GOD, forgive your people for our inaction against evil. Exalted Owyn, forgive your descendants of the Holy Flame for their inability to snuff out these evils and overthrow them, as you overthrew wicked Harren and foul Iblees. " Philip muttered before falling to his knees, tears now trickling down his face and beads falling from his eyes.


"GOD, forgive ME for failing your people! May this failure not go in vain. May the nations of Man redeem themselves.." Philip then stopped and fell silent, remaining in a place of quiet prayer for a few passing moments. He then stood to his feet and reached out to grab his sword, which immediately shone a bright holy light upon receiving his touch. He then went to exit his home with a look of determination in his face, reflected in his tone.

"We shall rise up a generation of Owyns. And with this blessed power, this world shall be delivered from its foes."


Edited by Boknice275
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