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. . .


You were conscious, free from the smaller fluctuations of the Veil for quite some time. It was oft that those magi corrupted by ambition were full of holes; they were not difficult adversaries. But for war and murder, for a few decades the legacy of the mage had not been a horrible one.


. . .


All times come to pass, and all states of being are transient. In the time you spend to disprove this axiom, everything has already changed. Let not that uselessness come from your mouth.

And so here you are, the fluctuations of energies beyond your understanding sending shapeless images into your mind. You are unconscious, you have fallen - but you perceive only the horror of the disturbance, so close to your doorstep, right within the magnitude that you can affect. The perfect trap for a heroic soul; the shapeless void judges you, and hopes that you are different than the thing that willed it.






The hate bombards you endlessly. You die thousands of times by its hand, boiled alive and eviscerated in paper-thin partitions, and are then re-made in its image. There are no limits to what the wretched, consuming forces of the Void can imagine for you.


Ah, you had finally perceived the form of the message. You suffer no longer in your senses, instead the great rift appearing before you. It seems to stretch endlessly into the night sky, unburdened by walls or protections. It sung its horrible energy into the world, corrupting the very air which permitted life. It taunted you, screamed at you. What is its purpose? Why does it exist?



You awake.


. . .


What horror is this? There is no sense or reason, and yet it remains. You feel the oppressive touch of folly rending your world apart.




[This vision is seen exclusively by Veil Watchers with access to the Event Horizon ability.]



hello this is an interactable voidal tear for once that will actually be findable and not behind doors... if u find it and want some cool rp out of it then msg me Orsamkhov ingame or ameme. on discord. Or if you want to destroy it and get no rp out of it thats fine too, status quo it is....


I'll probably make a few of these so let's have some fun voidal rp. or not... who knows?


credit to UNWILLINGLY for the beautiful photograph.

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msg Orsamkhov in game for some fun ‼️ 


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Anyone who makes a vision post for any rift automatically gets a +1 from me


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10 minutes ago, sam33497 said:


that'll be 50 dollars pls


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11 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:
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that'll be 50 dollars pls


*bows to unwillingly and puts credits in post

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Isn't that an vision that those that got Metis also can see?


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1 hour ago, sam33497 said:
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It's truly a divine feat.


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A lone veilwatcher jolted awake very suddenly from where he had fallen, on the stone steps of Hokhmat. A moment was taken to clutch at his head, as Orion caught his breath. Not again, not already.

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Trembling and pale, Elerína awoke in the dirt of the road leading to Vikela, which she had just been traveling along. Slowly, she sat up and ran her shaking left hand across her forehead with a squint of her eyes. Taking deep breaths the watcher muttered. "Ha... so this is the... true horror that we are witness..."

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A True Wizard bears no inclination towards the attaining of such prophesying power.
For she only needed her trusty crystal ball, through which she saw it all.

Neither boiled, shredded nor broken, she observes with sky-blue eyes the opening of the rift.



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It should be against the rules to destroy them without an interaction 😡

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With a sudden jolt of movement, the magi was back to his office within Vikela... As he looked around he took but a moment to process the vision he had seen, wiping cold sweat off his forehead. Aserath scuffed, before fixing up his attire only to sit back down and begin writting some letters "FInally, something to do.." he said to himself with a look of excitement.



JJK music goes hard with this, love it.


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