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The Path of the Wild Gods

Followers of Elnarnsae’ame


“For I am Emerald, I will endure all things, and be vigilant in my stand, from this day until the end of my days” - Awaiti Sirame, Oracle of The Wild Faith


The Priesthood of Orison stands as a venerable order of cultural representatives, rooted in the ancient heritage originating from Irrin Sirame, the revered mother of all wood elves. They embody the roles of spiritual and cultural mentors, serving as torchbearers entrusted with preserving and transmitting the timeless traditions and wisdom of the tribes that preceded them. It is their solemn duty to impart these ancient customs and ways of life to the new generation of Aspectists, and to enlighten the wider world about the profound value inherent in their unique way of life.


The Priesthood of Orison, inspired by the teachings and trials akin to those of Awaiti Sirame and her esteemed Green Priesthood, ardently upholds the cherished culture of the late Oracle. Their primary mission is to stand as a guiding light for wayward followers of the Wild Faith, offering them a path to reconnect with their spiritual heritage.


Contrary to a common misconception that one must be of Irrin's bloodline to assume the mantle of a priest within the elnarnsae'ame faith, this belief couldn't be farther from the truth. While the faith and its rituals indeed originated among the wood elves, the Priesthood welcomes individuals from all backgrounds to embark on the path of the Aspects and harmoniously coexist with Nature, just as the mali'ame have done for countless centuries.




The Wild Soul


Becoming a Wild Priest involves embarking on a challenging journey, characterized by extensive hours of dedicated study and rigorous training. Those who aspire to join the Priesthood must be prepared and enthusiastic about embracing the multifaceted roles of both hunter and healer, scholar and teacher. They are intentionally subjected to physical and mental hardships to test their unwavering commitment to the Aspects' path. The trials they face bear resemblance to the initiations observed in Druidic circles, as they acquire essential skills and accumulate the wisdom necessary to lead their community along the ancient traditions.


A Wild Priest is expected to embody all of the traits of one who lives in harmony with Nature and the Balance.



To possess the ability to fight like one of Cernunnos’ beasts. To stand as a formidable warrior able to draw blood from any opponent made of flesh. To serve as a guardian, unwaveringly protecting your people until your final breath.



To know all traditions, rituals and teachings that make elnarnsae’ame what it is. To possess a profound understanding of the Aspects and their core principles, prioritizing their path above all else. To hold reverence for Irrin and Malin, steadfastly adhering to their teachings.


Self Control

To maintain constant control over your emotions, exuding a demeanor of composure, sensibility, and tranquility. To avoid thoughtless actions that might cause offense and to base decisions on faith, pragmatism, and learned experiences rather than blind emotion.



To derive joy from the act of teaching and leading others down the path of the Aspects. To aspire to become an exemplary figure, a beacon of inspiration for others to emulate and follow. To possess an approachable, resolute demeanor when necessary, an empathetic understanding when called for, and a communication style that is clear and easily understood.



To display unwavering devotion to your community and the path of the forest, never straying from your steadfast beliefs to ensure their prosperity. To be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, if required, to safeguard the well-being of either.




The Emerald Trials


When individuals initially seek entry into the Priesthood of Orison, aspiring to join the esteemed ranks of elnarnsae'ame's ancient torchbearers, they encounter a series of carefully designed trials. These trials serve the purpose of shaping and refining the acolyte, preparing them to fulfill the sacred role of preserving and imparting the wisdom and traditions of the Wild Faith. To attain the status of a fully-fledged priest or priestess, one must successfully navigate these trials, under the watchful guidance of an experienced priest.


Trial of Growth

At the commencement of their journey, a fledgling acolyte is tasked with establishing a garden or a small grotto. Within this sacred space, they are required to cultivate a diverse array of plant life, including a medicinal herb, a vegetable, a fruit-bearing bush, an edible herb, and a tree. While the minimum requirements are set, it is strongly encouraged that acolytes go above and beyond, planting additional varieties of flora. The garden must not only thrive during their trials but is also expected to continue flourishing as a testament to their dedication and connection to the Wild Faith.


Trial of Healing

In addition to embodying the strength of the Father, a priest must also embody the nurturing grace of the Mother. Following a comprehensive study of the local flora and their medicinal attributes, an acolyte is tasked with administering healing care to another by harnessing the healing properties of plants sourced from the wilderness. This healing endeavor should encompass more than a mere minor wound; it should involve a significant injury that, if left untreated, could potentially result in debilitation or even prove fatal.


Trial of the Hunt

An acolyte of the Priesthood is required to possess the ability to safeguard their faith and the wilderness, should the need arise. Hence, they must demonstrate proficiency with a weapon of their choice, which may include a bow, axe, sword, spear, or any other suitable instrument. To successfully complete this trial, an acolyte must showcase their skill either through a successful hunt or by prevailing in single combat against another priest.


Trial of the Aspects

As part of their initiation, an acolyte is required to present two offerings—one to the tree of Cernunnos and another to the tree of Cerridwen. Additionally, they must offer a comprehensive explanation of their knowledge and understanding of the Aspects to their overseeing priest. Upon completion of this task, the acolyte must perform the proper offering ceremony, reciting the appropriate prayer for each Aspect.


Trial of the Mani

As part of their initiation, an acolyte is obligated to make an offering at any shrine dedicated to the Mani and provide a comprehensive explanation of their knowledge about the Mani to their overseeing priest. Following this explanation, the acolyte must conduct the appropriate offering ceremony, reciting the specific prayer corresponding to the Mani they are addressing. It is essential for the acolyte to demonstrate their understanding of the Mani as a collective entity, in addition to the specific Mani to whom they are offering, or aspire to become a priest of.


Trial of the River

A rigorous assessment of an acolyte's strength, endurance, and self-discipline, this trial involves the task of transporting a heavy stone to a nearby, swiftly flowing river. To pass this test, the acolyte must successfully carry the stone across the river, reaching the opposite bank. The acolyte is allowed as many attempts as necessary and may prepare through practice beforehand. If the overseeing priest deems it appropriate, they may opt for an alternative endurance test, such as ascending a mountain while carrying a load of rocks on their back, to assess the acolyte's physical fortitude.


Trial of Reflection

The final trial in order to become a Wild Priest: The acolyte is blindfolded and taken deep into the heart of the forest. They are given herbs that induce visions and are then instructed to find their way back home without the blindfold. While navigating the woods, they will encounter not only hallucinatory visions but also various challenges and wild creatures. To successfully complete this trial, the acolyte must rely on their mental strength and fortitude to overcome these obstacles and ultimately make their way back to safety.



OOC NOTE: For this trial, the acolyte is expected to write a short story about their character’s experience, and post it on the forums.




The Divine Order


The current members of the Priesthood of Orison, known as Wild Priests, are actively engaged in their sacred duties, primarily within the lands of Amathine. However, they also embark on journeys worldwide, carrying the teachings of the Aspects and exemplifying their principles through their actions. It's worth noting that priests who identify as druids bear the distinctive mark of their totem.


To access the most up-to-date roster of Wild Priests and Acolytes, please visit the Glade of Hileia. This sacred location serves as a repository for the current members of the Priesthood and their initiates, where their names and roles are diligently recorded.



An individual who has embarked on their journey through the Priesthood trials, and has taken a solemn oath to the people of elnarnsae'ame: to serve as a guide and nurturer to the best of their ability. Throughout this transformative period, they undergo rigorous training under the guidance of a seasoned Wild Priest. This mentor not only supervises the acolyte's trials but also imparts crucial wisdom and instructions, helping them navigate the intricate path toward becoming a priest.


Wild Priest

An individual who has successfully completed their Priesthood trials emerges as a fully-fledged representative of the followers of elnarnsae'ame. Having acquired an in-depth understanding of the traditions, customs, and practices of the wood elven people, they are poised to serve as a cultural steward and leader within their community. These experienced individuals play a pivotal role in guiding and presiding over cultural ceremonies and rites for their fellow brothers and sisters, upholding the cherished traditions of their people, just as countless others have done before them.


High Priest

An accomplished priest, chosen by their peers to provide leadership and guidance to the Priesthood, holds a position of great esteem. They are revered for their wisdom and extensive knowledge, standing as one of the most learned members of the order. Beyond their role within the Priesthood, they also serve as a representative, advocating for the values and principles of the Wild Faith within the governance of Amathine. This esteemed figure plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of both the Priesthood and the broader community they serve.



The esteemed Oracles are individuals who have devoted their entire lives to the service of the Wild Faith, accumulating unparalleled knowledge of its ancient rites and customs. They represent the elders of the people, serving as both guides and scholars within the Priesthood. These venerable figures have made substantial contributions to the Priesthood and have had a profound impact by nurturing and mentoring countless other priests. To ascend to the revered status of an Oracle, one can only be welcomed into this illustrious circle by those who currently hold this esteemed title.



Sister Orison - Awaiti, of the Sirame - Priestess of Sha’maiden


High Priestesses

Sister Fox - Sonna, of the Vulnrith - Priestess of Sonnos and Bolomormaa

Sister Volcano - Igne'ihnsil, of the Maya'asul - Priestess of Vesper


The Priesthood of Orison is housed in The Glade of Hileia within the Watcher's Grove.



We would like to give credit to @NomadGaia for the original post for The Priesthood of the elnarnsae’ame, and for creating the traits, trials, and ranks!

[The Priesthood of the elnarnsae'ame]
All art by Julia Tar


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Neat post cool club to be in 💪💪💪 

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