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Medea's [2nd] Spirit Pact: Aurelia ~ Earth


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The Pact of Crystals





After a few sniffs of her husband’s product, she feels her body becoming lighter, her back against the tree behind her, she begins to chant. “Frûm ob the ghaamp , khlaar-     izubu mog” The elfess says as black mist and petals begin surrounding her. The elf’s body was limp but she continued to chant “Thrak-  izish upon lab plane”, black vines with thorns began wrapping around the elfess’s arms, neck and upper body. She would then feel herself being tugged backwards before opening her eyes to see her asleep self leaning against the tree. The elfess would then feel herself being pulled up towards the sky, a flash of light blinding her before she was able to close her eyes.


Once her eyes opened again, she noticed herself standing in what looked like to be a structured plane with floating bridges and temples. Looking down at herself she was adorned in crystals and wearing vikelian traditional clothing. Just then, a path lit up for her to follow, without hesitation, she began walking.


At the end of the path, there was a temple in ruins floating in the sky. In front of that temple, there was a feline looking creature. But not just a normal feline, the creature was as large as a tiger, its body looked to be made up of crystals, tail with see through with floating crystals making up the most part. 


“Greetings young one, I am Aurelia, the lesser of Bregthar that you’ve called upon, have you come today hoping to wield the abilities of the earth spirit?” 


The feline spoke before getting up, walking around the elf as if studying her. The white haired elf simply nodded. 


“And why is that? Are you hoping to fix something? Is it your home you’re trying to save? I can sense it my dear, that heart of yours seems quite close to breaking into pieces as sharp as diamonds.” The feline began jumping from floating platform to floating platform, looking back as if for the elf to follow and she did.


“What is it do you know about me?” The elfess asked as she walked with the feline spirit.


“Do you really wish to know?” The spirit replied with a question and the elfess nodded.


“I am the spirit with the answers you seek, your life, I see through it, your past and future running free. There is a world where your kingdom lives in peace, but that's not the world you’ll know.” The spirit said before jumping up onto a floating platform that the elf could not get onto, she simply looked up at the spirit as it continued speaking.


“I see a dance of past romance. I see the sacrifice of man. I see a portrayal of betrayal, and a brother’s final stand” The feline pounced past the elf, not to hurt her but to surprise her. “I see you on the brink of death.” The spirit said from behind her, “I see you draw your final breath.” The spirit continued “I see a queen who manages to keep her kingdom alive” The spirit then moves to sit in front of the elf, staring deep into her eyes “But it’s no longer the old you.”

The elfess stayed silent as she did not know how to respond to the spirit’s words.


“I see your palace covered in red, faces of people who wish you were dead. I see your husband and children paying for your mistakes, your home being covered in bodies, if you are not careful, this is the future you will know.”


“So I’ll ask again, is this power still what you seek? Are you willing to leave the old you behind for your people and family? Will you sacrifice yourself for them?” The spirit asked its final questions.


The elfess gets onto one knee, lowering her head to the spirit.

“Yes..I am willing..” 


“Very well. You must make a shrine, giving your loyalty to us, only then will you be able to possess this blessing granted to you, do not
disappoint us.” As the feline finished those last few words, the spirit pushed the elf off of the floating platform, having her fall into oblivion before she woke up in her body once more, still under the tree within her palace’s garden, the words of the spirit would continue to linger within her mind.

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