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The Silver Petition

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[!] The following missive is distributed throughout Haelun’or, pinned to posts and boards. [!]



The Silver Petition

Of Amber Cold, 177 S.A.





I will take my departure from this Tarnished Empire

Malaurir Seth Calith.



We the undersigned do hereby petition the Sohaer - Theveus Sythaerin - to call an election immediately after the promulgation of this document, and to resign from his position as Sohaer of The Silver Empire of Haelun’or with immediate effect.


Our reasoning for this action is not born out of personal dislike, or contempt, or hatred - but rather, a wish to see our Blessed Nation restored to where she belongs - as a beacon of Progress and Life, in a world filled with Stagnation and Decay, the likes of which have now unfortunately seeped into the hearts and minds of those who profess to lead us.


It is a right - not given to us by any Government, but by the virtue of our Blessed Nature, that those who lead us do so with one foundational Principle in mind and at heart;

Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


However, it is abundantly clear that the Sohaer and Government have lost sight of this ancient Principle - Progress and Health - and have abandoned all attempts to make Haelun’or Great Again.


Should the Sohaer consent to our request, no charges shall be brought against him for his neglectful leadership of our Nation, and he shall be free to live and act as all Citizens do. 


We pray that the Sohaer does what is right and does not defy the will of the Pure.





Malaurir Braxus Ni’leya,

Malaurir Eredael Rhenaer,

Eistalyn Othelu'Maehr,

Edgars Sullas An’asul,

Calathân an Naedwylm,


Incariol an Naedwylm,

Ardyll Visaj,

Royanë an Naedwylm,

Aeson Brodielonde,

Lyricadia Eyllistylar,

Taeleh Elibar’acal,

Seyulun Othello Maehr,

Khyana Brodielonde,

Gwaen Othelu'Maehr,

Galvorn an Naedwylm,


Obok Metaldrinks,

Braern Brodielonde,

Lucilia Calith,

Skeral Tinuviel,

Feyre Brodielonde.



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Theveus wonders how he’s doing this while captured and in Celia’nor

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Soris sat within a room of her home. On her left lay the initial missive tacked on the board, on the right a copy of the Stewardry ledger. She sat with quill in hand, recently dipped into ink. "Ten of these signatures aren't citizenry of the State." Every single name was crossed out, save for Braxus, Eredael, Eistalyn, Gwen, Aeson, Khyana, Gwaen, Celos, Obok, Skeral, and Feyre. Now this outweighed by one single individual, but it certainly lessened the amount of names to begin with. "Half of them don't count under law and decision." She mutters, placing the quill away. It would soon be returned to the noticeboard, almost as if it had never left.. aside from the glaring change conducted.

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Aiyeis would peer at the missive in confusion, wondering how the beheaded man was sending them out before returning to the artwork she made of his demise. Foot tapping idly upon the floor as her charcoal sketched out the decapitation of Braxus Ni'Leya.

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