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Doomed Death

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Doomed Death


Dwelgin Doomforged sat slumped in the  dirt, leaning against the sloping hillside of a vineyard. "Wheeze, wheeze, wheeze".

In and out he would breath, his breath becoming more labored as his lungs slowly filled with blood. A large Ork crafted javelin  planted firmly in his chest with great might. He had not intended on dying that day as he went on his rounds, traveling to various mines, but then again most folk don't intend on dying, certainly not drowning on their own blood.

It was in his traveling outside of Petra when he came across the scene of an Olog terrorizing Hohkmati allies. 


He bore no particular loyalty to these mages of Hohkmat but it would be a shame to his people and his clan if he were to leave allies out to die.

With a bellowing cry he would draw his axe and charge into the fray, unarmored and unworried in his confidence that the already wounded Olog could be taken down with haste.

It wouldnt take long for the odds to swing even for the hulking Olog as the beast was easily able to throw one wizard over the ledge of tall walkway, breaking her ankle on the way down. Her companion being obliged to carry her to safety leaving Dwelgin and another to face off with the Olog. 


Giving chase, Dwelgin and his Wizard companion would follow the Olog down hill into dense grape patches when, with an abrupt flash, his wizard companion was gone, leaving him alone with the 800 pound beast which had briefly vanished from view. Undeterred Dwelgin ploughed on through the grapes when in an instant the Olog did reappear, hurling a javelin with all his terrible might. Wearing his regular street attire Dwelgin was entirely unprepared for the javelin that now found itself bursting through his chest, throwing him backwards to the ground, making a ruin of his inside bits. His vision wavering, he watches the Olog make its escape as he lays insensate in the dirt. It would be there that we would die, unwitnessed, and alone, coughing out a final gout of blood over his chest before croaking


At some point, somewhere near Petra in its expansive vineyards one would stumble upon the corpse of a freshly slain Dark Dwed of the Doomforged Clan. axe fallen by his side as his cold corpse lay there, skewered by a large javelin, clutching a blood smeared amulet dedicated to Yemekar.



[thanks @Mark2282 for the good rp]

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A dark hammer struck down upon The Doom Forge upon Dwelgin’s departure to the Halls of Dungrimm and it would be his ancestors, heroes and legends alike who would welcome their kin to the Eternal Feast.  


Dwelgin’s name soon appeared in every scroll and tome beholden to the Doomforged clan;  For he would be remembered.  

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