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Letter to the Holy See: The Kusoraev Repentance

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Dated this 10th day of Haren's Folly of 1962


Your Holiness,


Holy Light preserve you and prevail.


Since our last meeting in the Holy See shortly prior to the final battle between the Grand Covenant and the Duchy of Adria upon Euler’s Steppe, I have returned to the highlands to assume my post as Bishop of Westerwald by your holy writ. You had duly charged me with raising new clerics from the Haeseni populace, and restoring the radiance of the Light.


In the chaos of war, the Shadow easily manifests unnoticed in the hearts of man. It was therefore of only mild surprise that I returned to find the Royal Court of Hanseti-Ruska marked by sin, for the Grand Prince of Kusoraev - Ivan var Aleksandr Bihar - had sired a bastard during his campaign in the Heartlands against the Anathema, thereby desecrating the sanctity of his marriage to the lady Nataliya Leopoldina. That a Voidal Horror laid siege to the city of Valdev days later is a clear testament to the Light’s displeasure.


I called upon the Grand Prince to seek repentance - so that his sin might be forgiven by the Skies, and he might reign true as a shepherd of men - and he and his lady wife thus sought me out in the abode of my lord brother at Vidaus. It was here he proclaimed his intent to be forgiven before the Light, and I decreed that he must face me in battle. Should he triumph, the Light would surely have willed it so by way of forgiveness; elsewise, the Light would surely bid his fall.


Bathed in the warmthless mountain light, we clashed under the vigil of the Skies.


It was a match closely-fought; I was struck upon the shoulder, and now sport a deep scar upon my cheek. Yet I landed successive blows on the Prince until I struck his blade from his hand. Injured, he yielded before me, and I thought to strike his left-eye as penance for his son, but I was given pause when his lady wife intervened on his behalf, and forced my own blade from my grasp.


Verily, the Princess Nataliya’s faith and honour is injured most egregiously by her husband’s sin, and so her intervention spelled clear that the Prince duly felt the weight of his sins. As proclaimed in the Scroll of Gospel, the Light of the Seventh Sky is merciful -- in that moment, as the Prince lay wounded and defeated and his lady wife intervened to save him from further harm, I felt the measure of his intent to be forgiven.


It is my view that the Princess Nataliya acted as agent for the Light’s mercy, and bid me do no further harm. I readily believe that the Grand Prince understands the weight of his sins, and while its scar will mark he and the Royal Court forevermore, I submit my satisfaction to your Holiness that the Holy Light has duly punished the Grand Prince with his loss in battle. Hereafter, may he walk the road of virtue.


Working his Eminence of Jorenus, we shall see that the Royal Court and all of Jorenus walk in the Light, and abhor the Shadow.




Bishop Westerwald


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