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Public Missive: Purity's Triumph

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Purity's Triumph




13th of Malin's Welcome, 1965


To the Faithful and Righteous,


Upon receiving an urgent summons from Brother Canonius, I mounted my steadfast steed and hastened to Petra, where chaos reigned in the heart of the city. The air was thick with the stench of malevolence, and the clamor of the market was drowned out by the cries of innocents.


There, amidst the bustling stalls, loomed a grotesque abomination—a foul creature with the visage of a vulture, a spawn of darkness itself. Without pause, I unsheathed my longsword, invoking the authority of GOD to halt its vile advance. The creature, heedless of its own damnation, pursued innocent souls with relentless ferocity.


In the face of such wickedness, I charged forth, my blade gleaming with divine purpose. With a resounding strike, I cleaved through the creature's tainted flesh, forcing it to recoil momentarily before fleeing into the shadows. But even as it fled, the creature spewed forth blasphemies, boasting of its supposed invincibility. 


As Brother Canonius emerged from the shadows, his righteous fury ablaze, he dealt the final blow, severing the head of the vile creature and casting it into the abyss.


To all who would entertain the dark whispers of Iblees, heed this warning: The darkness is fleeting, and the righteous fury of GOD will obliterate all who consort with evil. 


May the Light of GOD guide and protect us all,

Holy Ser Gerard, Knight of Judication







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"Okay." Says Aeolus of Khamees, who had been fighting the beast for a great length of time before they arrived. "I see how it is." He would say with a small shrug. "I hope Canonius isn't  haunted by the kill- he seemed worried." He'd say to his twin within the Order's keep.

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"Stop saying purity stop saying purity stop saying purity"


The Watcher chants, struggling to comprehend how Haelun'orian Purity Shaman extremism has made its way into the church.



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They come, Serwa wrote, because they fear the growing light. They sense it - they can tell their end draws near, that the reign of the Lich-King will soon end. And those who do not know the source of their damnation are given out to wild attacks. Those who know are more subtle, but we will kill them all the same because they are of the shadow. And all that is required to extinguish the shadow is a single candle - a beacon, even.



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Somewhere in Moz'strimoza, a creature mends itself of its wounds amid a fiery, bleeding lake.

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