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A claim for the Swampgoth!


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Throm’ka clan Lak brethren!

I have noticed that our clan’s leader has been lacking on his part and
I will explain, he has shown himself less and less often, have not paid taxes
To the point we have almost lost our dear home, our sanctuary to an eviction.
Now, I do not disrespect Marosh’lak, yet I do want a better future for our clan and so
I have paid our tax and will continue to do so, I have also built shrines for Lak and
I want to keep the tradition or our great clan alive and well.
I have built San'Laklul the city of laks! for us to have a safe haven and
will not give that up so easily.

This is call for all of you to join me to restore the clan’s honour and a call
For Marosh’Lak to klomp me for the title of SwampGoth respectfully in the pit as I want a better future for this clan
and may Laklul guide us towards this goal.
Lup'Laklul Lup'krugmar


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