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The Fourth Lady-Magister


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The Fourth Lady-Magister





You have demanded your seat amongst the hall of power, within the Obsidian Thrones of the greatest Magi in all of Aevos.

The Sorcerous City has grown three fold since its founding, and thus in lieu of a direct contest for one of its seats - I have instead considered whether to expand our demesne. To Govern over the rising population of Wizards, Magi, and Sorcerers within our walls.

I have considered your talents. A Mage must be more than a brute force instrument, they must possess cunning, guile, and magical mastery. Shall you  know when to be ruthless and when to make an ally of an enemy?

I have considered your ambitions. Each Magister on this council serves a purpose: Strength & Power, Mystery & Magic, Guile and Discovery - and a Grand Magister to balance these ambitions. As Farazad the Great, First Grand Magister of the Hakad once learned of Warlods cloaked in Mages clothing - shall you know when your ambitions are too great - and too dangerous?

I have considered your power. Drawn from those skills not readily visible to those around them. Many will gnaw and bite at the tethers of your robes, many more will gnash teeth in displays of power - yet in this you have shown the ability to both survive and thrive. For greed, wielded right, is indeed good - a lesson of the great paradox of the Mysteries. Shall you wield your power wisely?

I deem your challenge worthy: And deny you no further by what is right by your own merit, to be named as LADY-MAGISTER of THE DISTRICT OF BOUNDLESS GREED. In sworn fealty to the throne of the Grand Magister, our fates are now bound.


If there any in this city who would challenge your claim, they have
ONE ELVEN WEEK to make their claim known and contest your ascension - and may due so by ANCIENT KAGGATH.





 GRAND-MAGISTER, Razad the 'Fatebinder', Hierophant of the Mysteries,

Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat

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