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Chambery Second Conseille Municipale Meeting Notes

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Chambery Second Conseille Municipale Meeting Notes




Notes of the decisions made during the second meeting of the Conseille Municipale of the Free City de Chambery. Present at the meeting where the Bourgmestre Nicolas Wittenbach, Conseillère Edith Hope and Conseiller William Temesch


1. Update on Points discussed during the previous session

The second Conseille Municipale Meeting was started by checking on the Points made during the last session. Several of these points have been worked off most notably 

- Point 6: Houseboats have been created and more are planned.

- Point 4: the construction on the rooms of the new Tower of Sciences have started and are nearly finished.

- Point 3: the return of Nature and addition of greenery has begun in the city most notably on the main square and will continue. 


Only point 2 the incorporation of a Cabinetry system and point 5 have not yet been worked on. Bourgmestre Nicolas has taken on point 2 to be ready for the next Conseiller Meeting, Point 5 has been put on hold.


in addition the construction of the new Napier´s Ridge neighbourhood was praised by all present as a great new addition to Chambery. The construction of the new neighbourhood went so well that it has inspired the renovation of the Lyon´s Lane Neighbourhood to be brough up the newest architectural standarts of Chambery.


2. Constabulary reforms

The largest discussion of the day was around Point 1 from the previous session, concerning the creation of a proper constabulary for the Free City. Conseillère Edith Hope presented the changes and a small debate was held around them and questions concerning its implementation. The only change made was to enlarge the pool of potential jurors by adding Celestial Trustees to it. After a short debate the Constabulary Act was approved by all members of the Conseille Municipale and passed. Conseillère Edith Hope is now tasked to implement the reforms into action and start recruiting for the new office.


3. Chapel & Tourism Board

Towards the end of the sessions Bourgmestre Nicolas von Wittenbach brought up two new potential projects, firstly a Chapel since the city currently still does not possess one. While it is true that the proximity to Vallagne and its Abbey as well as the proximity to the Monastery does not give the necessity of a Chapel, having a Chapel in the city could provide services to the citizens or guests of the city, like the ability to hold masses or weddings.


The second point was the creation of a tourism board and advertisement posters to attract more visitors to the city. At least two posters should be commissioned to  hang around the realm in hope to attract more new guests and tourists to the city in addition a board should be created where information about all the activities available in Chambery are to be listed.


4. Garmont Assembly Bill and City expansion

In tandem with the Constabulary Reforms a bill is to be prepared for the Garmont Assembly to settle the Legal Outlines for Chambery, meaning where the jurisdiction of Chambery starts and ends, the goal is to settle any confusion on the matters of Jurisdiction and ensure the Legality of any future proceedings. 


Lastly the expansion of the city was discussed, while there is still some creative space for new Housing it is difficult to find any larger spaces to house new guilds coming to the city, as such it was decided to try and lobby for the expansion of the territory of the city to give the ability for new larger guilds to settle down in Chambery. 

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