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Applications Update - May 2024

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[Posted May 2024]


Apologies for the late post, life is busy






During April of 2024, we saw a total of 167 applications submitted and reviewed. Out of these, 105 new players were accepted! Our accepted/denied percentage ratio last year was around 105/62.


Please note that the Racial & Timezone Data shown will only be shown for accepted players.


 - Accepted/Denied Ratios



- Race-Specific Data




- TimeZone Data



- Raw Application Data -

- Racial Data -

- Humans -

Total: 53

Adunian: 10

Heartlander: 6

Highlander: 5

Farfolk: 6

No Subrace: 26


- Elves -

Total: 34

Wood: 8

Dark: 8

High: 12

No Subrace: 6


- Dwarves -

Total: 10

Cave: 1

Mountain: 1

Forest: 3

No Subrace: 5


- Orcs -

Total: 5

Orc: 3

Goblin: 2


- Halflings -

Total: 3


- Timezone Data -

Oceania: 7

America: 63

Europe: 35


- Accepted/Denied Ratio -

Total: 167

Accepted: 44

Pending-Accepted: 61

Pending-Denied: 53

Denied: 9




The title of Application Monarch for April 2024 goes to @MockingbirdArt



With the most applications review this month, @MockingbirdArt is our reigning Application Monarch of April, followed by @NotAPan and @WhatASithuation.







This month, we have tried something different and attempted to make events more accessible for those of different time zones! We hosted a Pet adoption event earlier this week, where the Monks and Mr Skelly gave away various pets to new homes/families. We have a further two events planned this upcoming month so check out the link to this month's event post below to keep informed of forthcoming CT Events!





Watch out for a couple videos planned to release in the coming weeks. One is waiting to just be uploaded so you’ll all be seeing it soon!



The Community Meeting Recap should also be going up soon, sorry for the delay but currently just waiting on an upload for the audio so it can be accessible.



Need help? Feel free to contact a community team member via the forums, Discord, or you can use the command /creq in-game and a member can help you out there!


Shout outs

The Community Team - For their hard work over the past month and all the hard work they continue to do.




If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via Discord (saviourmeme) or the forums, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Cheers!

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we should make subrace choices mandatory tbh


they used to be


like what is a "human" or an "elf"


idk i dont want to discourage new applicants but i dont think it did in the days before they could choose "none of the above" either. as long as, once they're writing an app, they can view an easy guide to all the drop down options available (or even just tooltips, shit), they'd pick one. without an issue


that said, and on the other hand, we should have far less "pending-denied" apps than rn. idk the details there but if this suggestion would **** w that, then ignore it. but also focus on getting that figure way down. and that doesn't just mean spamming them with more PMs - but also seeing where pendings/denials were too strict, etc.


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