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Summons from an Agent Reckoner!

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An assault has taken place, and been admitted to, within the walls of Kal'Kadrelaz! Davli of Kal'Kadrelaz (formerly of Elder clan 'Goldhand') and The Brothers Braum are summoned before the Guild of Reckoners to reconcile themselves and be judged before the law! Due to being readily available at the time the crime had been committed, and being the individual who mete out the charges upon low utterance of admittance from behind the bar, I, Agent Reckoner Thurgrim Angrimsson of Clan Silverbraid, will be presiding over this trial. The trial will take place in a few stone's days within the Throne Room of Kal'Kadrelaz. Both parties are permitted to seek legal representatives leading up to the date in question, and are asked to submit any evidence or witnesses on-hand to the courts by no later than two hours before trial.

Both parties will be given chance to state a case before the presiding Reckoner, and then an opportunity to counter each others arguments. If both parties are able to come to an understanding between one another, they are allowed to settle out of court for any amount of personal compensation from one to the other. Citizens of Urguan and visitors from foreign nations will be allowed to view the trial provided they remain quiet and respectful while witnessing the dwarven legal process. Interruptions from the gallery may result in forced removal from the room, temporary detainment, and/or a fine levied against the perpetrator in question.


Both spectators and the involved parties will surrender their weapons upon entering the courtroom, save for those individuals indicated as being members of the Reckoners Guild, Dungrimm's Legion as they are called upon to perform their duties, or those granted express permission by the Grand King.


The crimes being levied within the case of Davli of Kal'Kadrelaz (formerly of Elder clan 'Goldhand') v. The Brothers Braum are as follows:

One count of Assault; Physically and unlawfully attacking a citizen or visitor of Urguan.

One count of Kidnapping; For the unlawful holding of a citizen or visitor of Urguan against their will.



Thurgrim, son of Angrim, son of Ongrim, son of Svardin, The 'Last' Silverbraid, Agent Reckoner of Urguan, Grand Tanner, Truth Seeker



Saturday, March 16th @ 1 PM EST


Edited by CharlestheDwarf
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[Time has been edited to accommodate participating parties.] 

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