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The Serpent Hungers


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The Serpent’s Wrath



The Holy Day of Bithe’Vah grows closer each day, but on this day instead of one step - thousands were taken. 

The darkness grows closer to claiming us, are you ready to succumb to it?




Like beacons upon the mountainside the nations of Aevos were set aflame, though this flame did not burn, it yearned. It searched for its counterpart, it searched for the thing that was good for it - balance.

One by one the Serpent searched. Each nation he marched upon with his forces was met with a rolling cloud of ash and smoke that spanned the horizon itself, smothering the fields in soot as it carried the army of the Serpent within it. Its masses moved in the shroud of ash and flame that engulfed them, making their mark upon each land that held descendent-kind as they searched for answers. Those who caught a glimpse of this phenomenon would notice one important feature above all else. It was not the smog that searched the lands of Aevos, but the flaming banner that glided over it. Upon the black, silken textile the blazing eye of a dragon scanned all that it passed over. It glided just below the surface of the clouds as embers that fell from the edges of the burning banner lit a trail behind it that spanned for miles forming flaming serpent within the sky.



From within the ashen smog that roamed the lands voices called out as it searched for answers, 


“Consume the darkness, learn from it. . .”             

  “Where is my Brother?”

“Has the daemon returned?”

“Where was the inquisitor?”

“Why do they do this?”

“What will Father think of this?”

“Are we prepared to save him?”

“Will we be victorious?”

“Has Bithe’vah come so soon?”


“Has he fallen already?”

"Will we be too late?”

  “Have I gathered enough forces?”

“Has he sold himself to the dark?”

“He must be set free.”

“Where were his students?”

“Did they abandon him?”


“Revenge lingers. . . “


“Who will prove themselves.”


“Wer Idol Di Wer Adulese - Wer Adulese Nugric”


The voices came and went through the different biomes that made up the world of descendents, along with it the hordes of the serpent as they searched for the counterpart of their existence, the light in the areas they grew dull. Without balance they would be consumed by the ideologies they toil with - balance must be restored, the flames will choke without.





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Ahnakriel swore his bloody revenge, rising from the ritual circle with the cinders,
"Do not shy the hopeless fight, for endeavor is its own reward."

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Kyhahahah                            Let us go, we are done here,

                 Kill him of course                                             Your order is nothing without Alatariel

                          Show me the strength of this plane!                      Shar...                         Shar Azardul....

Surprisingly fast...                                                     Shar Azardul....        I see the darkness... 


Release them.


Within the Order of the Golden Lion's keep Aeolus of Khamees stood staring at the waterfall. His sight blurred, the illuminated white hall vanishing, replaced by flickering shadows that danced around his mentor, sapphire mist keeping them at bay. She said not a word, gave no indication of life, akin to stone.


He paced...paced across the blank slate of his mind space, only occasionally looking to the statue. "What would you have done differently?" But there came no reply.  


He neared the unmoving Alatariel. "Is this what it means to be a Keeper? I cannot will you to be as you were in life here? Is that why you don't answer?" Still, there was no response. 


Around the darkened space the scene of An Gho's abduction played out. Necromancers held the azdrazi off from descending, darkstalkers hacked into his flesh. Aeolus entered...and loosed the Daybreak Spear, striking one, but the lich escaped. 


He stood in front of the statue, measuring his worth against its own. Silver mist sparked to life from the Keeper's shape and the Azdrazi's cave and fight vanished. They were on a mountainside, above a waterfall, a centurion stood in front of him and Alatariel fell from sight. In a flash the spear was raised, plunging deep into Aeolus' chest, viscera and bone spewing forth, the water below turning crimson. The paladin looked up, to see the centurion again, but his face was replaced by the statuesque form of the An-Gho. The bells of Tor-Azdroth sang overhead, his mindscape filled with ash. He looked down, a taloned hand held his still beating heart, crushing it. A voice, the helmet of the centurion loomed over him:


"You reek of the dragonkin."


The paladin awoke, gasping for air, drenched in sweat. He doubled over but nothing escaped his stomach. 


It was all in his mind, wasn't it?

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The best part of the whole thing:

38 minutes ago, rukio said:

 Kill him of course 



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A newborn drake hissed in rage at the battle that had taken place and the defeat that followed. They had licked their wounds and helped her sole kindred in the conflict do the same.

Disappointment muddled with a newfound anger, of whose depths had not been felt yet in the short months after their birth.

A talon bearing hand was lifted, and smashed into the blackened stone of the wall adjacent to the dragon. Preparations had been made, and they joined the Hordes of the Serpent in their search...

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