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Entre l'èxit i el fracàs - A Poem


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Entre l'èxit i el fracàs


Between Success and Failure

⋅ ───⊱༺☨༻⊰─── ⋅




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In the realm of Balian, where courage is born,

A clash with Stassion, a battle to mourn.

A war rages ons, a tale untold,

In the echoes of history, new chapters unfold.


Brave Balian’s banners flutter, proud and high, 

A beautiful kingdom, united beneath azure sky.

Our warriors emboldened with hearts of flame,

For In the crucible of conflict, they etch their name.


The battlefield tramples, a canvas for strife,

Where the dance of war dictates the rhythm of life.

Balian’s sons and daughters, a resilient might,

Stand against Stassion, under God’s divine light.


In Hoc Signio Vinces” - Balian’s Call,

United they stand - Their enemies will fall.

Against Stassion’s whispers, a most venomous tale,

The forces of Balian will always prevail.


And so the war rages on, throughout night and day,

Balian and Stassion clashed within the fray.

Yet in that moment of conflict - where stories are spun,

Our heroic tales of victory have only just begun.


⋅ ───⊱༺☨༻⊰─── ⋅
Credits to @Caedisand @HIGH_FIRE for all of their help.

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Sibyl would grin as she read the poem written by her close friend. As she swelled with patriotic pride she would let out a call of "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES" to those in the square

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