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Precarious Warning

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A roar

 tore asunder the serenity of the night; a wail brimmed with pain and wrath, and one that soon quelled. The silence annexed its reign over the meadows.

The air was fresh and still, and brinks of the moon shone through the fissures in the clouds. The lull of the nightfall was bebothered by but the sound exuding from the group of adventurers – a party mingled of diverse kinds – that panted ever so heavily for they just slew a beast. A sepulchral creature, from whom the gloom company suffered little casualties, though not devoid thereof. 

Nevertheless, through the conjoint effort, the foe had been felled, and its agonising demise, for that it was- painful-, bequeathed the taste of victory unto the valiant company, and granted them a sense of valour. 

A feeling that proved to be but a fleeting pleasure. The congregation did not indulge long, for upon the carcass of the felled beast encroached its fellows, mourning over the comrade, and sunken with livid rage over the loss. The adventurers were hemmed in, and already fatigued. Thereupon ensued a real clash, and one whence naught but sheer luck permitted their improbable escape.

Alas, the adversaries prevailed, and they yearned for vengeance, shulking within the thickets lush.


More posters, bearing the now familiar scribbles, appeared across the realm. Many of them were but laid over their predecessors, and thus, prevailed the jotted map;







The Nearing Danger


Heed, o’dwellers of the pastures, for not long ago it’s been proven, by the very men who live beside you, that the threats are not omitted from the grasslands fair and green! 

Beasts of species yet unseen and monsters spat from tales yet untold prowl both the untamed lands and outskirts of the cities long inhabited..

 Alas, time ushers change even to these rickety ways, for the longer fiends prevail with new neighbours- us- the more accustomed they become. Their alarm steadily dwindles, and famishness grows. Ere long they’ll step over the doorsteps of the cities dainty, in the unending search for a meal.

A pack of such devious monstrosities have already assaulted a group of explorers that set out to fend off the threats, and they but barely escaped. It was not of a pointless endeavour, however, for we discerned a way to clash with these beasts. Yet still, without the strength of audacious folks, even with the greatest and most intricate devices, the luck shall elude us. 

And hence I make another call; seek out the tent of colors red at the Northern shore of the Dúnfarthing’s lake, and meet there with me. Ere you, and whomever you bring along, will meet, I shall gird for the ensuing battle, and hoard equipment for the aforesaid. The conspicuous individuals will be rewarded accordingly, for it is nothing short of great feat to vanquish a beast equally great.



A continuance of an eventline will transpire on 17th of August, roughly at 7 pm EST.

For the people who had not understood that the event entails CRP - the event will entail CRP.


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