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House Nullivari


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“Never forget, Never forgive.”

Published: 11th of the Grand Harvest, Year 156 of the SA

House Nullivari and their legacy remains a testament to the indomitable spirit that courses through the veins of Celia’nor. Distinguished and birthed from drive, unyielding fortitude and the inherent willpower to survive, this noble talonii embody the very essence of strength and authority.


Being among the first lords of Celia’nor, House Nullivari has etched its name into the annals of Celiaorian history, and are thus adorned with an air of regality. Fierce defenders of the realm, their loyalty is a formidable force, unwavering and absolute, pledged to the service of the Celian Crown.













From humble beginnings, did Malithor Nullivari, the first of the bloodline, come to create a noble and powerful family which cherishes its values and kinsmen over all. His struggle was that of a lone man, seeking to push his name forward into the great records of elven history. It was his desire to gild the surname into the minds of all elven-kind, even by force if necessary.


What began as a vision, came into fruition in the Silver City of Haelun’or, where Malithor Nullivari rose to the rank of commander within the military, marking the commencement of a trajectory that seamlessly evolved into a thriving political career upon the Silver Council. His cunning nature set a standard for all Nullivari to strive for, and a confidence that could be mistaken as arrogance. Thus, the talonii began to grow alongside his own prowess. Malithor commanded the respect of his peers and obtained admiration of his countrymen. Alongside the great Sohaer Othelu Orrar, did he and his brother Thalon Nullivari, push Haelun’or into a golden era of military glory and legislative revolution.


After the death of Othelu, the Nullivari moved on from Haelun’or prior to the collapse of its government. Thalon Nullivari and his wife, Ro’ya, found friendship in Ivarielle Ibarellan as she sought to establish her own dominion within the continent of Almaris. Thalon became guide and confidant to the first Princess of Celia’nor. This is where the talonii were granted the noble status of Virar and inherited a vast plot of lands, thus named Eld Roth, where they established the Nullivari Keep.


Over time, the Nullivari have held many public positions within the Celian society while others held more [redacted] positions. The Nullivari are among the first lords of Celia’nor and are fiercely loyal agents of the Celian Crown.They have held unparalleled trust from all Celia’norian monarchs and continue to devoutly serve. As a result of this historic loyalty and trust, the Nullivari have since established familial ties with the esteemed Royal House of Ibarellan. Èowyn Nullivari, born of Thalon and Ro’ya, entered into matrimony with Turin Ibarellan. From this union, Hurin Nullivari-Ibarellan emerged - the prophesied High Prince of Malinor, intertwining the legacies of the Nullivari and Ibarellan.






- Thalon Nullivari: Evarir of Celia'nor, Grandmaster of the Order of the White Gryphon

- Ro'ya Nullivari: Evarir of Celia'nor

- Èowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan: Naeri'sil of the Order of the White Gryphon

- Hurin Nullivari-Ibarellan: High Prince of Malinor



- Thalon Nullivari: Laurir Sil, Royal Advisor

- Ro’ya Nullivari: Laurir Kaliri, Laurir Fer-peuran, Lady of the Interior, Master of Paint.

- Kassian Nullivari: [redacted for National Security purposes]

- Kallias Nullivari: Master of the Hunt, [redacted for National Security purposes]

- Èowyn Nullivari-Ibarellan: Laurir Akaleh

- Vaela Nullivari: Lady of the Interior

- Zoddryk Nullivari: Master of the Forge

- Valindra Nullivari: Court Mage of Celia’nor





A Nullivari is regal and poised, with a certain eloquence in which they carry themselves that denotes a sense of pride in the very surname which they bear. There is a greed and hunger for power than often causes them to delve into more nefarious dealings, such as espionage, black-market trade, politics and more taboo practices that are often masked by the coy smile and titles wielded by silver-tongued Nullivari. 


Many, due to their upbringing, have a ‘better than thou’ attitude, which stems from their individual struggle to earn their place within society, rather than reaping the benefits sowed by another from their bloodline, for inheritance is not a luxury provided to youthful Nullivari. While prideful, the Nullivari are often calm, collected and meticulous with inquisitive, eloquent and thoughtful natures. It is expected of each member to carve their own way through life, thus they take great pride in their vocations and strive to attain the highest possible standards for their trades and professions. It is not uncommon for a Nullivari to begin or end their interactions and dealings with someone by repeating their house motto, “Never Forget, Never Forgive.”, to instil their words into an absolute. 






This customary rite of passage typically occurs around 40 years of age, although this is often contingent upon the perceived maturity of each individual child. Upon this special occasion, each Nullivari child is presented with a weapon, such as a sword or dagger, meticulously crafted for them. These weapons bear designs intricately tailored by the leaders of the talonii to aptly symbolise the unique characteristics of each individual.


Further to the bestowed weapon, the young Nullivari is granted a separate estate, distinct from the family residence, marking the commencement of their independent endeavours. The size and opulence of this estate is determined by both their standing within the talonii hierarchy and their active involvement in familial affairs. 


The Nullivari in question will also choose from select markings to obtain, conducted within a small, family-only ceremony. These markings are as follows:


Honourable - ‘Tiichiul’



Death of Adolescence - ‘Nelithral’



Devotion - ‘Nokglaur’




Upon their 50th year, each member born of Nullivari blood is presented with the opportunity to assume a rank within the talonii. This milestone signifies the onset of adulthood, ushering a new realm of responsibility and experience. To attain such standing within the Nullivari, a ceremonial practice occurs where the individual is symbolically ‘knighted’ with a flaming sword, a sacred and honoured tradition. This symbolic gesture not only signifies the formal recognition of their elevated status, but also demonstrates the sacred bonds and commitments inherent within the Nullivari lineage.


With this newfound status, they gain the liberty to articulate their opinions during family meetings, question the decisions of the talonii and autonomously choose pursuits that will guide them toward the realisation of their own aspirations.



[!] Lord Thalon prepares the blade for such a ceremony - heating the metal until it is engulfed in flame.



Following their coming of age ceremony, a Nullivari is deemed an appropriate age to begin courtship. However, any potential candidate must be brought forth to the talonii leaders and other senior family members for approval. To uphold status within the talonii, it is strongly encouraged for a member to seek a high elf partner. Without obtaining required approval for a union, any courtship with this individual is prohibited. Should it come to light that such a decision has been disregarded, and the relationship persists, any subsequent marriage will be deemed null and void in the eyes of the talonii and participation in future family affairs will be severely restricted.


Upon receiving endorsement from senior members of the talonii, granted during a family meeting, the couple is permitted to proceed with union or marriage. However, it is imperative that the matrimonial ceremony takes place in the presence of a fire, adhering to a sacred tradition within the familial customs.



[!] Lord Thalon and Lady Ro’ya Nullivari in their youth. 

They have since been married for over four centuries.



The arrival of an elven child is already a highly revered event due to the infrequency of such occurrences, however, for the Nullivari, who value their talonii above all else, the birth of a new member is an exceptionally joyous and blessed occasion. Throughout the extended months of a pregnancy, the Nullivari engage in frequent familial celebration, with flames constantly lit in and around each Nullivari home, a sacred symbol of sanctity, fortune and familial bond. 


During adolescence, the values instilled within every Nullivari child are paramount. Strength, resourcefulness, pride and a deep value of family are cornerstones encouraged by adult members of the talonii. Spirited competition often emerges between generations which manifests in various forms such as intellectual pursuits. 



[!] Lady Ro’ya Nullivari tells a story to her three young children - Kallias, Kassian and Èowyn.



Death, a solemn occasion within the Nullivari talonii. Be it natural or unnatural passing, when the soul of a Nullivari is ripped from the realm, it is offered one final farewell. The body of the deceased is placed within a golden sarcophagus and given its last rites, where it is then cast into flame and the body melted down within the casket and the bones incinerated into ash. Every member of the family is expected to remain until the casket melts and becomes nothing but a puddle of metal from which it was casted from. 


That metal is then carefully collected and gilded upon a statue of the deceased and placed within the catacombs beneath the Nullivari Estate to be forever remembered and revered. A flame is lit beneath it, never to be expunged nor dispelled and thus, the fallen Nullivari is properly laid to rest.



[!] Thalon and Ro’ya Nullivari with their two sons, mourning the passing of a distant relative.






Power, wealth, family, honour and loyalty stand as the unshakable pillars of Nullivari values, each distinct yet intricately linked to another. Within these values, each member of the talonii must find their own sense of morality. At their core, a Nullivari is inherently individualistic, yet bound by a collective sense of purpose, derived from these foundational beliefs. Pride and purpose serve as the driving forces that compel the talonii to push its boundaries, ceaselessly striving for improvement through the integration of these ideals onto a unified path. The Nullivari, often guided by personal motivations, navigate a constant ebb and flow between the moral spectrum of good and evil. However, irrespective of this internal duality, each member of the talonii strives to preserve and would sacrifice all to continue what the Nullivari seek to preserve.



Family, to a Nullivari, reigns supreme and is of highest value within their lives. From the moment of birth, a Nullivari is ingrained with the unwavering principle that family takes precedence over all else. Furthermore, they are taught that the defence of one another and the sacred name they bear is an uncompromisable duty, regardless of the cost.


These bonds within the talonii are exceptionally strong, devoid of deception or hidden truths among its members. Consequently, outsiders are rarely granted any insight into familial affairs, and entry into the family itself is a privilege rarely extended beyond the bloodline. This exclusivity underpins the profound commitment and unity that defines the Nullivari, reinforcing the notion that their familial ties are not only cherished, but fiercely guarded.



Many regard the concept of ‘Power’ as having the ability to control or influence others. However, the Nullivari have a more nuanced interpretation, for it is not the ability to control others, but to manipulate their minds to bend to the silver-tongued statements born forth from the maw of a Nullivari. While they are quite imposing individuals, a Nullivari often lurks within the dim corners of a room, pulling upon the emotional strings of one’s psyche and contorting others to their whims, sometimes for naught but entertainment. Therefore, the Nullivari, with their keen understanding and skill in manipulating the unseen forces, stand as enigmatic architects of influence, weaving their power through the intricacies of Celianorian society.



Wealth holds a significant place of value and relevance among the Nullivari. Each member adorns opulent sets of clothes or armour, serving as visible symbols of their noble status. It is also not uncommon for the Nullivari to strategically allocate and pool their wealth based on prevailing circumstances. There is a strong emphasis on each branch of the family to establish its other financial reservoir, a personal bank, to safeguard the array of precious metals, rare artefacts, crafted weapons and mina that each faction treasures.


However, within the grandiosity of the combined wealth that the Nullivari possess, there lies a potential pitfall - greed. The abundance of riches at their disposal has the capacity to evoke an insatiable thirst for more. 



House Nullivari recognise that loyalty and honour extend far beyond the absence of betrayal, abandonment or thievery. To them, loyalty is a tapestry woven with threads of faithfulness, dedication, honesty and trust, intricately intertwined to create steadfast, unwavering commitment. Honor, on the other hand, is the profound connection between an individual and society, obtained by regarding others with respect.


These virtues are not just ideals for the Nullivari; but the foundation of their very relationships. While they value these qualities in all interactions, they reserve the highest regard for those within their own ranks. The Nullivari demonstrate that, akin to the strength of an army, the resilience of a family lies with  unwavering loyalty among its members. 





The Nullivari are often described as devastatingly beautiful. Standing tall with impeccable posture, they exude an air of carefree confidence that captures attention. Their striking features include pale skin and silver hair, complemented by bright eyes that predominantly encompass shades of golden hues, green and sometimes blue. 


A unique facet of the Nullivari allure lies with the scars that many adorn - a dual symbol of pride and a testament to the intricate challenges each has confronted within their past. These scars, etched upon their skin, serve as a visible narrative of resilience and their complex histories, a layer of depth to the captivating beauty that defines the talonii.












Her Excellency, Lady Ro’ya Nullivari, Matriarch of House Nullivari, Evarir of Celia’nor, 

Former Laurir Kaliri and Fer’pueran of the High Council.



His Excellency, Lord Thalon Nullivari, Patriarch of House Nullivari,  Evarir of Celia’nor, 

Former Laurir Sil of the High Council and Royal Advisor, 

Grandmaster of the Order of the Gryphon.

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