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Tribe Sturmweber Coat of Arms

As the newest tribe of Minitz,

Sturmweber proved today, at the Siege of Breakwater, that it intends to never falter under the waves that it braces. May this day be remembered for the courageous actions of each Covenant member, alive and dead, and that the blood spilled will not have been in vain.



While still relatively young, Sturmweber will continue to support its Reinmaren tribal families no matter what tempest may come. We intend to contribute arms, commerce, and wealth to our brothers and sisters, and represent our beloved Minitz across the continent of Aevos.

May Gott bless the Waldenians, the Reinmaren people, and the Grand Prince, and all of his people!
Gott bless the nation of Aaun and her king, Johannes!
May Gott bless the Covenant and her allies, for they are an army of GOOD, and JUSTICE!

And pray for those in Veletz who did not want this war, for they are lost souls in need of liberation.

"Always ready!"


- Roland von Sturmweber; Warchief of Theoderic's Warband, Chieftain of Tribe Sturmweber

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"Wunderbar!" said in delight the not-so-Waldenian Princess of Minitz, Helena of Formindon.

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"What a great family!", thought the young Baron of Hussen, Leon Barclay, upon reading the text.

Edited by BuilderBagel
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