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[Culture] Men of Hazûm | The Tribe of Hazûk

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𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰽𐱃𐰅𐰯𐰯𐰅 - 𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰢𐰆𐰍𐰢𐰀𐰺


𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰢𐰆𐰍𐰢𐰀𐰺 - 𐰯𐰺𐰀𐰃𐰽𐰅 𐰽𐱃𐰅𐰯𐰯𐰅




Overview & Origin

The Men of Hazum are a barbaric and brutalistic Orcish people hailing from the now sunken Isle of Hazum, a distant land of mysterious fog, rolling hills and vast steppe. Tall and mighty, those of Hazuk’s Tribe are known to be greatly fond of food, often hosting great feasts to appease their great bellies and discuss important matters amongst their people. Lead by an often tyrannical Khan anointed and given power due to their pacted connection to Mugmar, Chief Spirit and Overdiety of the Hazumic Pantheon, thought to be the personification of their lost homeland itself. . .


Originating as a small to medium warband under the command of Hazuk, a minor chieftain and warlord under the rule of Clan Rax in those elder days of yore, during the 1st Clan Wars. Hazuk was exceedingly tall, even for a Uruk of that bygone age of towering brutes, he and his tribe were said to be formidable foot-troops before a fateful battle, where-in they were banished to “The Farthest Point” by the dark spellcraft and corrupted shamanism of a hateful witchdoctor of Clan Dom. This “Farthest Point” was later to be called Hazum, named after their progenitor and former leader, posthumously named the first Khan by the now culturally distant tribe of Hazum, having been guided and culturally warped by Mugmar, a shamamic spirit who had incredible presence and power upon that forlorn island. Only after a terrible and mysterious series of events that caused the island to sink, did the tribe of Hazuk travel across the seas upon crude rafts to rejoin the main descendant host after so many years separated by the vast oceans of the world.



[!] A depiction of the rolling hills of now sunken Hazum.


Culture & Traits

The Men of Hazum, often called “Hill Giants” by those who know them, are a tribalistic culture of traditionally pastoral nomads, farming and herding groups of imposing woolly mammoths around wherever they may dwell, even when settled. Orcish in nature, those of Hazuk’s Tribe are formidable warriors, often wielding great war clubs and hammers of incredible size and weight while lumbering into battle, brutally crushing and eliminating their foes without mercy.


Blood of Giants:

Those of Hazum are exceedingly tall and strong, often and easily reaching the maximum of their respective Orcish Subraces, with Goblin-Kind being notably missing the from the Tribe of Hazuk, an abnormal amount of Ologs filling the ranks of Hazumite warbands and encampments. Men of Hazum have a habit growing out long and bushy beards, these starting out a dull black before somewhat quickly turning a greyish white, with elder Hill Giants often having facial hair that trails behind them, getting tangled and filled with small bits of food often. . .

Honour of Hazuk:

The Tribe of Hazuk, like all Orcs ought to be, are innately honourable, possessing strong moral compasses and cultural beliefs. A Man of Hazum would, for example, never harm a child or unarmed individual unless they are proven to be corrupted or directly hostile to the clan. Hill Giants are also known to be very loyal, when an oath is signed or a treaty brokered, it is expected to be upheld at all costs, even if such would harm the tribe as a whole, such oaths typically only forgotten if officially dissolved or considered null by both parties.

Gullets of Iron:

Men of Hazum possess famously strong appetites, able to eat and drink large amounts of food as well as beverages of all kinds, having impressive alcohol tolerances, even high for other Kin of Krug. The quality of what is consumed is often, sub-par or worse, being made of half-rotten scraps and bits of previously cooked meals - a prime of example of such being the infamous dish known as “Baggis”, a horrible amalgam of meat, vegetables, grain, and even fruit if available, these ingredients mushed up and mixed with coarse ground flour before being stuffed into a bag, either made of linen, wool, or even reeds and boiled till solidified and vaguely cooked, other examples of Hazumite dishes include “Everything Soup” and “Bone Marrow Ale”. . .

Rage of the Betrayer:

All of Orcish kind, despite the blessing of honour are always cursed with insatiable bloodlust and rage, such being exasperated by battle and the gaining of physical wounds, only to be calmed through the brutal and uncaring slaughter of living creatures, often fellow descendants if unlucky. This feeling of rage and hate burns within the hearts of the Men of Hazum likewise, growing in mental presence till eventually overpowering their minds, taking over less sated by killing and bloodshed. . . In this state, Men of Hazum lose their sense of strategy and comradery, fighting those who harmed them last, or if unlucky, the closest ally could even be attacked in barbaric rage. Only once battle had finished, lifeless bodies littering the floor, would they regain their normally honourable and often rather kind demeanour.



Souls of the Steppe:

After Hazuk and his tribe were banished to Hazum, they quickly settled upon the vast steppe that sprawled across that lost isle, there they learned the ways of the land, adapting and eventually becoming rather distinct to their mainland Orcish brethren. Those of Hazum are typically very intune with their surroundings, being aware of slight changes that most would not notice, this is not to say all Men of Hazum possess supernatural senses regarding the land, but rather that they pay close attention to things such as the seasons, crop growth, and the migration of animals. Hill Giants are typically very fond of their pet Mammoths, often considering them holy or blessed, only when a Mammoth is very ill or extremely elderly will they be butchered for food, with all known methods being used to help avoid such a sad happening.

Zealous Warlords:

Those of Hazuk’s Tribe are skilled in what weaponry they are traditionally used to, being suited to and very dangerous in combat when wielding heavy bludgeoning weapons such as clubs, hammers, and maces, and while they may be more average when using bladed or piercing weapons, their sheer strength is normally able to help greatly in such a disadvantage. Men of Hazum are almost always extremely pious to their spiritual gods, worshipping them with great zeal, while when in direct contact with them or their chosen shamanic “voices”, they would listen intently, following their orders to an impressive degree, often even willing to throw away their lives if asked to fight a unbeatable enemy for example.

Prideful Savages:

Men of Hazum are a primitive people, often wielding armour and weapons of bronze, crude iron, and kingstone rather than those of refined steel. Traditionally nomadic pastoralists, Hazumite farming activities are often small and short-term, with more effort being put into livestock and raiding for supplies if near a hostile populated area. Hill Giants, often prideful and stubborn in nature, are slow to change in opinion or belief, being set in their ways and the ways of their ancestors, gods, and living elders, this sense of pride can at times, lead to disagreements with those other peoples they interact with, the Men of Hazum being unwilling to compromise on much, if anything when discussing treaties, pacts, or agreements.

Brutal Theocrats:


Hill Giants are very, very pious in their beliefs and worship of their Pantheon, these actions of praise often leading to extremism and ritual sacrifices, with such usually being animal in nature, though enemy descendants are not uncommon to be slain upon the altar in the name of the gods as well. . . if a Man of Hazum’s faith is challenged or insulted, it is to be expected that they will react angrily at best, or very, very violently at worst, many a foolish traveller having their heads bashed from their body for the unknowing insult of Mugmar and his divine children.


Important Deities & Figures



The central deity of The Hazumic Pantheon, Mugmar is thought of as the living personification of Hazum itself, and though going silent after the sinking of Hazum beneath the waves, the Spirit of Rolling Hills & Towering Stone has since reawakened during the rule of Bor’Ak Khan, Warlord of the Eastern Marches of Koyo-Kuni, once more praised alongside his children.



Once a great warrior and warlord under the leadership of the venerable Orcish Clan of Rax, Hazuk and his small splinter clan were formidable combatants during the 1st Clan Wars between Rax, Dom, and Gorkil before being banished to what would later be called Hazum by dark sorcery and corrupted shamanism, their name gone from mainstream Orcish history or culture, erased. . . Hazuk’s name, though remembered as an individual by those of Hazum, has also become something of an odd warcry, something to add to a sentence in zeal and fury.



How to Join

If you are interested in joining or making a Man of Hazum character or perhaps have questions about the culture, please send a message to norgeth_ on discord, I would be happy to help.


Norgeth_ - Primary Writer

Titanium430 - Primary Review

SimplySeo - Trait Formatting Template

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