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Serinwë's Hand: The Company of Healers


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Healers are the ties that bind us. Despite our many differences, every Descendant is vulnerable to sickness or injury. Caring for the injured and ill requires a devoted mind and compassionate heart, and in every nation across the continent there exist those who follow the path of healing, whether they are called doctors, clinicians, medics, healers, or shamans.


There are two functions of Serinwë’s Hand. The first is as a company of healers, travelling the continent healing those in need and assisting in times of crisis. The second is as a latticework connecting healers and clinics across nations, sharing knowledge and supplies. One need not be an oathed member of Serinwë’s Hand to participate in the sharing of ideas and wisdom.




"Warriors take up bow and blade against the dangers of this world. Myself, I am armed with elixir and silver scalpel, warding off sickness and injury.”

- The Tale of Serinwë, Part II in the Lay of Aegrothond


Serinwë's Hand is named for Serinwë, the matriarch of the ancient Almenodrim who was wife to Sylvaen the Everflame. This is because Serinwë's Hand was founded in the year 1700 of the First Age in Aegrothond, Arcas—the stronghold of Almenorean culture ruled by the venerable House Sylvaeri. It began as a company of healers tied to the Institute of Healing in Aegrothond. Admittance into Serinwë’s Hand required completion of the Path of the Healer course.


Members would provide healing for those in need, venturing to foreign lands. Many were also healers in Aegrothond’s clinic and teachers in the Institute of Healing, although entrance to Serinwë’s Hand was not limited to Elves or citizens of Aegrothond. When Illynora Sylvaeri—founder of the Institute of Healing and Serinwë’s Hand—departed the mainland in the year 1708 of the First Age, leadership of the Institute passed to Eraami Aureon and later to Medli Oranor. Although the Institute survived, Serinwë’s Hand faded into obscurity.


Illynora Sylvaeri and Medli Oranor revived Serinwë’s Hand in Aevos in the 133rd Year of the Second Age. The Institute of Healing survives in spirit in the Illynoran Infirmary in Illivira and in name in the Institute of Healing in Amathine. At the time of writing, the Infirmary is led by Medli Oranor and the Institute of Healing is led by Arle Sirame.




Healer on High

The leader of Serinwë’s Hand responsible for the overall function of the company. Must be an oathed member.



Experienced healers who organise lessons, host herb scouting expeditions, and spread healing knowledge across the continent. Must be an oathed member.


Oathed Healer

Healers who have taken the oath of Serinwë’s Hand and dedicated their life to the art of healing. These healers may be called upon in times of crisis and sent where their skills are most needed.


Nation Contact

An individual who serves as the main point of contact between a certain nation and Serinwë’s Hand. Most often, these individuals are the leader of their national clinic. The nation contact is encouraged to attend occasional healing summits or send a representative in their stead.



Healers who are highly knowledgeable in a particular area of expertise. For example: artificial limbs, magic-inflicted injuries, and specific illnesses. These healers may be consulted by Serinwë’s Hand, or they may be full members themselves.


Independent Healer

Skilled healers who are not an oathed member. These healers are encouraged to share their knowledge with others through Serinwë’s Hand but are not obligated to heed a call for aid.


Herbalist — Alchemist

Those who are skilled in creating herbal or alchemical medicines and would be willing to supply these to Serinwë’s Hand or to clinics in need.


Herb Gatherer

Those who collect herbs across the continent and deliver them to where they are most needed.



Those who wish to learn the noble art of healing, herbalism, or alchemy.


Becoming Involved


To become a full member of Serinwë’s Hand, one is required to show their skills to the Healer on High and be approved. This may be done through a display of healing ability or through a series of probing questions to ascertain that an applicant’s healing knowledge is at the standard expected of a healer being held out as a representative of Serinwë’s Hand. This healer will then be required to take the oath.





I solemnly swear to uphold the sacred role of the healer and be bound by the tenets of compassion, respect, and honesty. With unwavering commitment, I take this oath.


I vow to treat the sick and infirm with boundless compassion. I will provide care that transcends the physical, embracing the emotional and spiritual dimensions of healing. I vow to offer solace and comfort to the weary, extending a listening ear and a gentle touch.


I vow to honour the inherent dignity of every Descendant, irrespective of their background, beliefs, or circumstances. I shall treat those in my care, their families, and my fellow healers with respect. I will safeguard the trust placed in me as a healer by not discussing the maladies of those in my care with those who do not need to know.


I vow to embrace honesty and uphold the truth as a sacred principle. I will provide accurate information and guidance, ensuring that those in my care are well-informed and empowered to make decisions about their physical and spiritual health. I will not deceive or mislead, but communicate openly, acknowledging the limitations of my knowledge and seeking further understanding when needed.


This oath is a solemn commitment binding me to the noble path of healing. In the name of [deity; if no deity is worshipped, then “the healer”], I swear.


Those who would like to become involved with Serinwë’s Hand but not as an oathed member, or who would avail themselves of the free lessons, should contact the Healer on High or any member of Serinwë’s Hand.


Healer on High

Illynora Sylvaeri | toffToffee | @meggiebyte 



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A Mali'Aheral of old grips the missive, and despite not being considered a healer by any means, smiles with approval.

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