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An Equation to Classify Sacred Tradition


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An Equation to Classify Sacred Tradition
Formula ad Traditionem Sacram Classificandam



Kraltan teaches 'Holy Mathematics.'


The whole of Canon Law must be viewed as a framework of defined rights, obligations, and crimes through which the Church, in her magisterial authority, establishes and maintains order, ensures doctrinal integrity, and guidance to the faithful in their spiritual journey, fostering a just community governed by the vessels of terrestrial authority. In one resonance, what is within the Seven Skies so echoes upon the sacred lands of Descendants, embodying the harmony between celestial realms and terrestrial existence. 


It is known that outside of Canon Law, there is an equally extensive corpus of legally undefined sacred matter, which has been inherited through the ages as we have moved in solidarity with the Exalted. Our experience with the miracles and works of GOD, shown through the saints, has crafted a mosaic of Sacred Tradition that enriches the formal structure of Canon Law.


At the closing of the Apostolic Council of St. Thomas, by His Holiness Sixtus IV on the 13th of The Deep Cold, 1575, it was solemnly declared that his ecumenical council “[H]as been established to reaffirm the sacred tradition of the Most Holy Church of God, to establish doctrine, and to reform the liturgy in an ever-evolving and arbitrary world. We, the Holy Church of the Canon, profess our belief in the One Most Omnipotent Creator as the source of all power, might, wisdom, and holiness. We proclaim His truths, made known by Divine Revelation, for all nations and all of Creation." In this context, the recognition that Sacred Tradition is designated for reaffirmation, while doctrine is to be established, speaks to the necessity of Sacred Tradition.


In the VI Golden Bull of Mount St Humbert and Virtutem Gentium, His Holiness Everard IV declared, "With the mutual cooperation of the divine institution and the temporal estates to which we are all conformed by God, it is the duty for all to serve as cooperators in peace and unity, preserve sacred tradition and the sanctity of life, and protect against the wicked snares of Iblees and his daemonic agents so that we might form and bring to fulfillment the collective virtues of the nations pleasing to God in this life and the next." Similarly, the preservation of Sacred Tradition assumes a central role, emphasized by its priority—placed ahead of life itself and in opposition to the forces of evil.


The Canonist Church lacks a formal archive or chronicle documenting Sacred Tradition, considering such an endeavor futile. Divine revelation is bestowed upon believers through the Holy Scrolls and the miraculous works of God. The Church emphasizes that the message of these divine sources remains alive and active in the world, asserting that tradition, far from being stagnant, is vibrant and continually at work.


There is an imperative need to establish a definitive framework for classifying Sacred Tradition. This framework, while not seeking to define the ineffable, should categorize elements worthy of reverence if they conform to certain standards. The criteria should extend to those aspects that guide the flock toward faith and illuminate a path out of darkness. In this quest for classification, the equation emerges:


Classified  Sacred Tradition =  S

Conformity to Holy Scrolls = C

Historical  Usage = H

Instruction in GOD = I


S = (C⋅MC)⋅(H⋅MH)⋅(I⋅MI)


This equation encapsulates the essence of the framework, emphasizing Sacred Tradition as a body which does not oppose revealed truth in Sacred Scripture, is conveyed within time yet originating through the fiat of GOD, and teaches believers something of the divine.

S is determined by the conjunction of three conditions: Conformity to Holy Scrolls (C⋅MC), Historical Usage (H⋅MH), and Instruction in GOD (I⋅MI). If each of the binary modifiers (MC, MH, MI) is 1 as per the given justifications, the equation simplifies to S = C⋅H⋅I. This indicates that S is true if and only if all three conditions (C, H, I) are true. However, if any of the binary modifiers is 0, the overall result is 0. For instance, if M= 0, the entire expression would be 0 regardless of the values of C, MC, I, MI.


Exempli gratia



In the Codex Iuris Canonici Danielus Pontifex, Second Edition, one will not discover explicit directives regarding a bishop’s distinctive crozier. Nevertheless, throughout time immemorial, the clergy has adhered to specific attire, not explicitly mandated by legal texts, but rather as a symbolic representation of their sacred roles. This longstanding tradition of donning distinctive garments or taking up tools of office serves to visually express and embody their sacred duties.

Proof of a Crozier as a matter within Sacred Tradition.                    


 S = (C⋅MC)⋅(H⋅MH)⋅(I⋅MI)


MConformity to Holy ScrollsIn the sacred verses of the Gospel Scroll, within the fifth verse of the Book of Silence, we encounter the command of Owyn: "At Owyn’s command, the brothers set shepherds over the flock of men, and so created a priesthood for their instruction, in anticipation of the second son of spirit." This passage underscores the significance of the cleric’s role as a  shepherd. In the practical manner outside of this divine directive, a shepherd carries a crozier to guide and safeguard his flock, symbolizing a powerful emblem of their sacred duty to nurture, guide, and protect those entrusted to their care. The tradition of a Bishop’s use of the crozier reflects their role to offer steadfast guardianship and spiritual guidance. On the binary this is 1 for Conformity to Holy Scrolls

MHistorical UsageGiven its enduring presence in the Church, the use of croziers has been well-documented, extending even to remarkable events like the second miracle associated with the canonization of St. Noah of Petrus. Described in the following manner: "Having taken on a penance of his own, a man was going on a pilgrimage, trekking to each Cathedral on the continent. As he walked the longest road of his journey to his final destination, the man was exhausted and so, knowing him to be one associated with confession, prayed to Noah of Petrus. Upon waking up to continue his pilgrimage, the man found a basket filled with eggs and a Bishop’s crozier, allowing him a full meal and an aid so that he could make it the last way." This remarkable occurrence is Historical Usage, it is signified by a rating of 1 on this binary scale.


MInstruction in GODThis practice serves as a distinctive marker for the laity to form a direct association to individuals who have dedicated their lives to the service of GOD. Just as GOD is shepard over all, so too are His vicars who are entrusted with terrestrial custodianship over the flocks of faithful. The crozier serves as a tangible link between the present and the enduring teachings of our faith. Therefore, it deserves a prominent rating of 1 on the binary scale of Instruction in GOD.

Substitute C,H,I and their respective modifiers:


Since the modifiers for Conformity to Holy Scrolls (MC), Historical Usage (MH), and Instruction in GOD (MI) are all given as 1, we have:

This implies that the overall expression is true

Therefore, based on the information provided, the expression (C⋅MC)⋅(H⋅MH)⋅(I⋅MI) is true, supporting the assertion that a crozier is classified within Sacred Tradition.



May this work be in favor of the truths revealed to the Holy Mother Church. It is dedication to His Holiness Sixtus VI on the First Saint's Day of his Pontificate.

Kraltan Ambertoe

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Halston Veyont looks over the notes of the Chapin of Saint Jude, nodding along with furrowed brows genuinely attempting to understand any of it. After the lecture and notes regarding holy mathematics he would then seek Brother Damian's assistance over the matter. "Brother, I do not understand this and I am embarrassed to ask Brother Kraltan. I don't do well thinking on paper." 

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