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Proposed Crownlands Ordinance of 529 ES

Also known as the Haeseni Heroes Act

Introduced to the Duma



A proposed civil ordinance for the Crownlands of Haense that would establish a memorial grounds for all notable persons who have contributed meaningfully to the cultural, civil, or martial sectors of His Majesty’s kingdom.






With the recent reconstruction of Valdev into a bigger and better city, the people of Haense have persisted against all odds to forge a new city full of eager optimism of a brighter future. However, we must also not forget the sacrifices made by our good comrades that have come before us and as good Canonists we should feel obligated to honor our triumphant dead.  


This bill proposes that the Grand Maer of New Valdev is to designate a sacred ground within His Majesty’s Crownlands for the construction of a memorial and grave site for Haeseni men and women who contribute significantly to the kingdom or die honorably in service of it. 


I. Location

i. This bill’s only stipulation as to where said memorial would be located is that it be a place of non-strategic military importance as to ensure its protection from demolition by necessity. 


II. Decorum and Establishment

i. Once a location has been determined and the foundations laid, the Grand Maer will then ask the Church with permission of the Crown to perform a rite of consecration of the grounds which will for all intents and purposes make them a sacred place that shall be protected from removal for all time. The grounds may never be shrunk or demolished but expansion, maintenance, and general grounds keeping shall be permitted whenever the need arises.


III. Invitation of Burial and Memorial

i. The Crown, His Majesty’s Aulic Council, and the Grand Maer shall exclusively hold the right to invite extraordinary citizens of the kingdom to be buried within these grounds of Haeseni heroes. These invitations are intended to be a gesture of gratitude and deep respect from the various branches of His Majesty’s government to acknowledge someone’s contribution to the kingdom of which they have so diligently worked to maintain and improve, and so they are intended to be given whilst the recipient is alive and at the eclipse of their career so that they may be able to look back at their accomplishments with pride.


ii. Should the recipient unfortunately pass away before receiving their invitation or be given a posthumous invitation to be buried or memorialized in the grounds, then their next of kin or head of house shall be informed of such. Families may keep their loved one’s ashes and still have a memorial raised in place of a burial.

iii. Any citizen who is at least of the rank of Footman or a member of the Knightly Orders of Haense that dies in battle or in defense of the nation shall be given an automatic invitation to be buried or memorialized within these grounds. 

iv. Any persons who were honored in the previous Mori War monument before its demolition shall be likewise honored in these grounds. 













His Lordship, Siegmund Robert Weiss of Novkursain


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Petyr Baruch stroked his beard that had recently started growing in. The heir remarked, "King Baldw- Siegmund, almost has as many wits as I do. We should honour all who die for our country."


To the more follicly-gifted - let's see those magn... | Fishbowl


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Congrats on kingship brother!!!!!!


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The Grand Maer, as promised previously, endorsed the bill wholeheartedly. Ioanna Kortrevich took great pride in her great-nephew's efforts to restore those long-lost memorials.

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