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Child Neglecter

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The penitent, once a semblance of a man, teeters on the precipice of reckoning with the ancestral transgressions and follies that taint the lineage of humanity. His advance halts, ensnared by the swarm of awareness that infiltrates his thoughts – gnats, lice, locusts, a torrential surge following the revelation of concealed verities beneath gilded facades and the shared blood of progenitor and heir. 


The penitent's gaze ascends, colliding with his father's gaze, only for his attempt at reciprocity to be viciously truncated. His tongue, the supposed conduit of communion, is unmasked as a multitude of ravenous leeches, a singular parasite born of negligence and miscalculation. Across concealed dimensions, the father grapples with dismay, whilst the son’s mind is assailed, its neural synapses devoured beneath the immensity of unveiled truths that defy comprehension by mortal consciousness.


In the face of this epiphany, the penitent individuation metamorphoses, rebirthed as a lowly centipede – a carapaced embodiment of a convoluted past, an abandonment of paternal teachings. The father recoils in disapproval. A fracture resounds, disrupting the fabric of established truths, a reverberation that resists the normative bounds of reality, all disrupted by the sonic resonance of the swarm, transitioning from chaos to a harmonious singularity.


Infants, mothers, fathers – all cease their actions, joining in perfect synchrony with the resplendent singularity that materialises. Birds plummet from the heavens as the sun engulfs the earth. The penitent centipede, a vessel of parasitic contemplation, hesitates momentarily before surrendering to the nucleus of omniscience. Entropy crumbles amidst the swarm, flesh transmutes into the very shape of the singularity, strata within the penitent's skin becoming vistas of parasites that covet the absorption of Aos and Eos.


Entropy falters, usurped by the singularity's grandeur, as the parasitic entity devours the entirety; staggering beneath the weight of All that confronts it. The swarm seeks to vocalise its protest, yet it is robbed of a voice, a tongueless void. The collective bodies that conflate into unity convulse wildly, froth erupting from every orifice.


The son awakens to his nightmare. He seeks only rest.




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