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The Children's War

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Two Children Eating a Melon and Grapes - 1650 - oil on canvas - Spanish  Baroque. Painting by Bartolome Esteban Murillo -1611-1682- - Fine Art  America




In my time in Balian, I came across a pair of children who were both six years old. They were bragging about how they'd both fought in the war against Veletz and won. Children who should be playing with sticks and holding onto their mother's hand as they're walked through the town proper. Ser Robert de Lyons, who fought at the bitter age of eight and still has memories of the war he fought in.


I ask you, my fellow humans


Why do we allow children to go into war and risk making it to adulthood?


When the only thing that should haunt these children are ghost stories and fights with their siblings. Why do we allow these impressionable young kinder to fight for their lives when they should only be fighting over who gets to sit by their parents at dinnertime?


They do it all in the name of their nations, praying that one day they will be recognized for their hard work when the only hard work they should be doing is assisting their father in his daily errands or their mother with cooking and cleaning. 


The world is a bitter place when children must fight to keep their families alive. 


It is an awful place where humanity has lost it's mind. These children should be learning about GOD, not fighting GOD's war in his stead. 






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"Ef ets old enough teh walk ets old enough teh kill." The Grand King commented, as it was a self evident truth.

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“Yea ‘ave a good poin’. T’ey should be workin’ ‘n t’a mines ins’ead.” Says Mimosa Applefoot

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"These patriots merely fight to ensure the surivial of their home." penned the King of Balian, "Our enemy will not rest until they have killed us all. They capture pregnant women. abduct children from our streets. Now is the time to act and defend ourselves." he'd finish off, then fitting his armor.

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"My children are stronger at five than the average malnourished Veletizan peasant," the father of the pair spoke, smiling the sun's smile as he sharpened tiny swords for them. He was conscripted as a child, as was his father, and his father - so, of course, he saw nothing wrong it it. "War is our blood!"


"Godani supports Child Labor. Equality for all, we say."

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Emily penned a letter in response to the king of Balian. 

"The children are dying and saying they might not make it to adulthood, if they were 12 or older, I would have no issues with the matter as they're plenty old enough to at least know their ABCs and speak properly. Two six year olds are still unacceptable." She put her pen down sighing deeply, the Waldenian just wanted justice for those who were too young to advocate for themselves.

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"Mhhmmm" A blue feorc grinned as she saw the missive stuck to an board in Balian.
"Zho, dere ahm zome pinky-kubz whu ahm honorable! Diz ahm hozh."

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