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Chronicles of the Silver Flower: The Ballad of Morgana Anarion

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Chronicles of the Silver Flower: The Ballad of Morgana Anarion

By: Faelion Arather


In the realm of Lurin, where legends take flight,
A tale of valor, in shadows and light,
Morgana Anarion's saga we share,
A High-Elf's heart, beyond compare.

With moonlight's grace, a silver stream,
She led her people, a luminous dream,
Brave, kind, and a vision to behold,
A beacon of hope, forever untold.

In Lurin's expanse, where perils entwine,
Morgana's helm adorned, a symbol divine,
Captain of the Silver Centurion's might,
A guardian staunch, in day and night.

She stood once unarmored, axe gleaming bright,
Against the tempest's relentless might,
A valiant soul amid the storm's dance,
A testament to her warrior's stance.

Her leadership, a radiant guide,
Through night's abyss and daylight's tide,
Roles myriad, like a tapestry spun,
Duties woven together, never undone.

Yet more than a captain, her tale takes flight,
A mage of prowess, mastering the night,
From fire's fury to water's embrace,
Morgana's magic, a soothing grace.

With whispered incantations, low and near,
She wielded arcane forces, devoid of fear,
Binding realms, weaving destiny's thread,
A sorceress wise, as sunsets bled.

Amid gardens where silver petals bloom,
Darkness fled, replaced by hope's perfume,
A leader whose heart beats true and strong,
In her, Lurin found courage to belong.

So let the bards, in verses spun,
Tell of Morgana, beneath the sun,
High-Elf of courage, beauty's embrace,
Her legacy, an everlasting grace.

The Silver Flower, a name rightfully earned,
Through challenges met, and lessons learned,
Morgana Anarion, in memory's store,
In Lurin's heart, an eternal lore.

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