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[✗] [Amendment] Chitin Crafts


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Crafts of Chitin bear the strength and quality of Ferrum or Black Ferrum. For all mechanical purposes it is simply aesthetic Ferrum. This includes weight, and though instead of degrading with time to rust, chitin rots in place of the natural process of rust. 


Weapons of Chitin are able to be lit on fire twice before the Chitin fully burns away. Chitin does not warp with heat, it simply melts. Weapons of Chitin bear the same weight, durability, and effectiveness as Ferrum or Black Ferrum


Crafts of Chitin is not RARE knowledge, this means it does not require an FA or anything of the sort to create Crafts of Chitin. Characters are able to stumble their way through creation or learn from other characters in the same sense standard metallurgy is. 


Crafts of Chitin are aesthetic in nature purely. These do not require an ST sign to roleplay Crafts of Chitin. 


ST signed chitin, will follow all oversight rules as is standard with approval of an ST. 


New additional redline: 


Crafts of Chitin Armor can not be treated with Bowie Alchemy for its mimicry effects. 

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