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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [LucidTripZ] Appeal


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Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason




What circumstances led to this ban?


I was CRPing with some Uruks and a human, when we modreq'd. My Uruk (Dabub) made three attacks on the human (Reynard). Two of which he just parried with his shield, and the third attack he acknowledged only because Dabub was aiming only for the shield to destroy it. Reynard counter attacked by bringing the flail (which was on fire) into the air, and brought it down on his head. Dubab saw the rising ball of fire, and moved to dodge. Even still, despite only 1/3 of my attacks being acknowledged, I let it strike Dubab. It grazed his shoulder, but due to it being a literal ball of fire, Dubab was now dealing with a serious burn.

The others complained that because Reynard was aiming for the head, Dubab should at least be struck in the shoulder. I argued that he was still injured and it isn't that serious, and how Reynard avoided all of Dubab's attacks on Reynard's person, and I still accepted damage (trying to go in with the give/take in hopes of some progress). They argued that his shoulder should be completely useless. The mod agreed, and I argued that it was unfair ruling, considering none of Dubab's attacks were acknowledged as successful.

This lead to an argument, about the logic behind it. I simply COULD NOT understand Romboo's logic behind it, and why it even lead to an argument to begin with considering the circumstances. Originally, Romboo had said, and I quote "the arm would have restricted movement IF NOT dislocated". I googled the definition of restricted movement to make sure first, and it states the arm can still be used/moved, but it would likely be painful depending on the cause. "When a joint does not move fully and easily in its normal manner" was what google said. When I agreed to the restricted movement, Romboo changed his verdict to that it being completely useless. I deemed this extremely unfair, now, and I continued to argue.

Romboo could not explain to me why he changed it. He just kept saying "I said completely useless-" and then quoted where he said "restricted movement IF NOT dislocated". I argued the definition of restricted movement, and he just kept repeating himself. In truth, Romboo's skill with communicating decisions, and reasons behind decisions, are not very good at all. When DMing him on discord, he said that I would've been allowed a full avoidance. Which makes no sense. How can I not be allowed to determine the severity of the injury and how successful his dodge, but I can be allowed to avoid the dodge all together (which would just appear as if I was trying to godmode my character, and I was trying to be honorable by allowing some damage even when not allowed any myself)?

But, in the end, I was banned due for arguing with the mod. But, again, I literally could not understand any of his reasonings, and they all seemed EXTREMELY unfair.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I think because of the arguing, a ban is acceptable. But two weeks seems harsh, when the arguing was due to me not being able to understand Romboo's logic behind his decision making. I understand there are rules that say staff have final verdict, but considering he CHANGED his verdict, and had trouble explaining to me the logic behind the verdict which resulted in even more confusion, I at the very least ask for a lesser punishment.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I enjoy roleplaying, I've been doing it since I was 13, I'm 22 now. And the LOTC world is beautiful, with lots to do, and lots of events, and lots of opportunities for character development.


Attach other relevant information.



^ Here you can see, me trying to understand his decision making. He's arguing that he said that he told me heavily restricted (he only said restricted, never saw heavily). Then he said "no i said dislocated or restricted" which was literally what I just said, adding onto more of my confusion.


^ Here he claims that when restricted and dislocated (i.e useless) are in the same sentence, it "implies" that it's useless either way. Again, makes no sense. The way I saw it, and still do, Romboo was giving me the opportunity to choose what happens to my character, whilst still falling around the realism aspect of things. I do add that I offered to dice roll for the sake of everyone, to which he granted ONLY under the circumstance that Dubab still takes the hit (which would cause a debuff in future dice rolls, which i wouldn't have an issue with if the debuff was caused by a dice roll).


The above screenshots are just more additions to my ongoing confusion as to Roombas decision making process.

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This appeal is denied. The decision to ban you for this behavior was due to your current infraction history. In the span of 24 hours you've accumulated 3 infractions for Player Conduct. The appropriate ban length is 1 to 4 weeks, meaning this Moderator was lenient. Furthermore, we do not accept appeals for temporary bans. You will be automatically unbanned at the conclusion of the original time allotted.

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